The wicked have their own wicked grinding

172 Why

"Yarong, is it really... really you?"

Looking at the person, after a moment of fainting, Lin Yarong whispered, "Lord Ye, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Ye Qiunan originally smiled, but when he heard Lin Yarong's words, his feet couldn't help but stagnate, and his face was full of astonishment.

"Yarong, you...what's wrong with you? Are you hurt?" I don't know whether Ye Qiunan guessed or smelled the smell of medicine on her body. I saw him looking up and down worriedly, and the worry in his eyes didn't seem to be pretending.


Lin Yarong was still happy to see Ye Qiunan, but when she thought that there was something wrong with the medicine given to her by the man in front of her, Lin Yarong's heart couldn't help sink.

She looked at Ye Qiunan with sadness in her eyes.

I don't know how long it took, and she whispered, "Why is Lord Ye here?" At such a time, do you want to say it's a chance encounter?

Ye Qiunan said, "I just came from Donglin Palace to go to the Imperial Hospital."

So that's it. It's indeed closer from Changxingmen from Donglin Palace to Tai Hospital, so it's just a coincidence to meet here?

Lin Yarong looked at Ye Qiunan quietly. After not seeing him for a few months, Ye Qiunan reduced a lot. Is it because of uneasiness or other reasons? Seeing the blood in Ye Qiunan's eyes, Lin Yarong thought that Ye Qiunan might not have a good time these days.

The two realized that they had never been so embarrassed at this moment. They seemed to have a lot to say to each other, but they didn't know where to start. How could this happen?

Eunuch Zhou stood aside, quiet as a piece of ancient wooden furniture, even without urging Lin Yarong to speak.

After a long silence, Ye Qiunan whispered, "Yarong, I know you are still alive, and you don't know how happy I am. Thank God for giving you a safe return.

What Ye Qiunan said is sincere. Lin Yarong looked at Ye Qiunan for a long time. Yes, his eyes should not be able to deceive people. Ye Qiunan's eyes were full of concern, not like lying. But the meme in Lin Yarong's heart made her unable to trust this man anymore.

She sighed softly and said, "Your Majesty called me over. Lord Ye, please go ahead." After saying that, she stopped looking at Ye Qiunan and walked to the green-top sedan chair beside her.

Epa Zhou raised the curtain of the sedan chair. She bent down and got on the sedan chair. At the moment when the curtain was put down, she saw the sadness in Ye Qiunan's eyes.

The softest part of the heart seems to have been pricked by something. Even if they didn't say anything, they can see a fact from each other's eyes - they can never go back to the past.


Lin Yarong's resting place is in the side hall of the Chongzheng Hall. Is this arrangement convenient to meet His Majesty in a while? Since entering the palace, Lin Yarong has been full of doubts. The fog that has been bothering her is slowly receding, and she is approaching the truth step by step.

But at such a time, she became more and more unspeakable uneasiness.

Is she afraid of something? Lin Yarong doesn't know. What will happen to her when all the truth is revealed?

Looking up, the people in the bronze mirror are pale and thin. Everything she has experienced in the past few months is like a dream, but it has made her physically and mentally exhausted for a long time.

What kind of situation will she face next?

The uneasiness in the bottom of my heart is getting heavier and heavier.

"Madam!" The voice of Eunuch Zhou came from outside the palace gate, "Madam, Your Majesty calls you in."

- Finally.

Taking a breath, Lin Yarong stood up, straightened her dress, and then slowly walked out.

"Hangtray, my emperor."

kowto and salute, Lin Yarong did not look up from head to end, but from the moment she entered the hall, it seemed that every step under her feet was like walking on a thorn.

"flat body."

A hoarse voice came from the front, and Lin Yarong straightened up and thought about what to say.

The hall was extremely quiet, and an unspeakable pressure weighed on Lin Yarong's heart. This uneasiness made her very uncomfortable.

"I heard that your wife is seriously injured, is it better?"

Your Majesty's deep voice came to Lin Yarong's ears. After a moment of hesitation, Lin Yarong whispered, "Your Majesty's grace has been greatly improved."

"It's really a blessing. Madam has nothing to do, and she must be very happy. It's really sad to hear about your wife's death that day. Fortunately, your wife has her own nature. It's really a great blessing to turn evil into good luck.

This word fell into Lin Yarong's ears like an irony. The past of her suffering these days kept flashing in her mind, and a complex emotion rose in her heart, like something stuck in her chest, making her breathless.

Looking up suddenly, Lin Yarong couldn't help asking softly, "Your Majesty, why are you doing this?"