magic weapon repair expert

190 Return with a full load

"Huh?! Is there anything good?!"

Lin Feng was just stunned, and immediately reacted and hurried over there.

This is the depths of the mountain behind Lingyuemen, where the third-level monsters are crowded. Generally, there are many genius treasures. Thinking of the purple-crowned thunder crane coming here and fighting with the kangaroo monster, it is probably because of some advanced elixir.

Those high-level elixirs are generally guarded by some monsters as private property and eat them by themselves at the right time. For monsters, the elixir of heaven and earth is a natural tonic, which is the same as monks taking elixir, but their behavior of eating elixir directly is naturally violent in the eyes of monks. Heavenly things, if those elixirs are used to refine the corresponding elixir, they can play a several or even greater role.

What can make the purple-top thunder crane compete with the third-level and sixth-order monster must be at least a third-level elixir. It would be a pity if all of them were eaten directly by the purple-top thunder crane, so Lin Feng rushed over a little anxiously to see if he could keep a little.

Borrowing one after another on the mountain wall, Lin Feng came to the platform dozens of meters high and saw at a glance that the purple-crowned thunder crane was devouring the purple-white fruit growing on a half-man-high tree.

"That's... purple cold fruit!!"

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. Zihanguo is a third-level elixir of Leibing double series, which can be used to refine the third-level elixir 'Zihan Dan', which is very helpful for the cultivation of Binglinggen or Leilingen monks.

More than a dozen purple cold fruits have risen on that small tree, but now more than half of them have been eaten by the purple-top thunder crane, and they are about to be eaten up.

"Wait! Wait! Don't eat it all!!" Although this purple cold fruit is useless to him, this elixir is very valuable. After being eaten by the purple-top thunder crane, Lin Feng suddenly felt a pain and hurried over.

However, before he approached, he saw the purple-top thunder crane suddenly look up and look at it. There seemed to be a purple thunder flashing in his eyes, which made his heart jump suddenly. He quickly stopped and explained, "Uh... Don't misunderstand, I'm not going to rob your things, but you have just suffered from cold poison. Although this purple cold fruit However, there are also thunder attributes, but they are also cold things. If you eat too much, it may be bad for your health.

Ziding Leihe shook his head, as if he didn't care much about what Lin Feng said, and looked at him with a look of 'I know you want this thing'.

Lin Feng knew that the other party had the intelligence that was not inferior to human beings, so he was not so easy to fool, so he could only say helplessly, "Well, I admit, I want you to leave some for me. It's too wasteful for you to take this elixir directly. You are the spirit beast of Ling Yuemen. You should also know this, right? Why don't you give me some and I'll give you more excellent elixir in the future?

The purple-top thunder crane didn't care much about what Lin Feng said in the previous sentence, but the latter sentence brightened its eyes, nodded with satisfaction, stopped eating the leftover purple cold fruit, and motioned Lin Feng to pick it.

"It's really refined... Fortunately, it's only level three, and it can't speak or communicate, otherwise my secret will be difficult to keep..."

While muttering, Lin Feng walked up and began to pick the remaining purple cold fruits, a total of five, which were carefully collected by him.

"Well, now we should go back... huh?! That's..."

After picking the purple cold fruit, Lin Feng was about to discuss with the purple-top thunder crane whether he could 'blow' himself back. He caught a glimpse of something not far from the purple cold fruit tree in the corner of his eyes. Suddenly, he was stunned, and then an incredible look appeared in his eyes, and then it turned into an incomparable surprise.

"Snow flower! Shit! Isn't that right?! It's actually a snow flower!!"

In the cracks of the rock over there, there are two three-inch-long white grass. Each grass has three chopsticks thick grass leaves. In the middle of the three grass leaves, there is also a small white flower that is not very eye-catching, like a small pinch of snowflakes falling on it.

This is exactly what Lin Feng wanted to buy when he went down the mountain this time, but he didn't buy it. The main material of Xue Yangdan, snow seedlings!

I didn't expect to see snow seedlings here, which surprised Lin Feng. He immediately walked over, dug out the two snow seedlings and put them in the elixir bag.

Seeing Lin Feng's move, the purple-crowned thunder crane did not react. It was not that it did not find the snow flower, but the snow flower was a cold elixir, which was not attractive to it.

In terms of preciousness, the snow flower is not as good as the purple cold fruit, but for Lin Feng, the former is more useful than the latter. He put away the elixir bag with joy, and then specially checked whether there were any other missing elixirs around him. After finding anything, he turned to the purple-crowned thunder crane and discussed it. He said, "Well... Brother He, can we go back now? Can you take me back by the way?"

The purple-topped Leihe glanced at Lin Feng and seemed to be a little reluctant, but thinking that Lin Feng had helped himself before and that he would get 'benefits' in his hands in the future, he reluctantly agreed to Lin Feng's request, turned his head and nodded his back with the crane's mouth to signal Lin Feng to come up.

Lin Feng looked happy and took a few steps forward, and then jumped on the wide back of the purple-top thunder crane.

The purple-crowned thunder crane seemed to be a little unaccustomed to someone sitting on his back. The boss reluctantly glanced at Lin Feng again, and then turned his head to look forward. His wings spread one by one and flew into the sky.

The inertia of 'takeoff' made Lin Feng almost fall down. He hurriedly lay on Lei He's back and put his arms around his neck, which stabilized his body.

The purple-topped thunder crane does not have a protective cover to separate the strong wind like the flying cloud ship he took that day. Lin Feng only heard the sound of the wind blowing in his ear, and the fierce wind hit his face, which made him unable to open his eyes. In this case, Lin Feng was not in the mood to experience the feeling of riding a third-level spirit beast for the first time. He didn't even know how long it had been. Anyway, when he noticed that Lei He had stopped, he looked up and found that he had arrived at Lei He's 'home'.

Looking at the sky, I found that it was just a little light. I guess the time is less than an hour.

If you walk back by yourself, I'm afraid it will take hours, and the thunder crane has only flown for dozens of minutes, which shows how fast it is. In fact, if it hadn't been for taking care of Lin Feng's endurance, the purple-crowned thunder crane could have been faster...

If possible, Lin Feng even wanted the purple-top Lei He to take him to find other spiritual beasts one by one and then send himself home, but this idea was obviously impossible. After saying goodbye to Lei He, he left the mountain where Lei He 'dwelled' and went to other spirits. Walk where the beast is.

Because it was not the time to send Dan in the past, those spirit beasts were still doing their own things. Lin Feng spent a little time finding them one by one, and then gave them the elixir. After that, he left the forest and even had passed lunch time when he returned to his residence.

What reassured Lin Feng was that although he had left all day, there was nothing wrong with the spirit beasts, and no one should have come to find him. It seems that no one has discovered that he went down the mountain privately.


This time out, it can be said that I returned with a full load. The elixirs purchased this time should be enough for a while, and during this period, they should be able to accumulate a large number of various best elixirs. If you can use them, you can keep some of them by yourself. The others can find a way to get rid of them when you go out next time. .

With enough best elixir to feed those spirit beasts, the 'work' should also be very smooth. If you send elixir at a fixed time every day, the time spent will be greatly shortened, and you will have a lot of free time to do other things.

And I got the snow elixir, plus several other elixirs I bought, and the materials for repairing the snow elixir should be complete. The next step is to find a way to get the snow elixir. If it goes well, maybe I can solve the problem of my repair sluggishness.


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