magic weapon repair expert

096 Great Harvest

Because these things were collected by Zhang Fangzhou and others, Lin Feng didn't know which collection ring belonged to, so he picked up one casually and checked it.

"Tut, it's really worthy of opening a magic rune shop. With so many magic symbols, the lower three-level ones are all a stack..."

Lin Feng can be sure that the first object ring should not belong to Li Yanghui or Li Ziyao, because the things inside are too shabby for a family head or old family head, but compared with ordinary foundation monks, it is much more 'luxury' - not to mention the magic charm alone is a thick pile, second-class There are more than ten serial magic symbols, more than ten lower three-level magic symbols, and one middle-level three-level magic symbols.

Of course, even the monks of the Li family should not have so many magic symbols on their bodies. Presumably, they carried so much because they came out to deal with Lin Feng and others this time.

Next, I checked two other rings, and the gains were similar. Each one had at least one medium-level three-level magic symbol.

"Huh? This magic charm is doubled. Presumably... It should be Li Ziqing's, right?"

There are more magic symbols in the next holding ring than the previous three. There are two middle-level three-level magic symbols and one upper-level third-level magic symbols. It may be Li Ziqing, the second head of the Li family. In addition, there are several good magic weapons.

"This...should be Li Ziyao's, right?"

In the subsequent Nawu ring, Lin Feng saw Li Ziyao's long sword magic weapon and speculated that this should be Li Ziyao's Nawu ring, but the middle-level three-level magic ring in it is gone, and there is one of the top-level third-level magic charm. In last night's battle, he also used two middle-level three-level magic charms and one of the best third-level Falsman.

"Hey! Unexpectedly, there is also a gathering array? Um, or the second-level array? Not bad." Then Lin Feng was quite surprised to find a second-level gathering array. Although he has a third-level array that no longer uses this, it can be used by Zhang Fangzhou and others.

"This should be Li Yanghui's object ring!!"

After checking Li Ziyao's storage ring, Lin Feng did not find anything about the white tiger soul charm, which made him quite disappointed. Then he picked up the next storage ring and found that its storage space was larger than Li Ziyao's storage ring, so he knew that it should be Li Yanghui's storage ring.

In this Nawu ring, the most naturally is also magic charms, and there are much more than those in the previous few Nawu rings. Lin Feng is too lazy to count the second-level magic charms and the lower three-level magic charms, focusing on counting a few advanced magic charms, which surprised him.

Five medium-grade three-level symbols, two top-level three-level symbols, and one best three-level symbols!!

I'm afraid that even if you deal with an early monk of Jindan, you may not have a chance to win. It can be seen that a family force is indeed much more advantageous than those helpless scattered cultivation.

This is still a third-rate family in a small place, not to mention the big families in large places or sects that are more powerful than the family.

Subsequently, several good magic weapons were found in Li Yanghui's treasure ring. There are two of the best treasures, but there are no spiritual weapons. In fact, with the financial resources of the Li family, it is not impossible to buy an ordinary low-grade spiritual weapon, but I'm afraid that a quarter or more of the family property will be used to support one. For the human family, this is really a little 'waste', and this kind of family power is in a corner, and there are few times when there is a real battle with life and death, so forces like the Li family and the Long family have not spent money to buy spiritual weapons - of course, this time the Li family went bankrupt to buy the white tiger soul charm, which is a special situation.

The white tiger soul charm is not an ordinary spiritual weapon, especially when the Li family has its correct control method and knows the whereabouts of the other half, it is even less likely to let it go. Long before they got into trouble with Lin Feng, and even long before Li Xiao took away the other half of the fragments, they were already thinking about the half of the main fragments. The fragments originally belonged to the Xue family, another powerful family in the city. It was the two ancestors who happened to find the white tiger soul charm that fell somewhere for some reason when they went out. At that time, the magic weapon had been broken into two halves, and each of the two families 'grab' half, but the difference is that the Xue family got the main fragments, while the Li family got a smaller fragments with no power and a note about spiritual weapons.

For a long time, the two families were trying to get what was in each other's hands. Until now, the Li family finally won, and the Xue family was forced to take out the main spiritual weapon fragments for auction.

Originally, the expectations of the Li family were extremely beautiful. They were determined to get this main fragment. After collecting the two fragments, they would find a way to ask a powerful refiner to repair it. At that time, the power of the spiritual weapon will definitely increase greatly. The Li family with such a powerful magic weapon will not even have to be afraid of those two in Biquan City. The largest family with Jindan monks can boldly compete for certain industrial resources. The Li family will gradually become brilliant, and even eventually become the largest family in Biquan City...

It's a pity that the wish is beautiful, and the reality is cruel. The appearance of Lin Feng completely shattered the ambition of the Li family. Not only failed to rise, but I'm afraid that even continued to exist has become a problem - now there is only one Li Yanghuang left in the Li family, and there are not many foundation monks left. The most terrible thing is that it uses four million. The lower Lingshi photographed the fragments of the spiritual weapon and has been heavily in debt. Originally, it was expected to get a large amount of wealth after solving Lin Feng and his 'master', but now...


Lin Feng naturally has no interest in caring about the fate of the Li family. After searching carefully for a while, he finally found what he wanted most...

"That's it!"

Lin Feng held a somewhat dilapidated animal skin in his hand and looked excited.

This is a note, which should be left by the original owner at will, and what is recorded above is exactly the information about the white tiger soul charm!

After reading carefully, Lin Feng couldn't help but be shocked, because in addition to the control of the white tiger soul charm he expected, there was a lot of other amazing information!

"It turns out that... the tiger soul is actually a refiner! And he is also a six-level refiner! This white tiger soul charm was actually refined by himself! That's awesome..."

Lin Feng couldn't help exclaiming to himself. According to the notebook, the tiger soul real person followed a powerful treasure hunting team into a senior cave and experienced countless difficulties and dangers in it. By chance, he captured a trace of white tiger remnant soul that had originally guarded the cave.

Later, the tiger soul real person worked hard to find many precious materials, successfully refined the white tiger soul charm, and became famous in a battle soon after. The title of 'tiger soul real person' also came from this.

This note records in detail the method of controlling the white tiger's soul charm, as well as its refining materials and even the refining process, which makes Lin Feng extremely surprised, because it means that... he can completely repair this magic weapon!!

If it can be completely repaired, you will have a super best spiritual weapon!!

Lin Feng couldn't help feeling a little excited, but after he carefully checked the repair materials, he was a little discouraged...

"Six-level lock stone? Level 6 Tianxuanyu? Level 6 black gold fine stone... and level 3 late demon elixir!!"

After talking about seven or eight materials in a row, Lin Feng couldn't help shaking his head and smiled bitterly. All of these materials are extremely precious. At least I'm afraid they may not be able to find them in Qingyun City or even Biquan City, let alone all of them.

"It seems that we can only ask Wanbaolou for help..." After thinking about it, Lin Feng decided that he could only ask Wanbaolou for help. Find time to visit Qi Minghe and ask if he could help him get these materials.

However, even if Marlboro can get these materials, I'm afraid I still need to continue to work hard to 'make money' before then, otherwise I can't afford it even if the materials are sent...

Originally, Lin Feng felt that he was very rich, but now as soon as the plan to repair this white tiger soul charm appeared, he had a feeling of returning to the pre-liberation - sure enough, after the pursuit of high, more spiritual stones are still not enough!


Finally, Lin Feng cleared all the trophies. To sum up, in addition to the most important tiger soul real hand note, he also got countless magic spells and magic weapons, but there are not many other things. There are only more than 100,000 spiritual stones in total, and there is no magic spell. This kind of thing should be put at home. I won't carry it with me.

Lin Feng was very satisfied with these gains. After sorting out everything, he looked at the sky and found that it was almost evening, and the time agreed with Zhang Fangzhou was approaching.

After mediting and practicing for a moment, as expected, after a while, Zhang Fangzhou's inquiry sounded outside.

Lin Feng went out and opened the door of the small courtyard. Sure enough, he saw Zhang Fangzhou all outside, and then the four of them walked to the 'zhen wei lou' together.

While chatting, Zhang Fangzhou suddenly thought of something and said to Lin Feng, " By the way, brother, have you heard? During the period when we left, something strange seemed to have happened near Qingyun City!"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly and said curiously, "Oh? What's wrong?"


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