The wicked have their own wicked grinding

156 How can you be as good

Gu Yueyan, who has always been pretentious, was actually speechless by Lin Yarong.

After being stunned for a long time, Gu Yueyan said, "Madam... don't wrong me."

The more Gu Yueyan is like this, the more Lin Yarong feels funny. She wanted to make fun of him, but she just smiled and said nothing. After all, this is not a good time.

Knowing that Mojiru might be chasing them behind them, everyone couldn't help but get a little faster.

In fact, Master Ashana is not the only one who knows everything about the Wolf King Valley. A few months ago, Gu Yueyan happened to get a map from a drug picker, and in addition to not many records in the core area, everything about Wolf Mountain is recorded in as much detail as possible.

Gu Yueyan combined the map in his hand with Ashina's map and found the safest way. About two hours later, they safely crossed the Wolf King Valley to the northeast of Wolf Mountain.

After finding a safe place to take a break, Lang Yunling jumped on a big tree and looked around.

"The direction is right. After going down the mountain and going east, you will soon cross Tama Station and reach Wanli Pass." After coming down from the tree, Lang Yunling said so.

Lin Yarong asked, "Did you see anything in the west?"

Lang Yunling knew what Lin Yarong meant and shook his head: "I have never seen any pursuers. Maybe your sister-in-law guessed wrong. Mojiru didn't know that we would go from the other side of Wolf Mountain at all."

But Lin Yarong didn't think so. After a moment of meditation, she said, "I have a bad feeling. Although I'm not sure, I don't think it will be peaceful on our way down the mountain. Can we send someone to the front to explore the situation first? It's better to prepare some horses for us to use on the road.

Lang Yunling felt that what Lin Yarong said was reasonable. He said, "Among the few of us, my foot is the fastest. I'll go down the mountain to see the situation first. Sister-in-law, if Mojilu really arranged people to wait for us at the foot of the mountain in advance, in your opinion, shall we grab a few more horses in case of emergency?

How many more horses? Lin Yarong immediately understood what Lang Yunling meant. She shook her head: "No, once Mojiru knows that I have escaped, no matter how many fake I do, he will only recognize one thing, that is, I will definitely go back to Wanliguan to find Sun Jingbang, so it is not advisable to distract him. There are only seven of us. It's better to be together at such a time. After passing Tama Station, I don't think the road back to Wanliguan will be easy. As far as I know, Wei Mo's army and the twelve grasslands have gathered 70 miles north of Wanli Pass. The only thing we can do now is to rush back to Wanli Pass as soon as possible and don't make extracurricular branches.

Gu Yueyan also said, "Brother Lang, what Madam said is that the so-called many people are powerful. Although we only have seven people, we are also a force together. If we really meet the people arranged by Mojiru in advance, we can also find a bloody way."

The other four people standing aside also held the same opinion. Lang Yunling thought about it carefully and said, "Well, what should we do? We'd better follow the original plan. I'll take a step first, and you can keep up as soon as possible."

Lin Yarong nodded: "Be careful."

When Lang Yunling went far away, Lin Yarong turned to Gu Yueyan and whispered, "Sir, can I trouble you with one thing?"

Seeing her solemn look, Gu Yueyan hurriedly said, "Madam, if you need anything, just tell me."

"I know that 'Long Hate' was developed by Mr. I want to ask if there is any poison like 'Long Hate'?"

Gu Yueyan was stunned, and his face looked a little strange. After looking at Lin Yarong for a while, Gu Yueyan asked, "What does Madam want to do?"

"Be prepared for everything. I don't want to hide it from you. I can never fall into the hands of Mojiru again. If I am caught by him again, I'm afraid I can't hide my identity. At that time, Mojiru will take me as an article to threaten Sun Jingbang. Sir is smart and should understand what I mean.

Gu Yueyan didn't expect Lin Yarong to consider these. He subconsciously looked back. He turned to Lin Yarong and said, "Mojilu will definitely catch up, won't he?" Although he was asking Lin Yarong, Gu Yueyan knew the answer clearly in his heart.

After a moment of silence, Gu Yueyan took out a red pill from his arms and handed it to Lin Yarong: "This pill is called 'death'. After 60 seconds, it will be poisoned immediately. Up to now, I have only refined two pills of this medicine, and there is no antidote. If the madam takes it, I'm afraid only Daluo Jinxian can save her.

Lin Yarong can't help but be moved. Just hearing the name, she knows that this pill is not simple. It only takes 60 seconds to take the pill to become poisonous. Maybe it's just a word, and people will die. Desperate, absolutely deadly.

Lin Yarong took the pill cautiously and carefully. She looked up at Gu Yueyan. After a long time, she whispered, "Thank you."

Half an hour later, Lang Yunling turned back and saw the look on his face, and everyone knew that it was not good.

"Although I haven't reached the foot of the mountain, I'm sure that there is a team of soldiers and horses at the foot of the mountain have been guarding the intersection for a long time." Lang Yunling was still suspicious of Lin Yarong's statement at the beginning. In his opinion, even if Mojilu was full of tricks, he could not really expect Lin Yarong to run away.

relatively speaking, Lin Yarong is not surprised at all. I'm afraid that Mojiru has long known that she was thinking of leaving Changdu, otherwise she would not have asked why she was poisoned by Imojiru's personality only once. If that's the case, it's just Mojilu pushing the boat along the water to let Gu Yueyan take her to Langshan to find a hot spring.

That is to say, Mojiru deliberately let her leave Changdu and return to Wanliguan.

But why did Mojiru do this?

Lin Yarong really can't figure out what Mojiru is trying to do. No matter what he thinks, isn't it more beneficial for Mojiru to keep her by his side? Let her go like this. What on earth does Mojiru want?

Seeing that she had not spoken for a long time, Lang Yunling and Gu Yueyan looked at each other, and both of them were uneasy. For a long time, Lang Yunling asked, "sister-in-law, what are you thinking?"

When he came to his senses, Lin Yarong smiled gently and said, "Let's go." It's time to go down the mountain or down the mountain. There is one thing I have to confirm after going down the mountain.

"But..." Listen to Lin Yarong's meaning, is it so generous to go down the mountain? Lang Yunling didn't understand Lin Yarong's idea at all.

Looking at Lang Yunling, Lin Yarong said in a relaxed tone: "It's okay. Let's go."

Lang Yunling wanted to say something, but he couldn't spit it out. He turned his head and looked at Gu Yueyan, who was also confused and obviously didn't understand it like him.

However, seeing that Lin Yarong was not joking and thinking for a while, Lang Yunling said, "Oku, let's go down the mountain." Lang Yunling thought to himself that according to their ability, even if they encountered an ambush, they could escape smoothly, which was nothing more than taking more time.

Since then, the road has been calm and dangerous. After two hours, Lin Yarong and his party finally came out of Wolf Mountain.

"Within less than 500 meters ahead, you can see the soldiers of the lieutenant. Aunt, I'll take people to the front to attract those people away. You and Lao Gu will walk from the west. There is no one there to guard them. Miss Jiang will protect you. Lang Yunling pulled out his long sword and said to Lin Yarong.

However, Lin Yarong said, "It's not necessary. Let's go straight there."

Directly? Just swaggering over?

Lang Yunling was about to say something when he only heard a slight noise behind him. He instinctively turned around and grabbed it with his backhand, and there was a long arrow in his hand.

The enemy found them.

However, when Lang Yunling saw a letter tied to the end of the long arrow, he was puzzled.

What the hell is going on?

Lin Yarong motioned Lang Yunling to give her the letter and carefully opened it. She couldn't help laughing, and then her face darkened and didn't say a word for a long time.

Gu Yueyan couldn't help asking, "Madam, who gave you this letter? What did you write?"

After a long time, Lin Yarong whispered a sentence: "The letter was written to me by Mojiru. He gave me a day to return to Wanliguan."

"What if after a day?" Lang Yunling and Gu Yueyan asked with one voice at the same time.

"He said in his letter that if I can't return to the Wanli Pass, he will personally open the White Tiger City Gate for me." Lin Yarong couldn't help sneering. Mojiru, Mojilu wrote such words, don't you want to say that you will attack Wanliguan and march into the Central Plains Dynasty?

But how can I make you want?