The wicked have their own wicked grinding

177 not good

What do you want to do?

Before the prince's words fell, the sharp knife hidden in his sleeve was close to the prince's jaw.

"If you dare to move, even if I die, I will pull your Highness as a cushion." Lin Yarong stared at the prince without any emotion.

"Yarong, don't be impulsive."

This sudden change couldn't help but catch the prince off guard. I'm afraid that the people in this hall didn't expect Lin Yarong to be so bold.

"Lin Yarong, you are crazy! What are you going to do? The prince looked unbelievably. He stared at Lin Yarong. Could it be that he had never understood this woman over the years? At this time, the prince still didn't believe that Lin Yarong would be so bold that he would enter the palace with a knife.

"Crazy? What am I compared with what Your Highness has done? The crazy person is Your Highness, not me. Lin Yarong held the knife tightly in her hand.

"Don't move!"

Lin Yarong roared, and the Qingjia bodyguards around him were in a dilemma at this time. Everyone's eyes were staring at Lin Yarong and the murder weapon in her hand.

"Whoever dares to take another step forward will kill the prince."

Lin Yarong forced the prince to retreat and leaned his back against a pillar. Lin Yarong shouted, "I'll count to three and quit all for me, otherwise..."

"Madam, you are..." Your Majesty obviously did not expect such a situation. He also looked at Lin Yarong with a surprised look.

Looking up, Lin Yarong snorted coldly: "Your Majesty should know that I am not the kind of person who is waiting to be killed. I can do anything in order to survive. Ye Qiunan, come here." Lin Yarong suddenly called Ye Qiunan. But as soon as Ye Qiunan took a step, Lin Yarong shouted again, "Go, go and bring me the things in Mr. Zhou's hand."

As soon as she finished her words, the people in the hall had only one idea - crazy, this woman was completely crazy!

"Lin Yarong, do you know that you will kill your family by doing this?" The prince tried to distract Lin Yarong.

With a light smile, Lin Yarong whispered in the prince's ear, "Your Highness, why do you have to say these fake words? You really make me sick."

The prince's face darkened and there were signs of anger on his face, but the sharp knife on his chin seemed to remind him of something. He didn't forget that he had never forgotten this woman's means. Many times he was thinking that if Lin Yarong hadn't helped him at the beginning, maybe he would not have been able to live in this man-eating harem, and naturally he would not have been able to ascend to the throne.

But... If it hadn't been for the support of the man behind her back, Lin Yarong would not have gone today no matter how fierce she was. Thinking of this, the prince couldn't help looking up at the man sitting on the dragon throne.

Although he didn't know what Lin Yarong was going to do, Ye Qiunan still took the Kowloon box from Duke Zhou.

"You, come here."

Lin Yarong asked Ye Qiunan to put the Kowloon box less than three steps away from her, and then ordered Ye Qiunan to close all the windows and doors.

At this time, there are only five people left in the hall - Your Majesty, Prince, Ye Qiunan, Duke Zhou and her.

Looking around for a week, Lin Yarong laughed: "It's really ironic. At such a time, it seems that everyone can calm down."

The prince couldn't help saying, "Lin Yarong, do you know what the consequences will be if you are so impulsive? Sun Jingbang knew that you had done such a rebellious thing, what would he think? What will happen to the upper and lower levels of the Marquis of Zhenguo Mansion? Have you ever thought about your family? This is a major crime to kill the nine clans.

"If you hadn't mentioned my family, why would I have to do so if Your Highness hadn't taken my family to force me?" Lin Yarong looked indifferent, "Anyway, Your Highness didn't plan to let me go out alive at the beginning. Since Your Highness didn't have any good intentions at the beginning, why do you need to talk about me? I have always been curious about why Your Highness did this to me. In terms of reason, I am also your person. I always thought that I understood Your Highness, but today I know that I underestimated Your Highness. At that time, even without me, I wanted to board this prince by the means of His Royal Highness. Your Highness is so tolerant and scheming that ten kings of An are not your opponents.

"Since you understand me, my wife understands everything I have done today."

"Do I understand? No, as I just said, I have no idea what Your Highness wants. You tried so hard to kill me. I thought about it. Your Highness should be afraid of those past events. I'm afraid that one day when Your Highness ascends to the throne, because my existence makes Your Highness uneasy. Because I will remind you from time to time what you have done in the past. Lin Yarong only thought of this reason when the prince wanted to deal with her. Otherwise, why did the prince do this?

The prince hasn't spoken for a long time.

Looking at the ground, Lin Yarong sighed and said, "Your Highness, at this time, do you still not understand? You have lost this chess game a long time ago.

The prince was stunned and subconsciously looked up. I don't know how long it took, the prince suddenly said, "Yes, when I asked King An to go to Wanliguan, I knew that... it was indeed my negligence. What a good trick to get the tiger away from the mountain. But..."

But what is it?

When she heard that the prince said that he understood, Lin Yarong suddenly had a strange but unspeakable sadness in her heart, but without waiting for her to listen carefully, she only felt a numbness in her elbow, and then she was hit hard on her stomach. Then, she heard a "ding" sound, as if something fell to the ground.

Lin Yarong immediately became uneasy.

It's not good!