magic weapon repair expert

003 equipment repair!

"Equip damage: 70%"

"Materials needed for repair: first-class refined iron."


The information that suddenly appeared in his mind shocked Lin Feng. He almost didn't even hold the short sword in his hand, and he was stunned there.

"This is...this is..."

After being stunned for a few seconds, Lin Feng finally reacted and stared wide with incredible eyes.

"Equipment Restoration?! This is "Equipment Repair"!!"

Lin Feng even doubted whether he had hallucinations and repeatedly confirmed the information in his mind several times, but it was extremely true.

"This... the skills learned in the game... have also been brought to this world by me?!"

After coming to his senses, Lin Feng was suddenly ecstatic!!

After being excited for a long time, Lin Feng reluctantly calmed down, his eyes flashed brightly, and he quickly thought about it again.

"It would be great if I could really use this Equipment Repair like in the game!! This skill has unlimited potential! There are so many broken magic weapons in the world of cultivation that others can't use. If I get it and then repair it..."

Thinking of the great benefits that this "Equipairment Repair" can bring to himself, Lin Feng couldn't help but be a little excited.

Moreover, not to mention these long-term things, the most important thing is that the emergence of this skill is also of great help to the current difficulties!

The lower magic weapon in Lin Feng's hand has been damaged by 70%. Although it can still be regarded as 'cutting iron like mud', that is only for the mortal weapon. If you can't touch the last lower magic weapon, it is estimated that it will be broken if it can be touched a few times, and if it can be repaired, it will naturally be of great!

Moreover, Lin Feng also thought that in addition to this magic weapon, he could find other better and more useful damaged magic weapons, and then repair and reuse them!

- Lin Feng's 'work' place is a small magic store. Lin Feng has seen many magic weapons, especially damaged magic weapons. It can be said that he sees them every day. Although they are all low-level magic weapons, they are also very precious among low-level monks.

If you want to choose a useful magic weapon, the shop is naturally the most suitable place, and it is also convenient.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but be eager to go to the shop immediately.

But before that, we still need to do an 'experiment'...

Lin Feng looked at the dagger in his hand and put it aside. It takes 'first-class fine iron' to repair this dagger. He doesn't have it at home, but he can do experiments with other things.

Walking to the kitchen, Lin Feng swept around, his eyes fell on the kitchen knife chopped on the kitchen board, and immediately walked over and took it in his hand.

"Equip damage: 20%"

"Materials needed for repair: iron."

His mind moved slightly, and two messages appeared in his mind. Lin Feng's eyes flashed with joy, and he searched around and found a rusty iron piece in the corner - this was a fragment of the last broken iron pot.

He looked at the iron piece with restoration and didn't get any information. Lin Feng thought about it, put the iron piece next to the kitchen knife in his hand, and then tried to meditate on 'repair' in his heart.

——In the game, the materials are directly deducted from the backpack, but now it is not in the game. There is no game panel. He can only guess how to use this skill.

The next second, a surprise scene appeared: he felt that the few true qi in his body had been lost a little at this moment, and then a red light suddenly appeared, like a flame, wrapping the kitchen knife and iron pieces in his hand. In a vaguely, he seemed to see the iron pieces quickly decomposed, and then Integrated into the kitchen knife...

In the blink of an eye, the red light disappeared, and the iron piece disappeared. In Lin Feng's hand, the kitchen knife shone brightly, just like a newly released one.

"The repair was successful."

"Equipment damage: 0."

"No need to fix it."

Then, such a string of information appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

"Success! Sure enough!! Haha!!"

Lin Feng's eyes were shining and he laughed.

There was no doubt about Equipment Restoration. Lin Feng sorted out his thoughts, first went back to the bedroom and took out the seven lower crystals, then sorted out his appearance, changed his clean clothes, and then left the residence to prepare to go to the store.

Now, he is not in a hurry to practice with these spiritual stones, but is going to buy one or two broken magic weapons and some materials. He is going to take a look in the store first. If there is no suitable one, he also plans to go to the free trading market in the east of the city to see if he can find something good there.

"Without the attribute panel, I don't know the specific situation of this skill... This skill has a level in the game. If it is the same in this world, I may only be able to repair the magic weapon level now... If that's the case, I'm afraid I still need to 'upgrade'... ”

While thinking about it, Lin Feng quickly walked in the direction of the store...



zhen qi ge.

It is the place where Lin Feng 'works'. It is located on a busy street in the south of the city, covering an area of several hundred square meters. It is also a little famous in the south of the city.

Zhenqi Pavilion is mainly engaged in the sale of magic weapons, facing the lowest-level monks during the practice period. The magic weapons in the store are basically at the level of magic weapons, and most of them are low-grade and medium-grade magic weapons. There are not many top-grade and best magic weapons. As for the magic weapons, there are also two lower-grade treasures, as the 'treasure of the town store'.

(In the world of cultivation, the level of magic weapons is divided into five levels: magic weapons, treasure weapons, spiritual weapons, Taoist weapons and fairy weapons. Each level is subdivided into four levels: lower grade, medium grade, top grade and best grade. At most and most common, it is naturally the lowest magic weapons and treasures, so the weapons used by practitioners are collectively referred to as ' magic weapons'. As for spiritual weapons, they are all treasures that can be found in the low-level monk circle. Generally, only powerful monks above Jindan can have them. As for the higher Taoist weapon, it is even rarer, and even the old monsters in the infancy may not be able to have it. In terms of fairy weapons, it basically belongs to the 'legend' magic weapon. There are not many in the whole moon cloud continent. Every time a fairy weapon appears in the world, it is a bloody snatch.)

In addition to selling, Zhenbao Pavilion also buys magic weapons, which is even a little better than selling business. Frequent monks sell magic weapons that are not used or damaged. If they can still be reused, they will sell them to other monks. If it is really useless, they will buy them for them. Some mortal 'collectors' can also sell at a good price.

In addition, Zhenqi Pavilion also acquires various genius treasures, monster materials and other 'mbled goods', most of which are refining and alchemy materials - of course, Zhenqi Pavilion does not have the ability to use these materials, but it can be collected and sold to the largest magic weapon store in the city. Wanbao Building and the largest elixir shop Xiangdanfang.

And Lin Feng, a 'shopping guide' in this treasure pavilion, is responsible for collecting and selling second-hand magic weapons.


Lin Feng was thinking about things, but the speed was not slow. It didn't take long for him to come to the Treasure Pavilion and find that the door of the store had already opened and had begun to open. He immediately walked in.

"Welcome, what does this senior want to buy... huh? Lin Feng? You are finally here! You're late. It's not like you..."

Entering the store, there was a polite and crisp voice on the right, but then it turned into surprise. Lin Feng turned his head and saw a beautiful girl looking at himself in surprise.

This girl is one of his 'colleagues' named Liu Cui, who is responsible for the sales of new magic weapons and is quite good.

Lin Feng smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, I overslept in the morning and didn't pay attention to the time. Didn't the shopkeeper come?"

Liu Cui covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Yesterday I just received last month's salary. You must have forgotten the time, right? Fortunately, the shopkeeper didn't come today, but steward Li was still looking for you just now. I'm afraid he will reprimand you later..."

The shopkeeper of Zhenqi Pavilion is a middle-aged man in his 30s. He has been practicing his spirit and has been successfully repaired. Recently, he is preparing to build a foundation, so he rarely comes to the store. Li is responsible for everything in the store.

"Alas, just discipline, as long as you don't deduct my wages... Well, I'll do something too..."

Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders and smiled at Liu Cui. Then he turned around and saw a person on the left looking at him in consternment.

"Brother Cao, what's wrong?"

Lin Feng was slightly stunned, and then greeted him with a smile.

This person is a little thin, with a sharp chin and thin lips. He is another 'colleague' of Lin Feng, named Cao Yang, who is mainly responsible for the acquisition of various materials. He is a little stingy, and his relationship with Lin Feng is neither good nor bad.

Cao Yang seemed to be a little distracted. He woke up when he heard Lin Feng's question. He smiled unnaturally and waved his hand and said, "Oh... Nothing, it's just that it's strange that Brother Lin, who has always been the most punctual, was late today. It's really an accident... Haha! Well, since you have come, you can do something quickly. Just now, a guest came to sell a broken magic weapon, but I picked it up for you!"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Oh? Thank you very much, Brother Cao..."

"It's okay, it's just a matter of raising hands... No more, I'm going to do something..." Cao Yang waved his hand, and then turned to his counter.

Lin Feng didn't say anything more. He also turned to his counter on the left, but no one saw it. After turning around, a cold light flashed in his eyes...

"Sure enough, it's you..."


A glass showcase about 1.5 meters high, two meters wide and more than ten meters long is Lin Feng's 'post', which is similar to the counters in those jewelry stores on the earth, and is also composed of transparent 'glass'.

In the showcase, there are dozens of various magic weapons neatly placed, including daggers, boxing gloves, wrist protectors, armor... There is a common feature, but one common feature is that all magic weapons look a little old, and some are even broken to varying degrees. Damage.

- These are the 'second-hand' magic weapons recycled and resold by Zhenbao Pavilion.

Although these magic weapons are not his own, Lin Feng has seen more and become accustomed to them, but today, when he sees these second-hand magic weapons, he feels unprecedented excitement and expectation.

Standing behind the counter, Lin Feng pretended to check and picked up a black fist.

"Equip damage: 60%"

"Materials needed for repair: first-class hundred-foot black silk."

"Huh? Has it been more than half damaged? Looking at the foreign minister, he thought it was only damaged by 20% or 30%..." Lin Feng's eyes flashed and he was a little surprised. At the same time, he secretly muttered, "The repair material is 'hundreds of black silk'. So this magic weapon itself is made of this material?"

Put down the ring and he picked up another golden wrist guard.

"Equip damage: 40%"

"Materials needed for repair: secondary metal concentrate."

This is a medium-grade magic weapon, which is higher than that boxing sleeve and requires higher materials.


"Equip damage: 30%"

"Materials needed for repair: first-class rock python skin."


"Equip damage: 55%"

"Materials required for repair: secondary iron wood."


"Equip damage: 75%"

"Materials needed for repair: second-class iron-eating beast back armor."


Lin Feng is like a child who gets a novelty toy. He picks up the magic weapons in the showcase and looks at them one by one.

He found that the degree of damage of some magic weapons is not as good as they seem on the surface. Some of them look intact, but in fact they are more than half damaged. Some look broken, but they are actually only 20% or 30% damaged. In addition, you can also know the materials used in these magic weapons by using restoration techniques, which is also counted as one It's a good small function.

While 'checking' these magic weapons, Lin Feng is also carefully considering what kind of magic weapons can help him the most.

"Huh? This magic weapon is..."

Suddenly, Lin Feng saw a strange magic weapon on the far right of the showcase. He was stunned and then reacted, "Oh, is this a broken magic weapon that Cao Yang just bought for me?"

Seeing that this magic weapon was a little special, Lin Feng reached out and took it out. There was also a note under the magic weapon, which said the characteristics of this magic weapon.


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