The wicked have their own wicked grinding

091 She is an unfortunate woman

Lin Yarong only smiled and said nothing.

What does she want to do? No, this question should not be asked to her, but to An Wang.

Are you ashamed of her in front of Mojiru just because you want to revenge on her? An Wang is not so stupid and neither so stupid.

After a long silence, Lin Yarong said quietly, "You have to help me."

This headless sentence made Ye Qiunan unable to turn around for a long time: "What's wrong with you?"

"Mojiru was able to make an article about the 11th Princess in those years, and it is difficult to guarantee that Mojiru will not bring up the old things again. So, just in case, you have to do something for me." Lin Yarong knew that Mojiru had recognized her, and King An kindly reminded Mojiru that she is now Sun Jingbang's wife. What would she do if she were Mojiru?

Mojilu met King An before seeing His Majesty. There are many articles in it. Lin Yarong doesn't believe that King An really has a good relationship with Mojilu.

Ye Qiunan saw that she looked extremely solemn, which was different from any previous time. He became more and more suspicious: "Yarong, does he know what you are going to let me do?"

Lin Yarong looked at Ye Qiunan: "Can I understand this as if you don't believe me?"

Ye Qiunan looked at her worriedly: "Although I don't know what you want to do, it must not be a simple thing. You and I are not in those years, and some things must be carefully considered. Don't forget that you now have a family to take care of. Most importantly, you have a father-in-law now and will have your own children in the future. You must think about your future.

Ye Qiunan's words are really for Lin Yarong's thought. In the past, there were some things that had to be done, and they could only go on, otherwise they would die. But now the situation is different. Their direction and goals are different from those in those years, and there is no danger in those years. Now they can choose a safer way to solve the problem.

Lin Yarong naturally understands what Ye Qiunan means, but isn't she forced by King An?

Breathing softly, Lin Yarong said slowly, "Anan, you always know my temperament. I have never been willing to provoke others until the last step. But now this situation is probably beyond my imagination.

Ye Qiunan frowned and thought slightly, guessing a few points: "You... mean King An?"

Lin Yarong tapped her head.

No wonder Lin Yarong looked so heavy. Ye Qiunan looked at Lin Yarong with some sadness and pity in his eyes. In fact, he was not very clear about the festival between Lin Yarong and An Wang, but he saw some things clearly.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Qiunan said, "I don't think you are the person King An wants to deal with most."

Lin Yarong smiled. Yes, the prince has fought with King An for many years, and Ye Qiunan, as the former red man of the prince, is actually the best in his heart.

"With your majesty's love for him, King An has basically nothing to worry about. Moreover, I'm afraid no one in the world can understand your majesty's mind. You and I can't be careless before the prince really sits on the dragon chair. Ye Qiunan was right before. Lin Yarong now has more things to consider than before. She not only wants to protect the safety of her family, but also the safety of Sun Jingbang.

After many years of acquaintance, Ye Qiunan was familiar with Lin Yarong. Seeing that her tone was heavier than that, he also knew that things were not good.

"What do you want me to do?"

Lin Yarong looked at Ye Qiunan and smiled: "Help me make a fake image. I need to pretend to be an unfortunate woman these days. For example, the tire slipped accidentally.

"What?" Ye Qiunan was shocked, "Lin Yarong, do you know what you are doing?" Ye Qiunan is basically roaring.

Lin Yarong still has a faint smile at the corners of his mouth: "Of course, I know what I'm doing. It's an illusion. Doing this is just for outsiders."

Ye Qiunan frowned tightly: "But... but I still don't quite understand."

"Has Mr. Ye Hongqi returned to Beijing?"


"Well, what I want you to do is to reveal my accidental slippery tire. It's better to spread the news to the ears of the special envoy of Wei Moguo first.

Ye Qiunan looked at her and looked more confused: "Do you mean Mojiru?"

Lin Yarong nodded: "If Mojilu really can't forget the 'Eleventh Princess', then what you did for me can at least ensure that Mojiru will not get too close to King An. As long as the two of them are not incongrucent, what they want to do will not go smoothly."

"But..." Ye Qiunan felt that this matter was still inappropriate. "What should I do on the marquis's side? He is your father-in-law. He knows better than others whether you are in good health or not. And I don't think the marquis will allow you to do such a thing.

Lin Yarong's face darkened slightly: "Don't worry about this. Besides, I'm not going to let the marquis know the truth about this.

Ye Qiunan was shocked again, but before he asked, Lin Yarong said first, "I have my own intention to do this. If you still regard me as a friend, if you don't want us to be different in the future, you must help me with this favor."

Ye Qiunan closed his mouth. To be honest, at first, he thought he understood what Lin Yarong was going to do, but at this time, he was not only confused, but also felt more and more strange to see Lin Yarong.

At this point, Lin Yarong was worried at all. Although she saw Ye Qiunan's puzzlement, she was sure that Ye Qiunan would finally agree.

"Are you sure?" I don't know how long it took, Ye Qiunan suddenly asked her.

Lin Yarong nodded.

"Have you ever thought about yourself?" The more Ye Qiunan thought about it, the more he felt wrong. In this matter, it seemed that Lin Yarong was the only one who suffered the most.

Lin Yarong laughed: "When did you see me suffer losses? Naturally, I can keep myself safe. She just didn't say that this so-called peace is just a hope.

Ye Qiunan sighed quietly. Whether what Lin Yarong said was true or not, from the past to now, he has always been on her side. Now why does he need to ask again?

"Ye, leave this to me."

The holy hand of Tai Hospital said that Lin Yarong could not save the child. Who would doubt this? What's more, Ye Hongqi will return to Beijing tomorrow. As long as Mr. Ye helps her, people will believe that she is an unfortunate woman.

Lin Yarong breathed a sigh of relief. But she was not happy at all.

In the end, I still feel sorry for one person.

Sun Jingbang must be very sad!

Lin Yarong sighed gently.


There are a lot of things to do during this period, so it is more unstable. Well, when you are busy at this end, you will repay everyone more.

Love you.