The wicked have their own wicked grinding

083 How is it possible

Bao Dazhu shook his head blankly: "I... I don't know!"

I don't know?

Lin Yarong has a bad feeling, but there is not much expression on her face.

"What else do you know?"

Bao Dazhu should be said to be a smart person. After thinking about it carefully, Bao Dazhu replied, "In my wife's words, the small sentence is true. If there is a lie, I am willing to naturalize as an official slave. Although the little one doesn't know who drove the carriage for the old lady these two days, one of the little one must know.

Lin Yarong didn't ask. She had already guessed who it was.

Bao Dazhu paused: "The poetry and painting girl must know who drove the carriage for the old lady these two days."

Sure enough, it's the girl.

With his eyebrows slightly raised, Lin Yarong whispered, "Bao Dazhu, you can go. As long as you are telling the truth, no one in this family can embarrass you.

The green butterfly handed a purse to Bao Dazhu in due course, and then led the person out of the house.

The housekeeper has been listening. At this time, he also knew that the matter was serious. He came forward and whispered, "Madam, do you want to bring poetry and paintings?"

"Is she back?"

"I just entered the house."

Lin Yarong nodded: "Oh, by the way, ask someone to invite a doctor to come and ask for a female doctor."

Please, doctor? The housekeeper was suspicious, but he didn't dare to ask more questions. He answered and gently left the room.

Lin Yarong turned her head and asked Lu Lan, "Where's the marquis?"

"I haven't returned home yet, but Captain Xu sent someone back to deliver the message, saying that the marquis would return home at the latest."

Lin Yarong breathed a sigh of relief, and she was pecking in her heart. I'm afraid that this matter can no longer be hidden from Sun Jingbang.

After a long time, the housekeeper led the poetry and painting in.

"You all go down."

Lin Yarong only left the green butterfly beside her, and the maids in the room were all sent out.

Maybe poetry and painting have faintly noticed something. At this time, poetry and painting stood pale in the middle of the room with a slightly uneasy look.

I don't know how long it took before Lin Yarong asked, "Poetry and painting, you are a smart person. You must know what I asked you to do. I don't embarrass you. As long as you reply honestly, I can still keep you safe. If you say a lie to coax me, then no one can save you. Tell me honestly, where has the old lady gone these days?

Poetry and painting stood there, trembling all over her body. Lin Yarong saw her open her mouth several times, but she didn't say a word.

Lin Yarong is a little funny. At this point, what are the poetry and painting still looking forward to?

"Wait for the old lady to save you?" Lin Yarong took the hot tea handed over by the green butterfly and took a soft sip. "Actually, the old lady really likes you. If you served the old lady wholeheartedly, maybe the old lady will really praise you in the future. However, you did something wrong. You shouldn't have done this to the old lady.

There was no blood on Shihua's face, but she squeezed her mouth and didn't say anything.

Lin Yarong couldn't help frowning. The more poetry and painting didn't open her mouth, I'm afraid things would become more serious. Lin Yarong couldn't imagine what the old lady had done these days.

The room is very quiet. Lin Yarong's patience is slowly disappearing little by little. She wants to see how far poetry and painting can last.

"Madam, the doctor is here." Outside the house, the voice of the housekeeper came.

Lin Yarong tapped her head, and Green Butterfly walked over to open the door, and then led a female doctor in.

As soon as he saw the female doctor, Shihua shook his body and knelt on the ground, covered his face with his hands, and cried in a low voice.

"This girl hasn't been in good health recently. Please show her."

There was no temperature in Lin Yarong's tone. She looked at the poetry and painting without any sympathy in her eyes. Are you afraid at this time? But it's late.

Before the female doctor approached, Shihua panicked and screamed, "No, I don't want the doctor. I won't look at it." Poetry and painting hugged his body and couldn't help retreating.

Lin Yarong looked at the poetry and painting quietly, but her eyes were getting colder and colder.

Green Butterfly saw that the situation was wrong and guessed that something was wrong. After thinking about it, Green Butterfly first took the female doctor out, then turned around and walked over to help the poem and painting up from the ground.

"Madam, look..." Green Butterfly supported half of her body with poetry and painting to prevent her from falling down.

After a while, Lin Yarong said coldly, "Poetry and painting, it's not too late for you to open your mouth. You know what's wrong with you. If the old lady knows about this, no one will be able to save you at that time."

Green butterfly is also whispering to persuade poetry and painting, but poetry and painting don't say anything but crying.

Lin Yarong sighed secretly. Do you have to talk about poetry and painting until it's out of control?

"Old lady... Alas, old lady, what are you doing! Madam, madam, the old lady is here!" Outside the house, Green Lan suddenly screamed in a shrill voice.

When I heard the old lady coming, the poem and painting suddenly raised her head, with a little uneasiness in her eyes, but more joy.

Lin Yarong didn't expect the old lady to come.

Looking at the poetry and painting, she thought, the old lady is for this girl.

I got up and walked over. When I got to the door, I saw the old lady coming in angrily.

"Mom, why did you come here?"

Lin Yarong stretched out her hand to help the old lady, but the old lady snorted heavily, and she reached halfway and withdrew.

"Old lady, old lady, help!"

I don't know where the strength came from. I broke away from the green butterfly and jumped at the old lady's feet.

Looking at the poetic picture without blood color, the old lady was even more angry and turned her head and gave Lin Yarong a fierce look.

Here, the old lady is hating her.

After the old lady sat down, she first ordered someone to help the poetry and painting up, and then looked at Lin Yarong and said, "No matter what this girl did wrong, if you want to do her, should you call me? First Liyun and then Jingsong. One or two were sent out by you. There is only one girl left in front of me now. What else do you want? Are you willing to drive out all the people you don't like? I don't think you have to bother. Just kill my old bone first, so that we won't get in your way.

"Mom, you misunderstood. It's your daughter-in-law's wrong to say so. I asked Shihua today, but I just want to ask her a few questions. No one will touch her. Don't be angry. The old lady's angry is really inexplicable.

"Don't pretend to be a good person here. If you are kind, why does this girl cry like this?" The old lady stared at Lin Yarong, just like she wanted to eat people.

Lin Yarong took a look at the poetry and painting and knew that she was not a peaceful person since she saw the girl for the first time.

"Mom, why did poetry and painting cry like this? I think you'd better ask her." Lin Yarong looked back at the green butterfly. The green butterfly was conscious and turned around and quietly left the room.

"What do you want to ask and ask me directly? You ask Shihua to come here, just want to ask where I have been these days. Let me tell you, this family can't talk about you, and I can go wherever I want. Also, don't think that I'm a country woman who will squabble me. I have asked people. A woman like you who doesn't know how to honor her mother-in-law, small belly, insidious and cunning has committed seven crimes. I can completely take you out of the Sun family. You don't need to ask Your Majesty's approval. The more the old lady talked, the more angry she became. Seeing that, she would immediately leave the door.

Lin Yarong is angry and funny. Is the old lady demonstrating to her? She thought that the old lady had stopped these days. It turned out that the old lady had been fully prepared and didn't pay attention to her at all.

Lin Yarong simply didn't say anything. She looked up and saw the green butterfly leading the previous doctor into the room. She couldn't help raising a smile at the corners of her mouth. She whispered, "Mom, poetry and painting is sick. She has never dared to tell you. I don't think there is anything wrong with her these days, so I specially invited a doctor to come back today and ask him to help poetry and painting to see what's wrong.

The old lady was stunned and looked at her doubtfully, with a look of disbelief. Then the old lady turned her head and looked at the poem and asked, "Wo girl, are you sick? What's wrong?"

Poetry painting squeezed her mouth and didn't say a word. Suddenly, she turned her head to look at Lin Yarong, and her eyes were full of prayers.

Lin Yarong has said before that as long as she tells the truth, she can also save her life. But now...

"Dun, this is my old lady. Please take a look for this girl. If you have anything, please tell me directly." At this point, Lin Yarong didn't even want to look at poetry and painting.

At the age of 40, the female doctor was obviously used to the affairs of such a large family. She didn't talk nonsense at all. She took out her handkerchief and walked directly to poetry and painting.

Poetry and painting are supported by two strong mothers. At this time, they can't retreat and can only cry.

The old lady faintly felt something wrong when she saw the appearance of poetry and painting. Seeing Lin Yarong's indifferent look, the old lady couldn't help frowning at the poetry and painting.

A faint sigh suddenly came into Lin Yarong's ears. She suddenly looked up and saw the trace of fierceness in the eyes of poetry and painting.

It's not good!

Lin Yarong just took a step forward. Poetry and painting broke away from the two mothers crazily and slammed into the pillar beside them.

The whole room was scared, and some people couldn't help screaming.

Lin Yarong is anxious. It is obvious that poetry and painting are going to commit suicide. Seeing that it was too late, a man suddenly rushed out of the slope to stand in front of the poem picture, but the poem painting was suddenly and powerful, and it was completely unable to close, and still bumped the person in front of him a few steps.

Looking carefully, Sun Jingbang frowned and helped up the poem and painting. He asked dissatisfiedly, "What's going on?"

After a long time, Lin Yarong completely recovered. In the first sentence, she asked, "Are you all right?" She couldn't see that a little person in poetry and painting would have such great strength. Seeing Sun Jingbang rubbing her chest, she couldn't help but worry.

"I'm fine, but what's the matter with this girl?" Sun Jingbang's eyebrows frowned tightly and his face turned blue, which was a harbinger of his temper.

The organic girl on the side hurried forward to hold the poetry and painting. I don't know when the poetry and painting fainted.

"Lin Yarong, what's going on?" The old lady suddenly roared, which scared the whole room to look at Lin Yarong. Several little girl's eyes were full of fear and uneasiness.

Lin Yarong frowned. She really had a headache.

"Dunuch, let's see how the people are doing first?" Irreliance of the old lady, Lin Yarong simply walked to the front of the poem.

I'm afraid the female doctor didn't expect such a thing to happen. She came forward in a panic and raised a hand of poetry painting in trembling.

After a while, the doctor put down the hand of Shihua, and then said in an unstable voice, "This... this girl has a happy pulse."

Except for Lin Yarong, the people in the room opened their mouths and opened their eyes wide. is this possible?






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