The wicked have their own wicked grinding

124 It hurts

Lin Yarong is really interested in this legendary third prince of Wei Moguo. I heard that at a young age, he has all kinds of martial arts. Because his mother and concubine is the eldest princess of the twelve parts of the grassland, Dahuer is also very powerful in the kingdom of Weimo. In addition to Mojiru, Dahur is the most powerful contender to the throne.

Lin Yarong looked up at Mojiru, whose frown had not been loosened. Rearuing the inquiry in Lin Yarong's eyes, Mojiru turned his head to look at her and said indifferently, "Madam, do you want to see my third brother?"

What does this mean?

After a moment of silence, Lin Yarong shook her head. She said, "I'm a little uncomfortable. My body is cold and painful. I want to rest for a while." In fact, she was willing to see Dahuer in her heart, but she also knew that whether she said yes or not, Mojiru would not remember that she saw Dahuer or let Dahu see her at this time, so she would rather find an excuse to avoid unnecessary trouble.

As soon as Mojiru heard that she was uncomfortable, he hurriedly said, "After tossing around all night, my wife looks very haggard. It's better for her to rest early."

That's true.

Seeing that Mojiru's reaction was the same as she thought, Lin Yarong smiled and then said nothing.

After a while, I heard the complicated sound of horses' hoofs in front of me. In the blink of an eye, someone raised his voice and said, "Big brother... Brother... it's me." That's a bright and young voice.

Mojiru looked back at Lin Yarong, then lifted the curtain and pushed open the carriage door and got out.

Through the thick car door, Lin Yarong only heard Mojilu and people talking in a low voice. She didn't hear it clearly, because Mojiru talked to people in grassland words.

"Ashaina, what kind of person is the third prince Dahur?" Lin Yarong couldn't help asking.

Ashaina blinked and thought for a while before saying, "The third prince is like the sun on the grassland, warm and kind, and treats the people well. Every winter when it snows heavily, the third prince often cooks whole lamb soup for the frozen elderly and children.

It sounds like a great good man.

"What about the eldest prince? I heard that he is very talented.

"Don't you know what kind of person the eldest prince is? To be honest, the eldest prince is really kind to his wife. Ashana did not forget Mojiru's careful look when she washed Lin Yarong's feet before.

Is Mojiru good to her?

Lin Yarong really doesn't know what Ashana looks like. Mojiru is not good to her. It's obviously interesting to torture her. However, it seems that there is a little difficulty in asking something from Asana's mouth.

Gently exhale. Lin Yarong was really tired. She thought that she would never forget the so-called life and death for the rest of her life. Thanks to Buddha, she was still alive.

tiredly leaned against the cushion, and after a while, Lin Yarong fell asleep.

When she blinked her eyes again, she saw the white ink tent above her head. For a moment, she thought she had returned to the Marquis of Zhenguo.

Where the hell is this?

Half a day later, she came to her senses. She was not in her own home, or even in her own country. This is Wei Moguo, and Mojilu kidnapped her all the way from the capital.

Hearing the noise in the room, Ashana pushed the door open with hot water and came in.

Lin Yarong is still lying **.

"What time is it?" She felt a pain in her throat.

"The sun is already hanging in the middle, madam, you have slept for a long time." Asana poured a glass of water and brought it to Lin Yarong.

Sitting up from **, Lin Yarong looked around, and then reached out to take the water cup handed over by Asana.

After drinking a few mouthfuls of water to moisten her throat, Lin Yarong whispered, "I'm hungry, Ashana, do you have anything to eat?" From last night to now, Lin Yarong has never drunk a mouthful of water or eaten a mouthful of food. She is now hungry and sad, and there is no doubt that she can eat a cow at this time.

Ashana smiled and said, "The prince ordered the ma's meat porridge to be cooked early in the morning. I'll bring it to my wife."

Meat porridge? Lin Yarong wants to eat, but she doesn't want to eat porridge, but... No matter what it is now, it's good to fill her stomach.

She didn't expect that Mojiru came in with food.

"Madam, your meat porridge is here!"

Is this the second child in the store? Lin Yarong subconsciously looked at Mojiru's left arm, and could not see that he was injured under the cover of his clothes.

Following her eyes, Mojiru looked down and smiled, "It's just a small wound. Isn't your wife worried about me?"

Worried about him?

Lin Yarong really doesn't know where Mojiru got such a good feeling. Why is she worried about him? She is not worried at all.

"Please, prince, can you put the meat porridge on the table?" She spoke angrily.

"This is for your wife."

Is Mojiru addicted to pretending to be a shopkeeper? He simply ignored him, and Lin Yarong jumped out of bed with difficulty in her hair. Although she knew that there were many small wounds on her feet, she never thought that those small wounds made her difficult at this time.

Seeing that she was about to fall, Mojiru quickly reached out to hold her: "Madam, be careful!"

In fact, if it was Ashana who stayed in the room at this time, Lin Yarong did not have to do so. She once again firmly believed that Mojiru brought her to torture her for pleasure.

At present, Lin Yarong doesn't care about other food and quickly takes a big sip of porridge.

Mojiru was completely unconscious. He naturally sat on Lin Yarong's side and whispered while looking at her, "Madam, slow down. There are many more. Don't eat too fast..."

In his busy schedule, Lin Yarong took time to look at Mojilu. Is this still the cold and cunning prince of Wei Moguo in his memory? At this time, Mojiru was like a talky mother in Lin Yarong's eyes, talking all the time.

After drinking two large bowls of meat porridge and eating a large piece of dough cake, Lin Yarong breathed a sigh of relief with satisfaction.

"Madam, come and have a mouthful of hot horse milk tea to moisten your throat." Mogilu brought a bowl of oil tea in front of her in time.

Lin Yarong took a look. She didn't drink such oily tea. She turned her head and looked at Mojiru: "It seems that the eldest prince is in a good mood today. Don't you have to hurry today?"

Seeing that Lin Yarong didn't want to touch the horse milk tea in front of him, Mojilu took it back, took two sips, and then said slowly, "I'm not in a hurry today. However, I just received the news from the capital. Madam, are you interested in knowing it?

Is there any news from Jingli?

Lin Yarong naturally wants to know, but she doesn't know what Mojiru wants to do? For no reason, what did Mojiru have on his mind?

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Yarong said, "The eldest prince likes to say it. If you don't want to say it, no one dares to force you."

Mojiru listened to her and sighed softly, "Madam, is it so difficult for you to beg me?"

It's difficult, why isn't it difficult? It's hard to die. But Lin Yarong naturally won't tell Mojiru like this. She just looked at Mojiru quietly.

staring at her for a while, Mojilu looked like he couldn't do anything about you, and then said, "Basically, it's not a big deal, but your emperor suddenly decided not to abdicate. I'm afraid the prince will have to wait a few more years to become emperor."

This is a big deal. How can it be said that it is not a big deal? Lin Yarong stared at Mojiru.

Mojilu smiled at the corners of his mouth: "There is also something about the Marquis of Zhenguo."

Although she guessed early in the morning that Mojilu would definitely talk to Sun Jingbang, she had to admit that when she heard the word "Sun Jingbang", she couldn't help but be excited.

Mojiru suddenly came over and said, "Madam, what's wrong with you? Why did your face suddenly turn red?

Do you have a knife? At this time, Lin Yarong couldn't wait to stab Mojilu with a knife. Knowing why she looked like this, Mojiru still put on an appetizing face.

After thinking about it, Lin Yarong coughed and then said, "What's wrong with the Marquis of Zhenguo? What did the eldest prince hear?

Does this man have to beg him?

Mojilu stared at her for a long time and smiled again: "Actually, it's nothing, but it's just that the Marquis of Zhenguo's beloved wife died unexpectedly. The Marquis of Zhenguo has been suffering from grief and has not been to court for many days."

In Mojiru's opinion, maybe what he just said is not a big deal or a big deal, but Lin Yarong is a big deal, which is a very serious matter.

Lin Yarong hasn't spoken for a long time. It's not her concern that Sun Jingbang didn't go to court. She just thought about another sentence from Mojilu. Sun Jingbang was "sad and sick".

"Madam, are you too happy to cry? I was so happy to cry because I heard that Sun Jingbang missed you so much. Mojiru suddenly said something strangely.

Lin Yarong ignored him. Mojilu opened his eyes and told lies. She was not too happy. She was obviously worried, okay?

I don't know how long it took, Lin Yarong whispered, "I'm tired and want to sleep for a while. Please let the eldest prince go out."

Mojiru didn't say anything or move, just looking at her like that.

Lin Yarong saw that Mojiru did not move, and she didn't say anything. She stood up and slowly walked to the bedside, lay on the bed, pulled the quilt and closed her eyes. She is not perfunctory Mojiru. She is really tired and uncomfortable and wants to lie down for a while, so it didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

Half awake, she seemed to hear someone calling Mojiru outside, and then someone went to the bed and said something to her. Finally, she just heard the sound of closing the door and turned over. She slept even more deeply.

She didn't wake up until dark.

There was dim light in the room, and a small oil lamp was lit on the table. She saw Ashana lying on it and sleeping.

The silver moonlight threw in from the window. Lin Yarong lay in ** and didn't want to move. At this time, there was only one person in her mind. I don't know how long she thought about it. She was sad and panicked. It seemed that Sun Jingbang did not know that she was not dead, and the things that the old doctor handed over in the town seemed to be Failed to send it out. If so, what will she do in the future?

Mojilu kidnapped her, first, to threaten Sun Jingbang, and second, it seems that Mojilu wants to achieve something through her. But if Sun Jingbang doesn't know that she is not dead, what is she worth to Mojiru?

If you find her useless, you will quietly kill her with Mojiru's personality.

Lin Yarong suddenly felt uneasy. She couldn't die and wanted to live.

"Madam, are you awake?"

I don't know when Ashina will wake up and half squatted in front of the bed to look at her.

Turning his head and looking at Ashana, somehow Lin Yarong suddenly shed tears.

"Madam...what's wrong with you?" Asana was obviously scared and stood up and looked at her in panic.

Lin Yarong just doesn't talk. She doesn't want to cry, but what are the wet corners of her eyes?

She raised her hand to wipe it, and then she saw Mojiru rushing in. Before he could speak, Lin Yarong choked and said, "I... I'm in pain. My feet hurt so much."



Today is Monday and Monday, not much to say.

You understand.

The hero has always been Comrade Sun, and Comrade Mo is obviously a cannon fodder male supporting role. In order to cooperate with the tall and strong positive image of the hero and heroine, he exists.

Well, you know.