The wicked have their own wicked grinding

085 just

Green Butterfly reminded her: "Madam, you have seen that man in Tiliang City."

Have she ever seen it? Lin Yarong was not very sure. She thought about it carefully for a while: "I have a little impression. Why did you suddenly mention this?"

"Because the maidservant met that man a few days ago."

Lin Yarong laughed and said, "Woth, do you want to tell..."

She wants the green butterfly to understand what she means.

"Yes, madam. The maidservant suspected that it might be that person.

I have to admit that what the green butterfly said is completely possible. Poetry and painting are basically serving the old lady every day. There is basically no chance to know other men. Moreover, poetry and painting is all about climbing to the high branches and be a concubine for Sun Jingsong, and the old lady originally had such a plan. Therefore, generally men's poetry and paintings are not paid attention to. Only her cousin often had contact with poetry and painting when he was in Tiliang City. Since the last time in front of the old lady, Lin Yarong refuted the face of poetry and painting and her cousin, and has not heard from her cousin since then. Hearing what the green butterfly said, it seems that the cousin of poetry and painting went to the capital with them.

Lin Yarong asked, "Do you know where the cousin of poetry and painting lives?"

"I don't know. At that time, I just looked at it from afar and didn't pay attention to it. If it hadn't happened today, I really wouldn't have remembered it."

Lin Yarong thought for a moment: "Sent someone to inquire. Maybe the old lady will give the poems and paintings to her cousin. And..." She paused, and she thought of another thing, "Go and check if the cousin of poetry and painting drives the carriage for the old lady these days."

Green Butterfly is a smart girl. Hearing Lin Yarong's words, she immediately realized that from all kinds of signs, poetry and painting may be colluding with her cousin.

"Yes, where's the old lady? Going out again?"

Lvdie laughed and said, "I didn't go out today. The old lady has been in the yard. I heard from the servants that the old lady has been cursing in the room and is very angry."

Lin Yarong is happy. I'm afraid the old lady is hiding in the house and scolding her.

Her eyebrows raised slightly, and she ordered, "I won't go to see the old lady today. You ask the kitchen to boil some fiery mung bean soup and send it to the old lady. Also, keep an eye on the people in the old lady's yard and don't let them chew their tongues everywhere.

Green butterfly answered and waited on Lin Yarong for breakfast before going to the old lady's yard.

When it was almost noon, the housekeeper came to report that Ye Qiunan came.

In the side hall of hospitality, Lin Yarong smiled and said, "Yo, why do you have time to come to see me today?"

Ye Qiunan also smiled and said, "It's just a pair of medicine, so come and see if Miss Ling is better. I'll come to see you by the way."

"Is this the truth?" But I didn't see that Ye Qiunan was very caring about Ling Cailan.

Lin Yarong asked the little girl to invite Ling Cailan over. She asked, "Didn't you go to court today?"

"The noble concubine told me that I went to the palace to see the symptoms. I just came out of the palace. Besides, I'm just a six-grade official of the imperial hospital. Even in the court, there is no place for me to talk. It doesn't matter whether I go or not."

"Don't pretend to be pitiful here. Who in the whole court doesn't know that you are the most important to the prince? I think you will be a great meritorious minister when the prince ascends the throne." Lin Yarong doesn't believe Ye Qiunan's nonsense.

Ye Qiunan waved his hand repeatedly: "Girl, you are serious about this. I dare not take credit for it."

Lin Yarong laughed and saw the little girl coming in without saying a few words.

Ling Cailan basically stays in the old lady's yard these days, doesn't go out, and doesn't know what to do in the house all day. However, Lin Yarong heard from the people below that although Ling Cailan didn't say much, she ate well and slept well, and it was not a big deal.

"I've met my sister-in-law, Lord Ye."

Ling Cailan is a beautiful and smart woman, but after learning the rules for a few days, she speaks and behaves like a daughter, and she can't make any mistakes. Lin Yarong took the time to take a good look at Ling Cailan. She looked much better than when she saw it last time, but there was still a faint sadness between her eyebrows, which made people feel pity at first sight.

"Sit down, sister. How are you doing recently?" Lin Yarong asked.

Ling Cailan said, "Thank you for your concern. I have been doing well during this period. I also learned a lot from my husband. Back in Beijing, Sun Jingbang invited a female teacher to Ling Cailan. The female husband used to give Xi to the patriarch Xi in the palace. She also had some friendship with Lin Yarong. Since Sun Jingbang invited her in person, the female teacher also responded to this job and came to the house every two days to teach Ling Cailan something.

After talking for a while, Lin Yarong found an excuse to leave the side hall and give Ye Qiunan and Ling Cailan a chance to get along alone.

Looking at Ye Qiunan's eyes, he likes Ling Cailan a little, but he doesn't know how deep and how much Ye Qiunan likes it is, but anyway, Lin Yarong still intends to complete Lin Ling. After all, Ling Cailan is a good woman.

Through the drooping flower corridor, the sunlight passed through the hollow window and fell to the ground. It was bright and dark, like a broken white porcelain bottle on the ground. However, when the wind blows, the white clouds will quickly cover everything, but in an instant, it is no different from before.

There is also a row of cherry trees planted in the corner of the back garden next to the east wall. Although it is not as good as the cherry trees in the beautiful courtyard of Anwangfu, from afar, a series of cherry blossoms are also blooming with joy.

Lin Yarong stood there and didn't know how long she had watched it.

Someone hugged her from behind and looked back. I don't know when Sun Jingbang came back.

"I've been thinking that these cherry trees are less. Let the housekeeper call more people tomorrow, and you can see the cherry trees all over the yard in the future." Sun Jingbang only hugged her for a while and let go of his hand. After all, this is not in the room, so that outsiders can still gossip when they see such closeness.

Lin Yarong laughed and said, "But how can I hear that your tone is a little sour?" She seems to remember that she only had the cherry blossoms in Anwang Mansion before Sun Jingbang once.

Sun Jingbang bent the corners of his mouth and asked her, "I heard that Dr. Ye is coming?"

"Well, when I came last time, I agreed to help Cailan with a few pairs of medicine. He sent the medicine today." Lin Yarong looked at the no one around and whispered, "Do you know that my mother sent the poems and paintings out of the house?"

Sun Jingbang nodded: "When I came back, I heard from the housekeeper that the old lady sent people out of the house in the early morning. There was a carriage at the back door. Shihua walked west as soon as she got on the car. As for whether she had left the capital or not, I don't know."

"Then what are you going to do?"

What can I do? Since Shihua left by herself, just think that she has eloped. Anyway, I can't find someone back.

Lin Yarong didn't seem surprised to look at Sun Jingbang like this. She frowned: "Did you expect the old lady to do this?"

"What do you think?" Sun Jingbang asked her, "Do you think I know in advance? Or do you think I did it? However, when the Shu dog barked, I did underestimate my mother's determination.

Does Sun Jingbang know that he doesn't care for the time being, but Lin Yarong still doesn't believe that the old lady will send out poems and paintings so quickly without help. The old lady is not such a decisive person.

However, Lin Yarong didn't say anything more. Sometimes, it's better to be confused.

"Bear by the way, Lin Shaoteng will finish the exam the day after tomorrow. What are you going to do?" Sun Jingbang suddenly asked her.

What else can we do at the end of spring? If you are not ready to return to your hometown or stay in Beijing to celebrate after the Spring Festival, Lin Shaoteng will probably stay at home and relax for a few days.

Lin Yarong thought for a moment and said, "I want to go to Pingcangfang to stay with my mother for a few days." Isn't it spring? The family can just go out for a walk. She can take her mother, Shaoteng and little sister around.

"In that case, you can go back and stay for a few days." Sun Jingbang led her to the corner pavilion in the garden.

"Would you like to follow me back for a few days?" Lin Yarong is also teasing Sun Jingbang. Recently, he has been going out early and returning late every day. How can he have time to accompany her back to her mother's house?

Sun Jingbang sighed: "Oh, I've been busy lately. You can accompany your mother."

If he had known that he would say this, Lin Yarong followed him and squeezed her lips for fun.

The two sat in the corner pavilion and gossiped. Sun Jingbang suddenly asked, "In a few days, the special envoy of Wei Moguo will go to Beijing."

Lin Yarong was stunned and looked up at him.

Who is coming? Mojiru or Dahuru? Speaking of Wei Moguo, Sun Jingbang also has an insoluble hatred with this powerful country in the West. In those years, it was because of the sound of Wei Mo's iron horses attacking Jinming Mansion from the east to west that Mu Yunyan was fragrant and died. Now that Wei Mo sent a special envoy to the imperial dynasty, some things are hard to say.

She looked at Sun Jingbang with some worry.

After a long silence, Sun Jingbang said a person's name: "It's Mojilu, the eldest prince of Wei Mo."

Lin Yarong guessed that it was also him. He heard that the second prince Dahuer had been seriously ill in the past two years. The third prince went to the Youwei further west. The fourth prince was only ten years old, and only the eldest prince Mojilu could come to the whole Weimo country.


"I heard that in the last battle of that year, you captured Mojilu. It was for this reason that King Wei and the twelve divisions of Ximo agreed to stop the war. If Mojiru comes to Beijing, is this an enemy meeting?

Sun Jingbang glanced at her and said, "How many years have passed. Why did you mention this?"

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Lin Yarong smiled and said, "Ah, why can't you mention it? Do you know how jealous these women in the world are of me? They envy me for marrying the best man in the world. Do you know that in many people's hearts, you are a real man? What can be done for 12 years of war for the imperial dynasty? The key is that you can end the war and allow more people to live a safe and happy life. This is a great credit. You are a real hero. This is definitely not Lin Yarong flattering Sun Jingbang. In fact, because of him, the people in the northwest don't have to worry about being bumped into their homes by barbarians one day, and they don't have to live until tomorrow.

Sun Jingbang couldn't help staring at her: "This is not just me."

"I know, but whether you are brave soldiers, you will be remembered by everyone."

Sun Jingbang laughed, but that's not what they said before.

"When it comes to Mojilu, I heard something."

Lin Yarong was stunned. Did Sun Jingbang hear that?

Looking at her with a smile, Sun Jingbang said softly, "I heard that in those years, Mojilu went to the palace and proposed marriage to your majesty for a woman. Lin Yarong, is that you?"

Lin Yarong smiled. Who did Sun Jingbang hear this nonsense? How could Mojiru propose marriage to her, a little maid of honor?

In fact, Mojiru proposed marriage to Princess Eleven.

It's just...