magic weapon repair expert

467 corpse reincarnation and soul transformation

Qingyun City, after nearly five years of separation, Lin Feng finally returned to the place where he lived for 20 years, the place where everything began...

Although it is not enough to say that things are different, but now when he comes back, looking at those familiar streets and even familiar faces, and recalling the days when he lived in this city, Lin Feng still has a feeling like a different world. He feels that the five years he has left are more than the 20 years he has experienced here. More.

Lin Feng went back to see the old house, and nothing has changed, because over the years, the servants of the Changgong family have often come to clean it (naturally it was ordered by Changgong Xiaojing), so it doesn't seem to be abandoned at all. However, because he wanted to entertain Ye Ming and others, Lin Feng did not live in the old house, but lived in the Changgong family with Ye Ming, Zhang Fangzhou and others.

After returning, Lin Feng kept calm for a day, and his injury had almost recovered. Then he kept his promise and helped Ye Ming 'analyze' the composition materials of the Danding. When he handed over the list of recorded materials to Ye Ming, Ye Ming took out nearly 70% of the materials on the spot, and the remaining 30% were also delivered the next day. Lin Feng's hand even included an eight-level spiritual material. Lin Feng couldn't imagine how the other party found it in just one day. Later, he learned that the other party had found the Marl Building Chamber of Commerce. After giving a shocking price, his request was reported as a special urgent incident to the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce. Then some people toss around the teleport array of Xiuzhen City overnight and sent the spiritual materials requested by Ye Ming within a day.

After collecting all the materials, Lin Feng spent one night to completely repair the Danding with 96% of the damage, and in order to show his respect for Ye Ming, under his deliberate control, he did not leave any trace of soul in this magic weapon because of the restoration, although he actually wanted to explore this Danding. What's so wonderful about it, but he doesn't want to find traces of his soul in it when he refines this magic weapon in the future, which will cause unhappiness.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Lin Feng did not tell Ye Ming the 'fusion repair material' of the Danding. Naturally, this spiritual material was not added when repairing. This is not Lin Feng deliberately hiding it, but that he does not want to make a branch, because in case he 'accidentally' takes this best spiritual weapon like when repairing the Xuanbing fairy coffin. The level of Danding has been upgraded to a fairy weapon, and I'm afraid there will be many troubles. Naturally, more is better than less than less.

After getting back the repaired Danding, Ye Ming actually left on the same day and left in a hurry, as if he couldn't wait for something. It must not be an ordinary thing to make him like this, and Lin Feng guessed that it might have something to do with the Danding.

Maybe I feel that I only gave an irrelevant elixir information as a reward for repairing the elixir. Before parting, Ye Ming also gave Lin Feng a generous gift, which was ten bottles of various level 4 and level 5 precious elixir, including a bottle of five 'chemical elixir'!!

To be honest, after meeting Ye Ming, Lin Feng finally saw what the "rich and handsome" in the world of cultivation was like. He once thought that it would take a lot of hard work to get the elixir, but it was so easy to get it. This is almost like a cake falling from the sky. Life is indeed impermanent.

After sending Ye Ming away, Lin Feng did not plan to stay in Qingyun City for a long time, but decided to rest for another day and leave. The reason why it was so urgent was that Zheng Kai's 'Zongmen Mission' - in order to come back to help himself, Zheng Kai gave up the task and rushed back. Now he When the matter is done, of course, it is incumbent on you to help the other party complete the task, otherwise you will feel at ease.

It was also because Lin Feng proposed to help together that Zheng Kai waited for these three days, otherwise he would have left on the day he confirmed that Lin Feng was fine, because he knew that if he went alone, the possibility of completing the task within the specified time was minimal, but if Lin Feng helped him, there might still be hope. Hope.


Tomorrow morning will set off. This night, Lin Feng is sorting out the things in the ring in the room to make final preparations for tomorrow's trip.

He is now mainly cleaning up a lot of items from Luo Lie's killing. He had roughly cleaned them up the night he came back, but it was not too detailed. At that time, he mainly wanted to find out if there was any information related to his parents. Unfortunately, he didn't find it. Now he is doing it more detailed. Second sorting out to see what can be used.

What is disappointing is that the things in Luo Lie's Nawu Ring are really a little sorry for his identity as a virtual strong man, such as spiritual stones, elixir or spiritual materials, and even Cheng Beikong, the head of Ziyanmen, who was once dried up by Lin Feng. In fact, Luo Lie is not to blame. The spiritual stones and elixir on his body were almost all used after being seriously injured by Lin Feng's father Lin Tian 16 years ago. Three years ago, he came out of the Black Fog Medicine Valley and quickly found a place to retreat to recover. Then he came to Qingfeng Valley. In the past two years, he has almost emptied the inventory of Qingfeng Valley. In order to prepare the materials for the soul refining array, he also took out almost all the spiritual materials on his body and gave them to Qingfeng Valley, so it can be said that he is really 'poor'.

There are still two seven-level spiritual materials and the same eight-level spiritual materials left, but Lin Feng can't use them now, and he can only put them in inventory for use.

As for the magic weapon, not to mention, the most powerful ice cone magic weapon and Luo Lie's original magic weapon have been destroyed, and the remaining few poor broken spiritual weapons can't enter Lin Feng's eyes at all, which is not worth mentioning.

To say the most valuable, you need to count a few skills and magic jade simple, most of which are the unique secret methods of the Yinshi Sect. Although it is impossible for Lin Feng to practice these evil methods, they can be used to study. The so-called 'know yourself and know the enemy is invincible invincible'. In the future, it is necessary to fight with the Yin Corpse Sect to study their skills and skills and skills. Although I dare not say how to develop a special method, at least it will not be as passive as before.

Moreover, among these spells, Lin Feng also found an extremely special spell called "shi kui Reincarnation". After reading this spell, many doubts in Lin Feng's heart were finally solved.

This skill is the top secret skill of the corpse sect. Only those who practice the unique skills of the corpse sect can perform it. The function of this skill is to transfer their own soul to the corpse puppet, which is equivalent to the 'grabbing' corpse puppet, but it is naturally different from the ordinary 'capture'.

First of all, because it is a self-conscious corpse puppet, there is no possibility of failure; secondly, because it is also a corpse puppet, there is no obstacle caused by the cultivation gap. It is basically impossible to take away a goal higher than your own cultivation, but This skill is okay, that is to say, in theory, even if the caster only has the cultivation of transformation (the minimum cultivation requirement for this technique), even if the reincarnated corpse puppet is the cultivation of crossing the disaster, it can still succeed, and after reincarnation, he can have the cultivation of the corpse puppet!

The above two are just the advantages of this "corpse puppet reincarnation" spell. Its biggest feature is not more than that. After the success, the caster's soul will undergo special changes, so that it is easier to separate his soul than ordinary monks, and can make points under the condition of ensuring the dominance of the main soul. The separated soul is reincarnated as a lower-level corpse puppet. Although it is not as powerful as the real external incarnation, it is easier to refine. The most terrible thing is that in theory, as long as you have time and energy, you can refine as many corpse puppets as you want! Of course, if you want to mass produce, the relative single strength will be weaker, and the more souls you divide, the weaker the main soul will be.

At the beginning, Luo Lie was seriously injured by Lin Tian, the father of Lin Feng. He fled to the black fog medicine valley and entered the black hall. At that time, his body could no longer be used and could not find a living person to take away. In desperation, he had no choice but to use the art of "corpse puppet reincarnation" to turn the weak soul into a corpse puppet, and then set it down with the blood magic blade. After the trap, he fell into a deep sleep. It was not until three years ago that Lin Feng and the others broke into the black hall, and the man who got the blood demon blade went crazy. Finally, he sacrificed his own soul and blood to help Luo Lie kill complete "The Corpse Puppet Reincarnated". However, at that time, the man's cultivation was too weak, causing Luo Lie to wake up and his soul to be extremely weak. After killing Mu Qingfeng and others continuously, he was scared away as soon as he saw Lin Feng like Ji Lintian.

Later, Luo Lie came to Qingfeng Valley and enslaved Mu Bailin and others to help him capture the monks to heal their wounds. At the same time, in order to monitor them and facilitate their actions, he refined a corpse puppet. This time, Mu Fengqing went to Biquanzong to 'marry' Changgong Xiaojing. At Mu Bailin's request, Luo Lie asked the corpse puppet to accompany him, but unexpectedly met Lin Feng again. He thought that the corpse puppet was enough to capture Lin Feng, but he was defeated and finally could only escape back in confusion.

At that time, the magic used by Luo Lie's soul splitting and holding the long bow Xiaojing to escape was a secret art called Soul Shift, which was a lower-level spell that forcibly tore the space for teleportation at the cost of burning the soul. This technique can be performed in two ways. One is to divide the soul, which can directly teleport back to the main soul by relying on the induction with the main soul. On the other hand, this method is relatively small in consumption; the other is to carry out random teleportation without the main soul or soul division, which not only causes great damage to the soul, Moreover, the destination of teleportation is uncontrollable, and it is likely that it is unfortunately stuck in the empty space. Even if it is not torn apart by the power of nothingness, it will never come out.

At the beginning, Luo Lie's corpse puppet was defeated by Lin Feng and escaped with the skill of soul transfer. Because he moved with a long bow and Xiaojing, he could not withstand huge losses and dissipated directly. Three days ago, in the battle of Qingfeng Valley, Luo Lieqi forcibly separated some souls in the end to self-destruct, and the main soul used soul shift. The skill forcibly escaped.


After reading these spells again, Lin Feng couldn't help sighing at the power of these spells. At the same time, he also secretly cursed that it would be better to die directly in the empty space, so as not to escape and harm others elsewhere.


Just as Lin Feng was immersed in thinking, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, as if he had been awakened by something, and looked up at the door.

In a flash, he had appeared by the door and opened the door. A figure was just outside the door.

"Xiaojing... Why are you here?"