The wicked have their own wicked grinding

115 Long Night

Lin Yarong was sent to prison.

From the Marquis's Mansion to the Heavenly Prison, she couldn't say a word to Sun Jingbang.

In fact, Lin Yarong has begun to suspect that Ling Cailan's death has something to do with King An. Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that King An visited at the right time and happened to hit Mrs. Zhenguo to kill people.

If King An was not present at that time, she would not have fallen into today's field. But An Wang really saw it. She stood in front of Ling Cailan's bed with blood-dropping scissors. Before that, Ling Cailan had just swallowed her last breath.

Seeing such a scene, everyone has only one idea.

She killed someone.

She killed Ling Cailan.

Therefore, King An did not give her any opportunity to explain, nor did he give Sun Jingbang a chance to plead, so he couldn't help but bring her out of the Zhenguo Houfu.

At this time, looking at King An outside the prison door, Lin Yarong had no expression on his face.

"Lin Yarong, I only knew that you were not a kind woman before, but I never thought you would be so cruel. That woman is Sun Jingbang's sister. Even if she looks like Mu Yunyan, you don't need to kill?" King An looked with regret and looked at Lin Yarong and couldn't help shaking his head.

Lin Yarong was still expressionless. She looked at King An and didn't want to say a word.

"Lin Yarong, aren't you afraid? Or do you think you can be fine?" King An took a step forward and looked at Lin Yarong in the prison gate.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Yarong finally said a word.

"Is it something, or do you have something to do?"

"This is interesting, but how can something happen to me? It's a felony for you to kill.

"Did you see me kill people?"

An Wang was stunned and didn't say anything.

Lin Yarong sneered: "When you entered the house, you just saw me standing beside Ling Cailan. Why did the prince say that I killed people?"

"Didn't you kill anyone? Lin Yarong, you don't have to quibble. King An said, "This time, let's see what else you can do to get rid of the crime. Everyone saw you kill." King An laughed proudly.

Looking at King An, Lin Yarong frowned. She really suspected that Ling Cailan was killed by King An.

After a cold look at King An, Lin Yarong walked to the corner of the cell and sat on the ground.

Up to now, her mind is still in chaos, and many things are like a pile of rags piled up in her mind, leaving her at all.

Ling Cailan is dead.

How did Ling Cailan die?

Who killed Ling Cailan?

What does Ling Cailan's last sentence of "be careful" to her mean?

And who is going to frame her?

Why did King An go to the Marquis of Zhenguo at that time?

These problems were squeezed in her mind, which made her unable to distinguish or understand clearly. The fog that had been covering her in front of her became more and more thick, making her unable to see anything clearly.

With a long sigh, it seems that she and Sun Jingbang still think too simple.

But what does the sudden death of Ling Cailan mean?

Lin Yarong only felt a terrible headache, as if she had been hit hard with a sledgehammer. She only felt that her brain was stuffed into a mess of mud, and her mind was full of messy things.

"Lin Yarong, you will definitely be beheaded."

An Wang's voice sounded inappropriately again.

Lin Yarong turned her head and looked disgusted. Why does this man stay here?

She decided to ignore King An.

Seeing herself uninteresting, coupled with the unhappy look on her face, King An couldn't help changing his face and said coldly, "No one can save you this time." Leaving such a sentence, King An shook his sleeves and strode out.

The footsteps gradually disappeared in the distance, and the heavenly prison returned to silence.

There is no sound, it is very quiet.

On the three-foot-high wall, there is a small window at the top, which is square and looks about the size of two fists. Even if it has peerless light skills, it can't get out.

The air gradually becomes turbid, with uncomfortable smells everywhere.

Lin Yarong curled up in the corner of the cell, and she felt cold.

It's too fast, everything is developing too fast.

It's so fast that she has no preparation or strength to deal with it.

Who on earth has such a game?

What on earth is the invisible black hand manipulating? What do you want to get from it?

But no clues were allowed to break her mind.

became colder and colder, and an unknown panic was quietly climbing to the tip of her heart, making her feel scared and helpless.

Sun Jingbang should believe that she did not kill Ling Cailan, even if she didn't say anything, but she firmly believed that Sun Jingbang would believe her. Besides, she has no reason to kill Ling Cailan. If she wants Ling Cailan to die, she will be saved when Ling Cailan was poisoned before, and she won't have to beg your majesty. She is not a madman. She saved Ling Cailan with the extremely precious "Kirin Pearl" and turned around and stabbed people with a pair of scissors. She was neither sick nor stupid. She would never do such a thing.

The only bad thing is that what people see is another situation.

And she is the only one who can prove that she didn't kill Ling Cailan.

Who will be the person who gave her a moment behind her?

Lin Yarong thought about it carefully. This was obviously a game. The sweet and slightly sour smell she smelled before should be a mystery. Someone knocked her unconscious when she was in a coma, and then killed Ling Cailan and blamed her.

This person should be from the Marquis of Zhenguo, who is familiar with everything in the house and also familiar with her whereabouts, otherwise she would not have happened to go to Ling Cailan's yard.

What does this mean?

There is also an invisible black hand in the town's Houfu, secretly controlling everything.

Lin Yarong suddenly realized that she had made a mistake before.

When Ling Cailan was poisoned, she just thought that someone wanted to deal with Sun Jingbang, and she thought of protecting Sun Jingbang from harm and ignored something.

In fact, from the beginning, there was only one person to deal with, Ling Cailan.

Poisoning is not accidental or wanting to achieve any purpose through Ling Cailan. It's just the simplest reason. Some people want Ling Cailan to die.

However, this makes Lin Yarong think of another question. Why does someone want Ling Cailan to die? An orphan girl with no background and power, why does anyone want her to die?

What on earth is Ling Cailan hiding from her and Sun Jingbang? Will there be anything hidden behind the identity of Ling Cailan's orphan girl?

Too many questions make Lin Yarong feel more and more uneasy. The mud in my mind became more and more cloudy.

However, she knew that she couldn't just leave it like this. She knew that everything, especially when she was now in prison, was inseparable from Ling Cailan. She has to figure out a clue, but where should she start?

She couldn't help sighing.

"Yarong!" A voice came.

Lin Yarong didn't expect Ye Qiunan to come.

"Anan, you...why are you here?" Seeing Ye Qiunan really surprised Lin Yarong. It was only about an hour before and after this, but looking at Ye Qiunan's look, he seemed to know everything.

Ye Qiunan's face was full of worry. He looked at her for a long time before Changsu breathed a sigh of relief: "You don't know. When the marquis came to me, I was almost scared to death when I heard that something had happened to you. What the hell is going on?" People who were still fine in the morning, in less than a day, Lin Yarong was thrown into prison for murder, and Ye Qiunan only felt incredible.

Lin Yarong didn't hear what he said clearly. She was stunned for a moment and said, "You... you just said that the marquis will come to you?"

Actually, the first person who should come to see her should be Sun Jingbang.

Ye Qiunan nodded: "The marquis wants to see you, but... But you also know that the marquis's mansion is now in chaos. I heard that your mother-in-law has fainted twice, and your mother and your brother have to find someone to stare at you. There are so many things inside and outside. I'm afraid this The marquis can't come for a while.

Lin Yarong understands that after all, so many things have happened tonight. Ling Cailan's death is not only a matter of the Marquis of Zhenguo, but also other things.

She understands Sun Jingbang's difficulties. In the current form, he really can't get rid of it.

But I don't know why, but there is still unspeakable sadness in my heart.

Concentration, Lin Yarong asked, "Have you heard anything?"

Ye Qiunan shook his head: "I haven't heard anything for the time being, but your matter is a big deal. As you know, there is King An..." Ye Qiunan paused and seemed to have something difficult to say.

Lin Yarong understood what Ye Qiunan wanted to say, contributing to the waves in the king of An. She didn't have to wait until dawn tomorrow. I'm afraid that tonight, her murder will be known by the whole capital.

And King An seems to be happy to see such a result.

In the past few days, people in Beijing know that Lin Yarong is a villain, and such a villain suddenly killed her rival, which seems reasonable. No one will sympathize with Lin Yarong, but everyone will hate her.

When such a result appears, it can be imagined that Lin Yarong is already at a low end and has no chance to turn the table in this battle.

Who designed all this?

Lin Yarong really wants to know who secretly planned all this and put everyone in an extremely delicate position.

Maybe she was wrong again.

In fact, the person the black hand really wants to deal with is not Sun Jingbang or Ling Cailan, but she, just Lin Yarong.

She is moving towards an unknown trap step by step.

After not seeing her speak for a long time, an anxious and worried look appeared on Ye Qiunan's face: "Yarong, I can't stay for too long. Here is a cotton-padded coat and a fur coat, which was specially asked by the marquis to bring to you. Here are some clean water and food, and this bottle of medicine I made. You can take two of them to protect you from cold and avoid mosquito bites. Ye Qiunan handed the things in his hand from the fence to her, and did not forget to tell her to be careful at night.

Finally, Ye Qiunan looked around and lowered his voice and said, "Don't worry, and don't worry about your mother and your family. The marquis will take care of everything. By dawn tomorrow, we will enter the palace immediately. With the prince... and your majesty here, you will be fine."

Lin Yarong nodded. In fact, she was really not afraid. With Sun Jingbang, she had never been afraid. As for what King An said about beheading, she doesn't care. On the one side, she didn't kill Ling Cailan, and on the other side, as Ye Qiunan said, there are still the prince and His Majesty behind her. Who dares to touch her?

The only thing she can't rest assured about is her mother and sister, and Sun Jingbang.

If all this is only for her alone, Lin Yarong actually has a way to go, but she doesn't want to go that far. Unless she has no way back, she will keep going.

"Anan, you don't have to worry about me. I can't rest assured, so... So I want to ask you to take care of him for me, especially tomorrow morning, after you enter the palace, if he says something nonsense in front of your majesty, you must stop him."

Ye Qiunan nodded and wanted to say a few words, but the prison head couldn't help urging outside. Finally, Ye Qiunan had to hurriedly say, "I have punched the people outside this cell, and I won't be too embarrassed by you. Anyway, be careful."

"Okay, I know."

Lin Yarong answered, and then watched Ye Qiunan turn around and go out step by step.

The silver moonlight cast in from the narrow window on the wall and drew a small white light on the ground.

Lin Yarong wrapped her tight fur coat and poured two pills out of the white porcelain bottle and fed them to her mouth.

She doesn't know what time it is, but she knows that it will be a long and long night.

The only thing she can do is to wait for the dawn and the first ray of sunlight to break through the endless darkness.

But this night is too long.