magic weapon repair expert

007 cruel

There is a saying that 'I have never eaten pork, and I have seen pigs run'. Although Lin Feng only practiced three layers of Qi, he also knows the horror of practicing seven layers of Qi. Seeing Han Tie's situation, he was immediately horrified. He was afraid that when the other party was really angry, he would immediately wave his left hand and stimulated the magic charm in his hand again!

"Wu sw!!"

It is the limit of Lin Feng to stimulate four fireballs at the same time. If you want to stimulate them again, you must first take a breath. Otherwise, 20 fireballs will be thrown directly from the beginning. It is estimated that these four people have died long ago.

The four fireballs, with great momentum, shot at Han Tie from four directions, up, down, left and right, sealing his movements to the maximum extent.

Seeing that Lin Feng actually shook his hand and shot four fireballs, Han Tie's pupils were slightly shrinking, and the shock in his heart was also indescribable. He suddenly gritted his teeth and kicked his legs, but did not dodge left and right, but directly rushed to the sky. He actually jumped seven or eight meters high in an instant and successfully dodged four fireballs!

Lin Feng's eyes condensed, and his reaction was also extremely fast. As soon as he raised his right hand, his true air was poured into his arm armor. With a 'swish', a touch of blue light shot out again!

Han Tie was in the air, which can be said to be full of flaws. When he saw Qing Mang shooting on his chest, Lin Feng couldn't help showing surprise in his eyes.


But immediately, the joy in Lin Feng's eyes solidified. He was shocked to see that Qingyan's dart successfully hit Han Tie's chest, but only splashed a cluster of sparks, and then it was bounced away!

"The armor above the Chinese magic weapon!"

Lin Feng immediately reacted, and his face suddenly sank. He thought that this blow could end the battle. Now it seems that it is a little difficult.

However, Lin Feng was not discouraged. While raising his hand to take back the green swallow dart, his left hand had waved out again, and two fireballs shot out!

After all, I am still in the upper hand. As long as I don't give my opponent a chance to fight back, I can still win with the remaining number of fireballs!


As soon as Han Tie landed, he saw two fireballs flying in. He was shocked and roared in his heart, but he had to flash away in confusion.


But before he stood firm, two more fireballs hit him!

"He just has a brand-new serial fireball! How can this be!!"

Han Tie roared in his heart, and his eyes were full of disbelief. He couldn't figure out how the other party could have a new second-level serial symbol! That can only be bought with at least 20 inferior spiritual stones! Even I have never been reluctant to buy it. I only earn 3 low-grade spiritual stones a month. I'm afraid how can a poor boy who can't even practice afford it!!

No matter how Han Tie doesn't believe it, the truth is in front of him. Fireballs are shooting one after another, and he has no chance to approach Lin Feng at all!

"It's almost time! Even if it is a full serial fireball charm, it is almost used up!! Just fast...not good!!"

Han Tie thought hatefully, but his face suddenly changed, because he found that he was unconsciously forced into the dead corner of the courtyard wall!


Another fireball roared, and this time... there was no way to avoid it!


Han Tie was frightened and roared like crazy. His whole body was running rapidly. With a clenched right fist, it suddenly burst out! In vaguely, it seemed that a transparent air wall appeared on his fist!


With a dull explosion, the fireball was smashed by Han Tie with one punch!

However, Han Tie is also not easy. If it is a real later practice, it is not difficult to block the fireball, but after all, he does not really advance the seven layers of Qi. Forcibly disperse the fireball will consume most of the real qi, and if it hadn't been for the protection of a low-grade magic weapon boxing on his right hand, I'm afraid his right hand It has been abolished.

Moreover, although he was burned by the flames, the powerful anti-shock force still made Han Tie involuntarily retreat and hit the wall behind him with a 'pop' sound!

"It's over!!"

At this moment, Han Tie's face turned white and his heart was cold.


Sure enough, at this moment, a sharp sound of wind came, and a touch of lightning came, instantly shooting at Han Tie's right leg and knee!


Han Tie seemed to hear the sound of his kneecap being penetrated, and then a sharp pain hit him. He crooked and knelt directly on the ground!

- There was no armor protection on his leg, and the green swallow dart shot directly through his knee, ruining one of his legs!

After Qingyan's dart shot through Han Tie's leg, she bounced on the wall behind him and flew back to Lin Feng's sleeve.

So far, the battle has finally come to an end. Han Tie, who has been abolished in his right leg, can be said to have lost his combat effectiveness. Lin Feng only needs a fireball to kill him.

"Wow..." Lin Feng's tense nerves finally relaxed a little and did not launch an immediate attack. Instead, he kept a safe distance and looked coldly at Han Tie, who was kneeling on the ground.

Aware of Lin Feng's unkind eyes, Han Tie completely fell into panic and said in horror, "Don't...don't kill me!! Let me live, I'm willing to..."

"Give me back my ring!!"

Lin Feng directly waved his hand and interrupted Han Tie's plea for mercy and said coldly.

"Yes...yes! Give it back to you! Please don't kill me!"

Han Tie hurriedly took out a black ring from his arms, and there was a bitterness in his heart. When the other party said this yesterday, he only felt ridiculous, but now he dares not disobey it at all.

"Throw it over!" Lin Feng snorted coldly and didn't mean to move forward.

Han Tie's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't expect the other party to be so cautious. He did plan to find an opportunity to fight back after the other party approached, but now he failed, but he did not dare to show any strangeness and threw the ring to Lin Feng according to his words.

Lin Feng raised his hand to take the ring and looked at it slightly. His expression suddenly loosened, and his whole heart was put down - the forbidden seal was still there, and the ring was intact.

Seeing that Lin Feng's expression improved, Han Tie immediately begged for mercy and said, "Little brother, it's my fault that I provoked you without eyes. Please give me a lot and let me live..."


However, before he finished his words, a touch of green light gradually expanded in his eyes. He didn't even have a chance to react, so he felt that his eyebrows were cold, and then he completely lost consciousness...


Han Tie's body fell to the ground, with a look of begging for mercy on his face, and his eyes were full of disbelief and confusion - he never thought that Lin Feng did not even give him a chance to beg for mercy, and immediately killed people as soon as he got back the ring - this person who was scolded as a 'bish' by himself yesterday was like this Heartless!!


After killing Han Tie, Lin Feng finally relaxed completely. The fierce force he had been holding was released at this moment. He only felt that his legs were soft and he actually collapsed directly on the ground.

A burst of fatigue hit his mind, and Lin Feng found that the true qi in his body had almost been exhausted.

In the battle just now, he stimulated nearly 20 fireballs, and Qingyan's darts also stimulated several times. With his three-layer cultivation of Qi, it was already a super extreme performance. If it hadn't been for Han Tie's carelessness to be snatched by Lin Feng at the beginning, it would have been a little longer, and the victory or defeat would have been unpredictable.

While transporting his work and breathing, Lin Feng swept around. Except for Han Tie, the other three had been completely burned to ashes. It can be seen that the power of the serial fireball charm was indeed terrible. Thinking that he had killed four people in this moment, Lin Feng's face was also a little pale and his stomach was a little churned.

Whether it is 20 years of life on the earth or 20 years of experience on the Moon Cloud Continent, Lin Feng had never killed a chicken before today. The first time he killed someone, he actually felt that it was not good at all...

However, Lin Feng did not regret it. In the end, he killed Han Tie, who had knelt down and begged for mercy. It was not that he was really cruel and murderous, but that he really couldn't save the other party's life - the other three people had been killed. If he was kind enough to let Han Tie go, he would definitely have endless troubles.

The world of cultivation is full of killing. Others are going to kill you, but you are still soft-hearted. Lin Feng still knows that you will never live long.

After adjusting his breath for a while, he barely recovered a little. Lin Feng stood up. After thinking about it, he stimulated another fireball to burn Han Tie's body into ashes. At this point, the four menarchic people before have all turned into four piles of human-shaped black ash. As soon as they were blown by the wind, they flew to the corner of the wall and became fertilizer for weeds...

However, in the ashes of Han Tie, there are two things that have not been burned, that is, the armor on his body and the black fist sleeve on his right hand.

Lin Feng went over and picked up these two magic weapons, glanced at them, and found that the armor was really a medium magic weapon, and the gloves were just a lower magic weapon.

In addition, there is no other gain. After all, even if these people have spiritual stones, they will not take them with them. For them, it is just a piece of cake to deal with Lin Feng. Never thought that they would be buried here.

After cleaning the battlefield, Lin Feng turned his head thoughtfully and looked outside the yard, then shook his head slightly and went straight back to the house.


When Lin Feng returned to his bedroom and continued to adjust his breath, in an alley not far from his house, a man turned around like an ant on a hot pot.

This person is not someone else, but Lin Feng's 'colleague', Cao Yang!

The development of the matter really exceeded his expectations. Originally, he was just a spiritual stone who covet Lin Feng for a while, so he colluded with Han Tie's group to rob Lin Feng. He originally thought that Lin Feng would be taught a lesson at most, but when he went to get the 'reward' last night, he learned that Han Tie and others actually killed Lin Feng killed him. At that time, he was very afraid, but Han Tie said that he did not leave any evidence, and in the end, Lin Feng was still 'thundered to death', which made him panic for a while and stopped thinking about it. At most, he just said 'sorry' to Lin Feng in his heart.

However, when he saw Lin Feng again this morning, he was very scared, and then a series of actions of Lin Feng also made him panic, afraid that Lin Feng would trouble him, so after Lin Feng left, he went to ventilate Han Tie and others. Reported.

Although he knew that Lin Feng would really die in this way, Cao Yang 'had to' do so, because only in this way could he be 'safe'.

However, he was still worried and quietly followed Han Tie and others to Lin Feng's house to see the results with his own eyes.

After Han Tie and others entered, a scream soon came from inside, which made Cao Yang happy and thought that Lin Feng had been solved, but when the second different scream came out again, he suddenly felt that something seemed to be wrong...

When the third and fourth screams came out, Cao Yang only felt that his back was cold, and he also guessed that Han Tie and others were cleaned up by Lin Feng!!

"Impossible, impossible!! Lin Feng just bought a broken medium-grade magic weapon and a waste magic charm, and he can't afford to buy more powerful things with extra spiritual stones. With these, how can he deal with Han Tie and the four of them!"

Cao Yang said to himself anxiously, but his heart became more and more uneasy. He dared not continue to stay, turned around and left here in a hurry...


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