The wicked have their own wicked grinding

145 high, really high

"Are you any better, madam?"

Mojilu's voice came to his ears, and Lin Yarong took him a long time.

Seeing her response, Mojiru took a deep breath, and he said, "Madam, you are sick. I have asked a doctor to help you. He said that you are just have a fever, and you will be fine if you have a good rest."

Half a day later, Lin Yarong said with little strength, "Light the light." Her voice was a little hoarse.

But Mogilu said, "Madam, the doctor said that your illness is a little strange. You can't see the light for a while, otherwise you will hurt your eyes."

While talking, Mogilu brought warm water and carefully fed it to her mouth.

After drinking half a bowl of water, Lin Yarong recovered a little. She asked with difficulty, "Big prince, don't lie to me. Are my eyes blind?" Lin Yarong is afraid of becoming self-defeating at this time.

Mojiru hurriedly said, "Madam, don't think about it. No, your eyes are fine. I don't believe it. Wait a minute, and I'll light the lamp for you."

Then Lin Yarong heard the sound of fine footsteps and walked to the door. After a while, a faint light lit up in the dark. Although it was just a little bean-sized light, it was enough to make Lin Yarong feel relieved. Just now, she thought that her eyes could not see.

The light was blown out by Mojiru for a while, and then she heard footsteps walking into her bedside.

"Madam, believe it this time. Your eyes are fine. I didn't lie to you."

After breathing hard, she asked in a hoarse voice, "When will I get better?"

This time, Mojiru did not reply to her immediately.

Although he was ready, Lin Yarong was somewhat uneasy because he couldn't see Mojilu's face in the dark.

"Madam, don't think too much. You will be fine after a few days of rest."

How many days can you rest? Lin Yarong doesn't know what kind of situation she is now. She has taken a lot of risks by taking "long hatred". If according to Mojiru said, she can get better in a few days, wouldn't she waste a poison in vain?

After a moment of silence, she asked in a hoarse voice, "You lied to me again. If it was just a common fever, would it hurt your eyes?" Do you need to cover the window as well? There was no light in the room. If she hadn't seen a faint light just now, Lin Yarong would have suspected that her eyes would have been blind.

"Madam, you are weak, and you are not used to the weather of Wei Mo, so the doctor told you to avoid the light, but it's only today, and you don't have to do this tomorrow. You also know that the weather is getting hotter and hotter. If so, I'm worried that you can't stand the heat.

Speaking of heat, Lin Yarong noticed another thing. She found that her whole body was cold and covered with a thick quilt, which was thicker than the quilt she covered in winter.

Is this the fever? Even if she is not a doctor, Lin Yarong knows that her current situation is by no means like what Mojiru said.

It seems that the effect of the medicine given by Lang Yunling is still obvious.

Lin Yarong, on the one hand, is glad that half of her plan has been successful, but on the other hand, she has to worry about whether she will have an accident with half of her "long hatred"?

Suddenly, she reached out and grabbed Mojiru: "I... I don't want to die."

The cold hand accurately grasped him in the dark, and Mojilu could feel the coldness of Lin Yarong's palms all the way into his heart and across his limbs.

She held her hand tightly. After a long time, Mojiru said in a low voice, "Madam, you will be fine."

At this moment, Lin Yarong knew that Mojiru was telling the truth. If she died, the most disadvantage was Mojiru. She took her from the Central Plains all the way back to Wei Mo. Is it just to fight with her every day? What's more, the war between the two countries is also a sharp blade against Sun Jingbang in her capacity. Naturally, Mojiru is unwilling to watch her have an accident at this time.

Inexplicably, Lin Yarong suddenly remembered a person - Ling Cailan. At the beginning, she had to find ways to save Ling Cailan. Didn't Mojiru say that Ling Cailan was his? Now Mojiru has tried his best to save her, which is also a return.

Although she only took half of the poison "Long Hatred", the poison is poison. In this speech, Lin Yarong suddenly felt that her body was indescribably uncomfortable. Her limbs were not only cold but also began to become numb, as if her hands and feet were not their own, and it was impossible to move slightly.

After a while, she fainted in pain.

At the moment of falling into darkness, she faintly felt that someone hugged her tightly, and then shouted in her ear - don't die.


When the darkness rushed to her, Lin Yarong had only one thought in her heart - no, she didn't want to die, she wanted to go back alive and return to Sun Jingbang.

Dahull broke into Mojiru's study in the middle of the night.

As soon as he entered the door, Dahull shouted, "Mojiru, is your wife better? Have you taken good care of your wife?"

Mojiru had been sitting in a soft chair thinking about his thoughts. He looked up and seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Dahur's shouting. He frowned and said, "Have you seen your mother today?"

Seeing Mojiru Gu, Dahuer wanted to scold him, but this turned to his mouth. Dahuer said, "No, but I have good news."

Hearing that Dahur still failed to enter the inner palace, Mojilu frowned more and more tightly. What good news can there be at such a time? However, Mojiru still asked, "Say, what's the good news?"

Dahur sat opposite Mojiru and said, "Dadakaya is still alive. After his father was seriously ill, Dakaya, the head of the inner court, mysteriously disappeared and no one could find him. I thought that Dedakaya was secretly disposed of by Ipark. Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that today I knew that on the day of my father's accident, Dedakaya secretly hid as soon as he found something wrong. Because no one knew where he was hiding, it was said that Dedakaya was dead.

Mojiru said in a low voice, "Can the news be accurate?"

Dahul nodded: "I'm sure, and according to reliable sources, De Dakaya and others are still in Chandu City, and Iparke is also looking for De Dakaya. If anyone knows the most secrets in the whole palace, I don't think there is a second person except Dedakaya. Why did Dedakaya hide? He must know something, but Ipark doesn't want De Dakota to reveal those little secrets.

Hearing this, Mojiru couldn't help sneering: "That means that we have to find Dedakaya before Ipalk kills his mouth."

"Yes, we have to hurry up. I think Ipak will send one of us to the front line by tomorrow at the latest. There is no candidate for the coach and striker or anything like that. This war is probably the most hasty and ridiculous battle since the founding of our Wei Mo. To be honest, I am not optimistic about this war at all. Maybe... I mean, maybe we will die in the hands of the Central Plains because of this ridiculous war.

Speaking of this, Dahu couldn't help laughing at himself: "Everyone knows who is in Wanliguan, that legendary man."

Mojiru looked up at Dahur. He could clearly see a lot of things in Dahu's eyes, with uneasiness, desire, impulse and a trace of lack of self-confidence.

The legendary man?

Unknown emotions surged into Mojiru's heart. Thinking of Sun Jingbang, he couldn't help thinking of Lin Yarong. What would happen if Sun Jingbang knew that the woman was dead?

In an instant, Mojiru had some strange ideas, but no matter what the idea was, he could come to a conclusion that Sun Jingbang would not stop the war because of anyone. Five years ago, Sun Jingbang would not lose confidence because of Lin Yarong's death five years later.

As Dahu said, this war is absurd and hasty, and it is difficult for Wei Mo to win this war.

After not seeing Mojilu speak for a long time, Dahur asked puzzledly, "Mojilu, are you all right? By the way, madam... How is your wife at this time? Is she better? In fact, it's not that I said bad things about Lao Tian. I always feel that Lao Tian is unreliable. Why don't we find some more imperial doctors from the imperial hospital to show it to my wife?

Mojilu heard the words and looked up at Dahur. He shook his head: "Lao Tian is unreliable, but to be from the heart, who in the whole Wei Dynasty is better than Lao Tian? Don't forget where Lao Tian came from.

One sentence blocked Dahuer speechlessly and flattened his mouth. Dahur sighed and said, "But I heard what Lao Tian means. Madam, this is more or less auspicious."

Mojiru's eyes were a little gloomy.

After a moment of silence, Mojiru whispered, "She woke up in the afternoon, but the situation was not very good. Lao Tian has begun to arrange medicine and should be able to help her.

Dahur heard this and said hurriedly, "It's good for people to wake up. What can I do?" What can I do for my wife?"

Mojiru gave Dahuru a strange look.

Dahur is not a fool. At first, he was stunned, and then said, "I admit that I like my wife, but... but it's not like you. I just feel like a woman, which makes me feel very kind."

Like a person?

I don't know how long it took, Mojiru looked at Dahur and said in a low voice, "Do you mean the little Han girl you met in Koleki Castle when you were a child?"

Dahuer touched his nose and didn't say anything.

Looking at Dahur, Mojiru couldn't help laughing.

"Oc's it, how can I not know what you are thinking? Speaking of this, I think you can really help.

Dahu hurriedly said, "Do you want me to help Lao Tian find some medicinal herbs?"

Mojiru shook his head: "No, you can help your wife find a famous doctor."


Dahur obviously didn't understand what Mojiru meant.

"There is a saying that 'Mingxiu plank road, dark Chencang'. I also don't think Lao Tian is reliable. If we want to cure his wife's illness, we can't all rely on Lao Tian alone. There are many masters in the city. Maybe there are people who can cure his wife's poison? Naturally, that's not the only thing I mean. When we look for a doctor, can we also find those who 'should die but are not dead'?

After saying that, Mojiru smiled inexplicably. Dahuer was a smart man, and some words were enough.

Sure enough, when he heard this last sentence, Dahur couldn't help but light up his eyes, and then gave a thumbs up to Mojiru: "Mojiru, I have to admit that you are an arrogant grassland fox, calculating. High, really high.