The wicked have their own wicked grinding

127 change

This child is so coke.

Inexplicably, Lin Yarong had such an idea, but she didn't say anything, just turned her head and looked at Mojiru.

Mojiru also looked stunned at first, but soon, he asked Dahu with a smile, "What do you want her to do?"

Dahur thought for a moment and then said seriously, "I like her."

is really a very straightforward statement. Lin Yarong thought that Dahu was either too naive or too schematic. Although this is very beautiful, it should not be suspicious.

Without waiting for Mojiru to ask again, Lin Yarong has asked, "Dare to ask the third prince, what do you like about me?" She is really curious. Is she so charming?

"I don't know why. I just feel like I want to stay by your side." Dahu looked straight into her eyes.

Lin Yarong hasn't spoken for a long time.

Dahuru turned his head and looked at Mojiru again, but without waiting for him to speak, Mojiru had definitely refused: "No."

"Why?" Dahur looked very surprised, "Brother, didn't you tell me before that you would give me everything you have as long as I open my mouth? Haven't you always liked beautiful women? Since my wife is 'ugly', just give her to me."

Mojiru frowned with an unhappy look: "Dahl, she can't."

Dahuer was also angry: "Brother, it's just a woman. You used to give me a lot of women, but why can't she? There are no women from the south in my house.

Lin Yarong looked at Dahuer. How could she think this was a lovely person just now? It's obviously more annoying than Mojiru.

She suddenly leaned over to Mojiru.

"Third prince, although I don't know how you two dealt with the romantic accounts between you before, how can people be regarded as things and give them to them? Besides, I'm your eldest brother's guest. Is that how your people treat guests? It's really an eye-opener."

Dahul heard this, looked at her, and then at Mojiru. After hesitating for a long time, Dahuer said, "Madam, aren't you my eldest brother's woman? Why are you a guest now? two..."

Lin Yarong doesn't want to ask. In her opinion, Dahu's words behind her will not be too pleasant.

Mojiru seems to be more angry.

"Enough, Dahur, if you are full, go back to your own room." Mojiru's black face rudely bombarded Dahure out.

Lin Yarong looked up at Mojiru.

Mojiru seemed to be very entangled and didn't know what to say.

Lin Yarong only felt funny. The two brothers were more calculating than the other. She remembered Ashana's words, and Dahu was not as gentle as rumored. That teenager is actually a terrible person.

I don't know how long it took, Mojiru said, "Dahu is just that kind of temperament, madam, don't care."

Lin Yarong turned her head and looked at him with a smile: "Women are really..." She paused, "I don't know if I'm like an object in the eyes of the eldest prince, and can be sent around casually?"

Mojilu's face is not good: "Madam, please don't get me wrong. Those are just Dahuru talking nonsense. I'm not that kind of person. In my eyes, madam... madam should be cherished.

Lin Yarong looked at Mojilu for a long time.

This is really a beautiful word. Sun Jingbang can't say such sweet words. The man has never said much. Lin Yarong smiled and then said nothing.

She thinks Dahur is funny, but why is Mojiru not funny? What does it mean to say that to her?

Recently, she seems to be more and more unable to understand Mojiru.

Although Lin Yarong didn't speak, just looking at her face, Mojiru also knew that she didn't take his words seriously. Somehow, Mojiru's heart was sour, but only for a moment, he settled down and whispered, "Madam, take a break. After half an hour, we will set off on our way."

"How far is it from here to Changdu?"

"There are still seven days away."

Does it take another seven days?

Seeing that she frowned and said nothing, Mojiru asked with concern, "What's wrong? Does your foot hurt again?"

Lin Yarong shook her head and asked, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen General Huyan these days. Didn't he go all the way out with us? Isn't it... the general has returned to Changdu in advance?"

Mojiru looked at her with an unfathomable look.

Sure enough, sure enough.

She felt something was wrong. Dahu suddenly appeared at such a post without a village for no reason. It was impossible for her to pick up Mojilu because of brotherhood. What happened in Changdu?

Mojiru lowered his body and put his forehead almost against her: "Madam, what do you want to know?" The breath he spoke gently hit her face.

leaned back slightly, and Lin Yarong asked, "Will the eldest prince tell me?"

"Madam doesn't try, how do you know if I will say it?"

"Then what can I ask?"

Mojiru smiled gently: "What do you think, madam?"

This is really a weird conversation. Is it lowering your head first than anyone else?

Lin Yarong has a lot of questions, but...

She can't ask yet.

She reached out and pushed Mojiru away a little, while Mojiru straightened up and grabbed her hand in the palm of his hand.

Lin Yarong frowned again. Are the people of Wei Moguo very casual, and this male and female defense is not as serious as the Central Plains? But no matter how casual it is, Lin Yarong is still not used to being touched like this. Without waiting for a struggle, Mojiru gently squeezed her hand and then let go.

"Madam, take a rest! I'll come to see you later." After saying that, Mojiru turned out of the room.

Looking at his back, Lin Yarong realized that Mojilu was very worried. After thinking about it, it should have something to do with Dahu.

What is Dahuer's intention?

After Mojilu withdrew from Lin Yarong's room, he went downstairs to the backyard. Thinking of Lin Yarong's words before, he walked directly to the north. Sure, under Lin Yarong's window, he saw Dahu.

Dahuer kept looking up at Lin Yarong's half-covered window. Dahur seemed to have no feeling for the arrival of Mojiru.

I don't know how long it took, Dahuer turned his head and looked at Mojiru and smiled.

"Brother, don't you really want to give her to me?"

Mojiru looked at Dahur with a gloomy face.

Dahl looked into Mojiru's eyes: "Who is that woman?"

Mojiru took two steps back. He stood in the shade of the tree and looked up. After a while, he said, "Dahu, what's the situation in Changdu now?"


It was only about four days, and Sun Jingbang suddenly woke up.

At this time, it is not yet dawn, and it is boundless darkness when you can see it from the window.

Sun Jingbang sat up from ** and then sighed. After rubbing his eyebrows, it seems that he can't sleep again today.

He didn't light the lamp, just pushed the window open and let the night wind blow in. The wind from the north poured in with coldness and coldness. Sun Jingbang remembered a long time ago, remembered many things, remembered that he lived in the camp when he was a soldier, and remembered the situation when he first saw Mu Yunyan in Jinming Mansion. More, he was thinking about Lin Yarong. At this time, calm down and think about it carefully. Sun Jingbang has vaguely realized something, including Ling Cailan's death, which is foreshadowing one thing to him.

He remembered some things he heard at the post station. Unconsciously, his eyebrows frowned deeper and deeper.

He called Xu Ming out before dawn.

"Marquis, is this?"

When Xu Ming saw that Sun Jingbang handed him something, Xu Ming couldn't help exclaiming.

Sun Jingbang had a gloomy face: "I know what you think, but I think you should also notice the changes in our states and prefectures along the way. Although it is inconspicuous, you can't underestimate it. I guess things have changed. You take this thing and secretly sneak into the northwest camp. Remember, don't let anyone see you. Give the things and letters to Jiang Jing, the document of Zuo 17th Battalion, and he will tell you what to do.

Seeing Sun Jingbang's solemn look and knowing that Sun Jingbang was not joking, Xu Ming quickly put away his surprised look, and then carefully put away what Sun Jingbang gave him close to him, and then cautiously said to Sun Jingbang, "Marquis, the last official will live up to his mission."

Sun Jingbang nodded and repeatedly warned, "Be careful and don't be careless."


Xu Ming took the order and rushed all the way to the northwest camp at night.

Sun Jingbang stood by the window and looked at the night gradually turning white. When the sun rose, it dispelled the cold all night.

Lang Yunling returned to Wanliguan at noon as he said. After entering the house, Lang Yunling said nothing and took out something from his arms and handed it to Sun Jingbang.

At just one glance, Sun Jingbang's eyebrows have never been loosened.

"Where did you get this?"

Lang Yunling said, "This was given to me by a doctor in Baiquan Town."

" Doctor?" Sun Jingbang looked stunned, "Is Yarong injured?"

Lang Yunling gave him a small ornament. Although it was not eye-catching, Sun Jingbang recognized it at a glance that the pendant was the peace charm that Lin Yarong had been hanging around his neck.

"My sister-in-law was not injured. It was really cold. I heard from the doctor that Mojilu and his party stayed in Baiquan Town for two days, and then went north."

Hearing that Lin Yarong was not a big deal, Sun Jingbang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the things in his hand once again proved that he had guessed correctly. Lin Yarong really fell into Mojiru's hands.

After a moment of silence, Sun Jingbang asked in a low voice, "So... did Yarong say anything else?"

Lang Yunling shook her head: "No, I heard from the old doctor that because the situation was not optimistic at that time, someone had been staring at her sister-in-law, who also handed over the things to the doctor in her time. I specifically asked the doctor that my sister-in-law just had a cold, and there was nothing wrong with her.

Sun Jingbang breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he was fine.

Lang Yunling understood Sun Jingbang's worries, but there was another thing, Lang Yunling hesitated.

"Brother, have you heard the news from Beijing?"

Sun Jingbang was stunned and subconsciously looked up.

Lang Yunling exhaled softly and said in a low voice, "The latest news from Beijing, Your Majesty is seriously ill and has been dizzy in bed for many days."

Sun Jingbang's heart beat several times.