The wicked have their own wicked grinding

Is there any difficulty in 080?

Life went by so fast that it fell in mid-March in a blink of an eye. At this time, the cherry blossoms in Beijing began to bloom, and white or pink flowers made the whole capital bright, charming and warm.

Lin Yarong didn't say a word to Sun Jingbang about the early cherry trees in the beautiful courtyard of Anwang Mansion.

When she got up in the morning, Lin Yarong told the green butterfly, "Look carefully and don't miss anything again."

The green butterfly answered, went aside, opened the rattan box, and looked at it carefully again.

Green Lan squeezed her lips and smiled secretly: "Madam, you have talked about it countless times since yesterday, and the green butterfly has been checked many times. Don't worry, you won't forget anything. A few days ago, the marquis specially ordered us to prepare this spring thing for Mr. Lin, which has been complete from inside to outside from childhood to outside, and will never let Mr. Lin get hungry or sick in the tribute courtyard.

"Poor mouth." Lin Yarong stared at Green Lan, but then again, she was really too nervous.

Tomorrow, Lin Shaoteng will go to the tribute hospital to participate in the spring. Don't underestimate the ten days of participating in the test. If you are not careful, something big can happen. In the past, in the palace, Lin Yarong heard a lot that there were test children in Gongyuan because she caught a cold at night or ate unclean things.

Lin Yarong is not worried about Lin Shaoteng's knowledge. She is only worried that he can't take good care of himself in the tribute courtyard alone.

Green Butterfly made it clear, closed the rattan box, and smiled, "I prepared another green silk dress from the color clothing workshop yesterday. This dress is warm in winter and extremely light to dry in summer. Madam, don't worry, it will definitely not make Master Lin cold or hot."

Green Butterfly has always been cautious. Lin Yarong nodded: "That's good, by the way, are all the pen, paper, ink and ink ready? Other things can be forgotten, but these things can't be forgotten.

"It's ready. Five copies of each are prepared, and twelve brushes alone are prepared, which are enough for Mr. Lin."

"What about the pills you bought the day before yesterday? Many exams in spring are the most likely to have a stomachache. I used to hear that this stomachache is the most troublesome thing. If it is in the answer sheet, you have to report and be monitored once you go to change clothes. Lin Yarong couldn't imagine that when she had diarrhea, there were several armored guards looking at you. It must feel terrible.

Hearing this, the green butterfly was busy checking again: "The pills are also complete. They are all taken by Lord Ye from the Tai Hospital. It must be better than outside. Madam, don't worry."

Hearing this, Lin Yarong finally took a long breath. Fortunately, she didn't go to take the spring exam, otherwise she didn't know how to deal with it.

As he spoke, Sun Jingbang came in from the outside.

After the green butterfly and green orchid saluted, they quietly retreated.

Seeing the two little girl's forced smiles, Sun Jingbang joked, "How many times has this been checked? Didn't you forget anything?"

Knowing that he was laughing at her, Lin Yarong stared at Sun Jingbang, but thought about it and felt that she was making a fuss, and finally laughed.

"Yes, where's mother? Won't you go out again?"

It's strange to say that since they returned to Beijing, the old lady has been running out all day and doesn't know what she is busy with. At first, Lin Yarong was worried and secretly sent someone to follow the old lady, but nothing happened, but it was not the same thing for the old lady to be outside all day.

Sun Jingbang knew that she was worried and said with a smile, "Mom just went to the old sister's house to sit down. It's okay. Let her do whatever she likes. Jing Song is not at home, and his mother stays at home and has nothing to do. After a long time, people will get sick.

At this point, Lin Yarong has nothing to say. As long as the old lady doesn't make trouble, she can toss around as much as she likes.

Today, Sun Jingbang Muxiu, after noon, he accompanied Lin Yarong to Pingcangfang.

"Mother, this is what he can prepare for Shaoteng to go to the tribute courtyard tomorrow. I'll send a carriage to pick him up tomorrow, so you don't have to see him off. Lin Yarong put all the things prepared for Lin Shaoteng in a rattan box, which is convenient for Lin Shaoteng to carry around, and it will not attract too much attention.

Qin took a rough look: "Do you want so many things? Will you prepare too much?

"Mom, don't think it's more now. If Lin Shaoteng has something uncomfortable, these things can make a big difference." Lin Yarong is not to scare the Qin family. This spring is like a single wooden bridge. If you are not fully prepared, you will fail if there is a little difference.

Qin saw Lin Yarong's serious appearance, and also knew that it would not be easy for Lin Shaoteng in the next ten days from tomorrow. Qin closed the rattan box and sighed gently: "It's not easy for you these years. In fact, it doesn't matter whether Shao Teng can be nominated on the gold list or not. I just hope that all three of you can be safe.

Lin Yarong leaned her head on Qin's shoulder and whispered, "Mom, our life will get better and better in the future."

Qin touched her head lovingly.

"Yes, where's my little sister?" The house was really quiet today. Lin Yarong felt something was wrong since she entered the house. The most noisy little girl Lin Qingwei didn't know where to play.

"I'm learning to be a girl with a girl from the Ma family in the next courtyard." After saying that, Qin took out a knot from the needle and thread basket placed aside and handed it to Lin Yarong, "Here, this is the knot that the little sister made a few days ago. Although it is not very neat, it is also rare."

"Is this Luozi hit by the little sister?"

Lin Yarong doesn't believe that the knot in her hand is the most difficult to win. In those years, she studied for more than half a year to barely fight, but she is still not as good as the one in her hand.

It is rare for Lin Qingwei to calm down to learn from a female celebrity. Lin Yarong does not expect her little sister to become a master in the world, but she has always believed that learning to be a female celebrity is the best way to nourish her, and what she lacks the most is quietness.

Looking up from the window, Sun Jingbang and Lin Shaoteng stood in the courtyard well and talking. These days, Lin Shaoteng's tenderness is slowly fading away, and people gradually begin to become stable, and their words and deeds are not as thoughtless as before. Lin Yarong is relieved that her brother is slowly becoming a responsible man.

"Big girl." Qin suddenly whispered to her.

Lin Yarong turned her head and saw Qin's face mysterious and cautious, and hurriedly said, "What's the matter? Mother."

Qin endured and whispered, "Big girl, you have been married for more than half a year, but your stomach has not moved. Do you want to see a doctor?"

Lin Yarong didn't know how to answer.

About the child... It's hard for her to open her mouth.

Although she and Sun Jingbang have been very close in ** in the past two months, this last step is also the most critical barrier that the two have not crossed. In fact, Lin Yarong was ready for a long time, but Sun Jingbang was unwilling to cooperate. At first, she also doubted whether there was something wrong with Sun Jingbang, but it turned out that something was normal in some parts of Sun Jingbang, and she also wondered why Sun Jingbang did not go to the last step.

She didn't dare to ask or want to ask. She always felt that Sun Jingbang was worried or afraid of something. Maybe Sun Jingbang just didn't want to hurt her.

Seeing her chum, Qin thought that she had asked her difficulties and couldn't help but worry: "Big girl, I know that you have suffered in the palace these years. As long as you take care of this body slowly, you will be fine. Don't worry."

Seeing that the Qin family had found an excuse for her, Lin Yarong simply followed Qin's words and said, "Actually, I have seen the doctor. The doctor said that I was fine, but this body was a little cold and difficult to conceive. But I've been taking care of it recently, and I guess it will be fine in a while.

This woman is cold and it is really not easy to conceive a child, but it's just not easy. She didn't say she can't conceive. Qin knew a lot and knew that Lin Yarong was fine, so he was relieved.

Lin Yarong is strange. Why does Qin just think that she has a problem? Isn't it Sun Jingbang's problem? Having more contact with Ye Qiunan, Lin Yarong also knows that not being able to conceive is not only a woman's problem, but sometimes it's more about men.

Qin was afraid that Lin Yarong would mind, so she was busy talking about something else.

It can be seen that the Qin family is doing well in the flat warehouse, and the neighbors are also easy to get along with. At first, Lin Yarong was worried that the Qin family was not used to it. Now looking at Qin's body getting better day by day and the smile on his face day by day, Lin Yarong is also happy.

Actually, she really wants to bring Qin to live with her.

She has been away from home for too long. She managed to stay in the palace for ten years. After returning home for less than a month, she married Sun Jingbang. The days with Qin family were too few. For Lin Yarong, being able to stay in Qin's arms as she did when she was a child has become her best dream.

"Mom, I want to come back to stay with you for a few days." Lin Yarong hugged the Qin family and said coquettishly.

"Do you want to come back? Is it your mother-in-law..." Qin has only seen Mrs. Sun two or three times, but Qin's heart is bright. Lin Yarong's mother-in-law is not easy to get along with. At this time, when listening to Lin Yarong say that she would go back to live in the warehouse for a few days, Qin's first reaction was that Mrs. Sun put on her face to Lin Yarong.

Lin Yarong didn't know what Qin thought, but she probably guessed some. Lin Yarong hurriedly said, "Mom, my mother-in-law is very good to me. Now my family is also entrusted to me to take care of it. My mother-in-law hasn't said a word about me. Don't believe it. Do you think my face looks like being abused by my mother-in-law?

Qin really took a good look at Lin Yarong. I have to say that Lin Yarong's face is getting better and better, and her body is getting fuller and more feminine. She really doesn't seem to be abused. What's more, Qin can see that Sun Jingbang is really good to Lin Yarong, and the relationship between the husband and wife is not fake. But it would be better to have another child.

Qin paused and smiled, "Yes, if you want to come back, come back and stay for a few days. My little sister actually misses you very much. Shi Shiyang, I took her to Pingjingfang to see you.

Lin Yarong nodded quickly and said, "Uh-huh.

"Oh, by the way, speaking of your mother-in-law, I remembered something. I saw your mother-in-law in Dexingfang the day before yesterday. I didn't pay much attention at that time. Now I think about it carefully. Something is wrong."

Lin Yarong was shocked: "Mom, what happened to your mother-in-law?"

Looking into the courtyard well, Qin approached Lin Yarong and whispered, "At that time, I saw that the old lady came out of the pawnshop. Is there any difficulty for the old lady?"