The wicked have their own wicked grinding

095 Don't give up

Lin Yarong has never looked through Ling Cailan.

Except for Ling Cailan's appearance like Mu Yunyan, Lin Yarong always thinks that there are too many secrets in Ling Cailan, including the origin of Ling Cailan.

I still remember that when she was on Siming Mountain, Lin Yarong smelled a faint fragrance on Ling Cailan. At that time, she thought it was a girl's body fragrance, but yesterday she smelled it on another person. The fragrance is very special, unlike the floral or wood fragrance commonly used by ordinary people. It tastes light, like grass, but it feels stronger and more unrestrained.

That's the smell of Mojiru.

She said that Ling Cailan is a master, indeed, a master of disguise.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that she didn't speak for a long time, Sun Jingbang became more and more suspicious. He knew clearly what the king of An sent him two beauties, but why did Lin Yarong mention Ling Cailan?

After a pause, Sun Jingbang said, "What did you find?"

Lin Yarong looked up and was about to talk to him about the strange fragrance. Unexpectedly, Green Butterfly whispered outside the door, "Marquis, madam, Mr. Ye is here."

"Please come in, sir." Sun Jingbang raised his voice and turned his head to look at Lin Yarong. He suddenly smiled, "You and Ye Shengsheng have a good conversation, and I won't participate in the things between you women."

Lin Yarong frowned. This sounded a little ambiguous, but then she understood what Sun Jingbang meant. She joked, "I know you are actually curious. Why don't you stay and listen to us. Anyway, you know a lot about women.

Sun Jingbang smiled and said nothing, scraped her nose, and walked out with a smile on his face.

After a while, Ye Hongqi came in with a smile.

"Mr. Ye, sit down quickly."

Green Butterfly sent hot water. Lin Yarong waved her hand and knocked out all the servants in the room. She looked at Ye Hongqi and smiled and said, "Sir, how's the journey?"

Ye Hongqi didn't answer her first, looked at her carefully for a while, then took out a white porcelain bottle from her arms, poured out a wax pill from it and threw it into her hand: "Insect it with water, apply it to your face, and the red marks on your face will definitely disappear tomorrow."

Lin Yarong's face turned red and she couldn't say a word for a long time.

Ye Hongqi couldn't help laughing when she saw that she was a little embarrassed: "Although it's a boudoir's pleasure for the two couples to have a strong affectionate action in **, are you and your family too intense? There are red marks on his face.

Well, Lin Yarong can't say that she is suffering now. The red mark on her face has nothing to do with the joy of her boudoir. However, she couldn't tell Ye Hongqi the truth, so Lin Yarong had to smile bitterly: "Sir, don't make fun of me. That's right, how's my mother-in-law?"

Ye Hongqi laughed at her again and said, "Your mother-in-law is very angry. But... she is in good physical body and it's nothing serious." After Ye Hongqi finished speaking, she looked at her stomach and asked, "It is said that you have a minor child, but I don't think you look like a minor child. Put your hand on the table and I'll take a look for you."

Lin Yarong sat still and looked up at the doorway. Then she said in a low voice, "Sir, my eyes are as bright as a torch. I'm really fine."

"But people outside say..."

Before Ye Hongqi finished speaking, Lin Yarong interrupted her: "Sir, I'm afraid I'm going to trouble you this time."

Ye Hongqi frowned: "Ah? I said, what are you going to do?"

Lin Yarong smiled and leaned over to Ye Hongqi. Just as she was about to speak, a faint fragrance suddenly came into her nose.

This taste...

After a moment of stunned, Lin Yarong quickly asked, "Sir, what kind of spices do you have? It tastes very special."

Ye Hongqi lowered her head and smelled it in her cuffs, and then smiled, "Oh, it tastes good, doesn't it?" I found a kind of vanilla on Siming Mountain. Originally, there was only this kind of red vanilla called 'Canxia' in the desert of the Western Regions, but I didn't expect it to be there on Siming Mountain. Canxia is the best to make spices. The taste is quiet and long and not too strong. I made some myself. If you like it, I will ask Qiunan's bastard to send you some spices tomorrow.

Lin Yarong was stunned and didn't say anything for a long time. She didn't smell it right. The fragrance on Ye Hongqi was the same as that on Ling Cailan and Mojilu. So, that is to say, her previous prediction of Ling Cailan was completely wrong?

Lin Yarong settled down and thought about it carefully for a while. She remembered that when Ling Cailan had an accident on Siming Mountain, she also said that she was going to go up the mountain to pick herbs. I'm afraid it was this kind of vanilla called "Chan Xia". No wonder Ling Cailan's fragrance was so special. As for Mojiru, let alone say, he comes from the Western Regions, and the spices made by Canxia may be very popular in the local area.

It seems that this time, she is completely wrong.

Ye Hongqi couldn't help but be surprised to see that Lin Yarong not only didn't speak, but also looked worse and worse.

"I said, girl, are you all right?" Before Lin Yarong could say anything, Ye Hongqi grabbed her hand, called her carefully for a while, and then said puzzledly, "You are not sick or disaster. Why do you look like this?"

After a long time, Lin Yarong came to her senses. She laughed dryly and said, "Oh, I'm fine. I haven't slept well these two days, so my face is not very good." Taking a breath, she continued the previous topic, "Sir, I really don't have a miscre, but I can't let outsiders know about this. After all, I'm in trouble, so please help me cover it. Especially my mother-in-law."

Ye Hongqi stared at her for a while, and her eyes were full of doubts, but Ye Hongqi didn't ask anything in the end.

After thinking about it calmly for a long time, Ye Hongqi nodded: "It's not a big deal. I understand. Don't worry, there is no second person to know about it except me." Thinking of what she heard from the old lady before, Ye Hongqi thought that if Lin Yarong did this, she would probably live an unhappy life in the Marquis's mansion of Zhenguo, otherwise why should a woman use such a thing as an excuse?

Lin Yarong was really moved when she saw Ye Hongqi protecting her like this. Naturally, she didn't know what Ye Hongqi was thinking, otherwise she would not have been so happy.

The two had a conversation. Ye Hongqi saw the treetops on the moon and was about to be banned, so she got up and said goodbye. Before going out, Ye Hongqi thought for a moment, turned around and held Lin Yarong's hand, and said with emotion, "Woman, don't always think about unhappy things. Think more about happy things. These days will not be so sad."

Lin Yarong is confused. What does this mean? But it was not convenient for her to ask clearly, so she only nodded: "I wrote down what you said, sir. Sir, don't worry about me. I'm fine.

But this was heard in Ye Hongqi's ears, but it was regarded as Lin Yarong's strong smile. With a sigh, Ye Hongqi didn't say anything and turned around and went home.

Lin Yarong sat in the room for a while and didn't know what she was thinking, and her face became more and more solemn.

Suddenly, she stood up and called the green butterfly in.

"Madam, what's wrong?"

"You arrange to send two reliable people to Fangzhou to inquire. I need to know everything about Ling Cailan, and I can't miss a small matter."

Green Butterfly was stunned: "Madam, what are you going to do?"

Lin Yarong shook her head and didn't say anything. Although she had made a mistake with the fragrance before, she always felt that she had ignored something, and the uneasiness in her heart was getting stronger and stronger.

She is really worried about that woman.

If you don't know Ling Cailan clearly inside and outside, she will never give up.



After entering April, this update has been invulable. I'm so sorry to everyone.

Well, from next week, two more times a day will also repay the love of all adults.