The wicked have their own wicked grinding

149 What about your hair

"Madam has always been fine. How can she be poisoned?"

Lin Yarong asked Ashana to invite Dr. Tian, but Mojiru didn't want to come.

Looking at the person sitting opposite, Lin Yarong asked, "I should have asked the eldest prince, what poison did you give me?"

"Madam's words are..."

"I heard that the poison in me is cold poison. Although I don't know if it is the same poison, I once saw it on a person. The eldest prince is not strange. It is Ling Cailan. She was also poisoned before her death. Didn't the eldest prince say that Ling Cailan is your person? Didn't you put the poison on her?"

Mojiru laughed playfully: "Ah, madam, I'm afraid the smartest woman I've ever seen, and I can think of these many things. However, I still want to ask, how can my wife think that I poisoned Ling Cailan?

"Isn't the 'smartness' in the eldest prince's mouth blame me for changing the topic?" Lin Yarong asked. Seeing that Mojiru did not deny it, she smiled and said, "I'm tired and want to sleep for a while. Please go ahead, big prince."

Seeing Lin Yarong's eviction order, Mojiru seemed to be a little surprised.

Lin Yarong is not prevaricate Mojiru. She really feels tired. Even if Gu Yueyan's medical skills are good, the poison in her body will not be completely eliminated in a moment.

After a closer look, he saw that she didn't look well and looked very worried. Mojiru asked worriedly, "Madam, is there something wrong? Do you want me to invite Mr. Gu?

Lin Yarong shook her head. Although she also wanted to see Gu Yueyan and had a lot to say, is it now? Gu Yueyan is right. The disease needs to be cured before you can say anything else.

Seeing that Mojiru didn't want to leave, Lin Yarong didn't want to say anything more. She really had no energy to care about it. After lying down for a while, she fell asleep drowsily.

Mojilu sat aside and looked at it quietly, with an unspeakable sense of bluntness in his heart. In the past few days, he was really uneasy. Although he saw that Lin Yarong looked better today than usual, Mojiru's mood couldn't help sink a little when he thought of those things in the court tomorrow.

Where will this war make him and her go?

As soon as Mojiru came out of the yard, he met Dahuru who came in a hurry.

"How's it going, madam? Is it better?"

"Didn't you go to the palace? Have you seen the sweat?"

In the evening, a man from the palace entered the palace. In less than two hours, why did Dahu come back?

Isn't it obvious that Mojilu frowned without waiting for Dahl to answer? If Dahu sees Zamkha Khan, I'm afraid he can say this for several days.

Dahuer sighed softly: "I didn't see anyone... but I said a few words, although through the curtain."

"What did the sweat say?"

"It's all irrelevant words. Khan asked us to help Ipark and win this war." Dahur looked helpless and spoke in a rather unhappy tone.

This is not what Mojiru wants to know, but he also knows that Dahuru has done his best to enter the palace in such a situation.

With a sigh in his heart, Mojilu asked again, "How is the sweat?"

"Although I don't dare to assert that I haven't seen anyone, the voice of listening to the speech is quite energetic. It should be... okay." Dahlton said, "Ipark has never let us see Khan before. How could he be kind to let me enter the palace at this time?"

"It's not that we will make trouble, otherwise Iparke won't let Khan see us."

Dahul knew what Mojiru meant. He could hear the meaning of this sentence clearly. Inexplicably, he suddenly thought of a sentence, a sentence that southerners often like to say - every family has its own difficulties.

Taking a soft breath, Dahuer asked, "Madam, should be all right? According to Asihan, his wife took the medicine of Gu Yueyan and woke up before the sun set, and she looked more energetic than a few days ago.

"Yes, she looks better than the other two days ago. This ancient Yueyan does have some ability. But if it's good, I'm afraid it will take some time for her to calm down. Just..." Mojiru looked stunned and his frown never let go.

"Just what?"

Dahur looked at Mojiru's face and asked, "Are you... not thinking about tomorrow?" Although Mojiru didn't say it clearly, Dahuru also knew what Mojiru was worried about. What would you do if Ipak really let Mojiru become the coach tomorrow?

Dahuer thought for a moment and simply asked directly, "If you go to Wanliguan, will your wife go with you?"

"I will." Mojiru didn't hesitate at all.


Dahur doesn't understand what Mojiru is going to do.

Mojiru asked, "Do you think it's okay to keep her down?"

Dahu shook his head. If he were Mojiru, he might have done so. But...

Dahur said, "You know, since Iparquedai Khan dealt with politics, how many eyes have been looking at you in the light and secretly. Any wind and grass will cause the speculation of the ministers. If you take other concubines, no one will talk about it, but if you take your wife, I'm afraid..."

"How does love say it's their business? I must take this person with me."

Even if Mojiru loves Lin Yarong very much, Dahur still doesn't understand why Mojiru insists so much. Dahur wanted to know the reason, but when the question came to his mouth, he was worried: "Madam, can I accompany you in this situation?"

Lin Yarong is now seriously ill in bed and can't even get off the ground. This journey to the battlefield is definitely not a good thing for a weak woman.

"She was not in good condition when she returned to Changdu from Beijing with me, but I really can't leave her alone in Changdu." Mojilu naturally doesn't want Lin Yarong to toss around like this, but as he said, he can't leave Lin Yarong in Changdu City. Even if he doesn't consider Lin Yarong's identity, he can't do such a thing with Mojiru's mood these days.

Dahuer exhaled softly: "Well, how can Madam suffer like this? By the way, have you asked her how she got poisoned?

Mojiru didn't say anything. He asked, but Lin Yarong didn't say anything. He really couldn't do anything about her for a while.

Thinking Lin Yarong's previous words, Mojiru asked Dahur, "Am I the kind of person who will poison women?"

As soon as he said this, Dahur was immediately dumbfounded. Did he hear it correctly? What did Moguiru say? Does Moguiru always think he is a good man?

After looking up and down Mojilu for a while, Dahul said strangely, "Did Madam say something about you?"

"Oh, that is to say, I'm the kind of person who can poison women."

Somehow, Mojiru suddenly smiled. Fortunately, he thought he had changed. He had never been a good person.

"Mojiru, are you...are you really all right?"

At this time, Dahu was completely sure that Mojiru was stimulated. He must have been told something by Lin Yarong, otherwise how could a good person ask stupid questions?

Hearing this, it seemed that Dahuru was worried about him. Mojiru reached out and patted Dahuer on the shoulder and said in a rare good mood, "I'm fine. In fact, I have never been as good as this moment."

Dahur rolled his eyes. Good boy, this man is really stupid, crazy.


When Lin Yarong opened her eyes and saw Gu Yueyan standing by the bed, she only felt that she had not suffered in vain.

Ashana picked her up, poured half a glass of water to moisten her mouth, and then brought a bowl of dark medicine.

Thinking of the medicine she drank yesterday, Lin Yarong only felt that her mouth was full of bitterness.

"This medicine..." Lin Yarong squeezed her mouth and wanted to tell her not to suffer such a bitter medicine in the future, but when she thought that she would raise her body quickly and twisted her head, she told Ashana, "Go, bring some dates."

Gu Yueyan laughed and said, "Madam, don't worry, this medicine is different from yesterday's medicine and not bitter."

Thank God, Lin Yarong never found that she would be so afraid of suffering. She picked up the medicine bowl and took a sip carefully, but it was really not bitter. After drinking the medicine in one breath, Lin Yarong only felt like a fire burning in her stomach, and then she found that she was sweating all over.

"Madam, do you feel better?" Ashana looked carefully and smiled, "This face is not as pale as the other day, and people are energetic. Madam, as long as you listen to Mr. Gu's words, it won't take long for you to get better."

Lin Yarong nodded, looked left and right, and asked, "Where's the eldest prince?"

Ashana twisted the hot towel to clean her hands and said, "The eldest prince hasn't come back yet, but it's almost noon, and he should come back."

Lin Yarong hummed, looked up at Gu Yueyan, and then said, "Ashaina, I want to take a shower. Go and ask someone to prepare for it. Also, I'm so hungry that I can eat a cow now. You can go to the kitchen and make something I can eat. By the way, you must do it. I'm not used to other people's food.

Ashana nodded hurriedly: "That lady, wait a minute. I'll tell someone to prepare hot water."

Just as Ashana turned out of the house to call people, Gu Yueyan took out something from her arms and quickly stuffed it into Lin Yarong's hand and whispered, "Madam, remember to find an opportunity to take this medicine at night. This pill can relieve the poison of long hatred. Yunling asked me to tell my wife to be careful and don't worry about his safety.

Lin Yarong nodded quickly: "I have written down what you said. Please bring a message to Yunling and ask him to tell his brother to beware of the third brother in Beijing. The thing I showed him on the day I entered the door was under the cherry tree in Liyuan. Just let him find it.

After hurriedly finishing her words, Lin Yarong looked up and saw Mojiru's gloomy face appearing at the door. She quickly hid what Gu Yueyan gave her.

She didn't forget tonight.

Just as I was about to open my mouth, I saw a man coming out from behind the eldest prince. Lin Yarong's face couldn't help but change slightly: "Delier, what's wrong with you? Where's your hair?"