The wicked have their own wicked grinding

121 wolf

Sun Jingbang stared at Ye Hongqi, looking confused and puzzled.

After a while, he came to his senses and laughed at himself. It seemed that he didn't sleep well last night, otherwise how could he have hallucinations before dawn?


Ye Hongqi saw through Sun Jingbang's distrust of her at a glance and breathed gently. Ye Hongqi said again, "Marquis, Lin Yarong is really not dead. She is not dead."

This time, Sun Jingbang heard it clearly.

Lin, Ya, Rong, no, dead.

A stunned look appeared on his face again, but then there was joy.


Sun Jingbang was skeptical, and he looked up at the Qin family.

Qin looked at him and nodded slowly.

As if he suddenly lost his center of gravity, Sun Jingbang suddenly retreated a few steps and sat down in a chair. He looked at Qin and asked tremblingly, "Mom, didn't you... lie to me?"

Qin sighed, "Son, not to mention you, it's me... But I still don't believe it now. However, the man lying in the coffin is not Yarong. I'm sure it's not Yarong.

Ye Hongqi coughed gently and said, "Although there is basically no human shape in the corpse, the burning of the left hand is not very serious. I speculate that it may be that something knocked down from the roof on the arm at that time, so the left hand is not completely burned like anywhere else to see the original appearance. Just now, when Mrs. Lin went to change the girl's clothes, she noticed that there was a red mark on the left arm of the body near the armpit. I saw that the mark must be a birthmark, and Mrs. Lin said that Yarong did not have the birthmark on her body.

Sun Jingbang thought about it carefully. Although he and Lin Yarong are not husband and wife, they are also familiar with each other's bodies. In the place mentioned by Ye Hongqi, Lin Yarong really has no birthmark. In fact, Lin Yarong does not have a birthmark or a mole.

I don't know why, Sun Jingbang breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he was already sure of one thing. Ye Hongqi and Qin did not lie to him.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Ye Hongqi thought that Sun Jingbang still didn't believe it, and said, "If you still don't believe it, I have other evidence to prove that the person lying in the back hall coffin is not Yarong."

Sun Jingbang said quickly, "Sir, please speak."

Ye Hongqi's face looked embarrassed again. She took a look at Qin, and then said, "Last year, when Yarong talked to me about the past, she accidentally said that her teeth had been interrupted in the palace in the early years, that is to say, the two leftmost teeth in Yarong's mouth should only Half, but I've seen the corpse. All the teeth are complete, and none of them are broken.

Sun Jingbang obviously doesn't know that there are still teeth in it, but what does this mean?

Seeing that Qin and Sun Jingbang are equally puzzled, Ye Hongqi explained: "The marquis may not know much about it if he has never studied medicine. This person's teeth will basically not grow after the age of 13 or 14 years old, that is to say, the broken teeth of adults will not grow again like children. If they are broken, they will be broken. If they are removed, they will be removed. Then, there will never be a second new tooth in the empty place. Yarong had two teeth damaged in an accident, and he would never grow back after a few years. Although the fire can make the flesh and flesh of people burn away, the bones and teeth will not decay with the decay of the flesh. So I dare to say that it is by no means Lin Yarong with the good teeth of the girl in the coffin.

If there may be fake birthmarks or other reasons, then Sun Jingbang can no longer find any excuse for Ye Hongqi's words at this time.

He can't describe his enthusiasm and joy in this time in any words. He wants to thank God, Buddha, the ancestors of the Sun family and the Lin family, Lin Yarong is alive. What else can make people so happy?

Sun Jingbang can't speak for a long time. Life is so up and down, too sad and happy. He doesn't know how to describe his inner thoughts.

Qin and Ye Hong were not like him. In addition to their happiness, they thought of another thing. The corpse in the coffin in the back hall is not Lin Yarong's words, so where is Lin Yarong's woman now? Are people alive or dead?

No one knows.

Sun Jingbang soon realized this problem and calmed down. He asked in a low voice, "Mother, sir, who else knows that Yarong is not dead?"

Qin said, "Just me, you and Mr. Ye know."

Sun Jingbang nodded: "Mom, Mr. Ye, I hope you don't mention the fact that Yarong is not dead to anyone."

Qin doesn't understand that it's a good thing that Lin Yarong is not dead. Even if she doesn't know where she is now, why can't she say it?

Ye Hongqi understood a little. She said, "Don't worry, marquis. I know what to say and what not to say."

Qin still didn't understand, but when he saw the heavy look on Sun Jingbang's face, he swallowed back what he wanted to ask. After a while, Qin said, "I know. I won't tell anyone, and I won't even mention Shaoteng and my little sister. It's just..."

"Mother, don't worry, I promise you that I will bring Yarong back no matter the ends of the earth."

When Qin saw that Sun Jingbang understood what she meant, she couldn't help sighing gently. She silently prayed to the Buddha in her heart that he would bless Lin Yarong with peace and good luck.

Sun Jingbang called the girl to help Qin out. Since he can't tell the outside world that Lin Yarong is fine, he still needs to do this seventh law. Because by this time, Sun Jingbang had realized that there were too many secrets behind Lin Yarong's death. Sun Jingbang also wants to know where Lin Yarong is now? But obviously someone designed all this. First, they set fire and then found someone to fake Lin Yarong, but why did they take Lin Yarong away? Does this have anything to do with Ling Cailan's death?

Sun Jingbang has too many questions in his mind, but there are no answers.

Before he finds Lin Yarong and finds the answer, he has to continue today's play.

Maybe the black hand hidden in the dark doesn't know the news that Lin Yarong is not dead. Then, he also has to pretend not to know. Only in this way can we paralyze our opponents, turn passive into active, and find Lin Yarong.

Sun Jingbang's eyes are gradually moving with wind and thunder. This is undoubtedly a war, but it is obvious that he is despised. However, he knew that the bloodthirsty lion would never sleep, which was destined to be a bloody storm.


After Lin Yarong stayed in Jixiang Town for two days, Mojiru took her all the way north. On the tenth day, her cold disease finally recovered. Although she occasionally coughed, her fever had subsided, and she also had the strength to speak and do things. Unlike the days before, she was sick all day, and it was difficult to move her fingers.

And after she recovered, Lin Yarong refused to approach her again.

From dawn in the morning to the treetops on the dark moon, Mojiru has been on his way, and the closer he is to Changdu, the heavier his face becomes. Lin Yarong has not seen Mojilu smile for several days.

Lift the curtain and look out. The night in the north is as endlessly dark as the sea. From a distance, there is no light or light, as if a big black cloth unfolds in front of her.

Suddenly, a few long roars came from the distance, which were particularly harsh in the night, as if something sharp cut through the dark night and stabbed her.

His heart suddenly felt uneasy, his wrist trembled slightly, and Lin Yarong subconsciously put down the curtain.

Mojiru also heard a roar. He raised his head and looked into Lin Yarong's eyes.

"That's the howling of the wolf. Madam, have you ever seen a giant wolf on the grassland?

After a moment of silence, Lin Yarong shook her head: "No."

Mojiru suddenly laughed: "Does the lady know what the wolf looks like?" Before Lin Yarong could speak, Mojiru said to himself, "The sharp ears and long mouth, sharp eyes, and slender limbs, but they ran very fast. The wolf's eyes are cold and cruel, and as long as the prey they are targeted can never escape. They chase you during the day and make you tired, and then suddenly attack you at night when you are unprepared. The long sharp teeth can tear people in half at once, and they can eat a living person's bones in a while.

Speaking of this, Moji Luton took a moment and looked into Lin Yarong's eyes: "Madam, are you afraid?"

"Sometimes, people are more terrible than wolves." Looking back at Mojiru's eyes, Lin Yarong said calmly and slowly, "Even if some people don't chase you and don't let you run away, you can't escape. No matter how you toss around and tricks, you will only fail in the end, and then watch the other party cut open your chest and crush your heart. Prince, are you afraid to meet such a person?

Lin Yarong asked Mojiru, and there was also a faint smile on the corners of her mouth.

Mojiru leaned against her and said with great interest, "What are you talking about, madam? I don't quite understand. Madam, who are you referring to?

"The eldest prince is so smart, how can he not understand? It's just that the eldest prince is afraid, so he dares not admit it. Lin Yarong knew that Mojiru understood what she meant or who she was referring to.

Hearing this, although Mojiru was still smiling, he looked a little reluctant, and his eyes were a little impatient and violent.

Obviously, Mojiru was angry, but Lin Yarong was not afraid.

What the wolf said about ferocity is nothing more than to see cowardice and fear in her face. But how can Lin Yarong make Mojiru proud?

Looking at her for a long time, Mojiru suddenly came over.

"A woman with sharp teeth, since you are not afraid, it doesn't matter if I throw you out of the car and feed the wolf!"

"Prince, please. You'd better get me out of the carriage now. Don't regret it for a while." Lin Yarong really didn't believe what Mojilu said. She didn't believe a word.

Mojiru snorted heavily and then shouted, "Stop."

The carriage suddenly stopped, and the defenseless Lin Yarong shook her body and couldn't help rushing forward. She fell firmly into Mojiru's arms.

Mojiru half hugged her and then looked down at her eyes.

Before Lin Yarong could speak, Mojiru said coldly, "Madam, get out of the car!"

Lin Yarong was stunned. Did he really want to throw her out of the car and feed the wolf?