magic weapon repair expert

490 Time is out ofrange?!

Yes, after searching in this small world for so long, everyone met the 'living' monster for the first time!

Lin Feng had been guessing before that since there are so many strange monster corpses, there can't be no living creatures in this small world. Now he really encounters it. He is not afraid, but also a little happy, because maybe some clues can be found from this monster.

The reason why he still has the leisure to think so much is that the sudden monster level is only level 4 and level 9, which is not to be afraid of.

In a few breaths, a figure the size of a scalper rushed out from the other side of the mountain. It was a strange monster six points like a wolf and four points like a deer. Its eyes flashed with blue light. After it appeared without any pause, it roared and rushed to Lin Feng and others.

"Don't do anything! Leave it to me!!" Zheng Kai had a eager expression of trying, shouted softly and flashed to meet him. Since he came to this small world, he has been greatly stimulated by all kinds of 'fake' monster corpses and spiritual materials. It is estimated that he has long suffoulated a resentment, and now it seems that he has regarded this monster as the object of vent.

Although Zheng Kai only has three layers of Yuanying, there should be no problem dealing with an ordinary four-level and ninth-level monster, so everyone didn't pay much attention to it and stayed in place to watch the battle.

But soon, everyone found that they were wrong, because this monster was not 'ordinary'.

"Wo!!" When it was only ten meters away from Zheng Kai, the monster suddenly howled, and the purple light flashed on its body. The speed unexpectedly increased several times in an instant. In the blink of an eye, it flashed in front of Zheng Kai and jumped up. A sharp claw cut through the air and tore Zheng Kai's door!

"Me!" Zheng Kai was shocked and subconsciously wanted to curse, but he didn't even have time to finish the two words of scolding. His feet flashed and he was extremely embarrassed to avoid the blow, but he showed a bigger flaw because of the loss of balance.

And the monster did not miss this flaw. The moment it passed Zheng Kai, the long tail roared out like a sharp whip and pulled it to Zheng Kai's head. If it was hit, Zheng Kai would probably die and be seriously injured.


Fortunately, Zheng Kai was not alone. At this critical moment, a loud knife came from the side. Before the sound stopped, a red-purple knife fell from the sky and fell impartially on the monster.

"Bang!!" Wow!!"

In a muffled sound, the monster howled, and its real body flew backwards. After flying more than ten meters, it landed and smashed a big hole on the ground. When it struggled to get up, it found that the flame on its body could not be extinguished...

The power of purple molten fire can't be resisted by a four-level monster. In the miserable howl, the monster completely lost its sound for a moment.

Zheng Kai patted his heart with lingering heart and muttered, "I almost overturned the boat in the sewer! It's so dangerous..."

"Thank you, brother!!" He patted Lin Feng on the shoulder, then turned his head and looked at the body of the monster in the flame and said in surprise, "Is this really a four-level ninth-level monster? I'm afraid the strength that broke out at that moment is not worse than the early stage of Level 5, right? What's the matter?"

"When it first came out, the 'cultivation' shown was indeed level 4 and level 9. As for the strength that broke out at that moment, it did have the initial level 5. Maybe it was some kind of talent skill..." Lin Feng speculated, suddenly his eyes lit up and he changed his words, "Or , for some other special reason..."

With that, with a move in his right hand, the flame that wrapped the body of the monster rolled slightly, stirring the burnt body into ashes, and then a purple elixir wrapped in it flew back to his hand.

Zheng Kai was about to ask Lin Feng what the following sentence meant. As soon as he saw this demon elixir, he immediately stared and said, "Level five demon elixir?! Shit! Is it a five-level monster?!"

Lin Feng frowned and said, "No, at least I can be sure that the monster itself is really only level 4 and level 9, but its demon elixir has level 5 and level 2 should be the reason why it can instantly increase its strength."

Zheng Kai immediately thought of the many dead monsters he had met before and said with surprise: "Before, it was a high-level body with a low-level demon elixir, but now, the low-level body contains high-level demon elixir?! Why is it like this?"

"How do I know..." Lin Feng was talking, with a sudden flash of inspiration in his mind, and then he showed surprise. He changed his words, "Isn't this situation... similar to the rumored vision of 'rejuvenation'?"

After his reminder, the rest of the people's faces suddenly changed slightly, and Tiehu calmed down and said, "Indeed, such a connection is indeed likely to have something to do with the rumor. So the reason for these strange situations we have seen along the way is the same as the incident in the rumor? The source... is this small world?!"

"Dead decay, and 'rejuvenation'... are all related to 'time'." Lin Feng looked a little ugly and muttered, "Is it true that it is 'time disorder' as rumored?"

There are different opinions about the vision in the Duanlong Valley in the Jiulong Mountains, but one of them is the most mainstream, that is, the 'time' in the Duanlong Valley has been 'disordered' for some unknown reason. This is not the first case, and it has been recorded many times.

"It's very possible!" Zheng Kai's face also turned a little pale. "I have read in the classics that the phenomenon of 'time disorder' is extremely rare, and it is not too much to say that it is 'a thousand years', but if it is in the 'small world', this phenomenon will be more likely to happen than the 'outside', assuming that the small world we are in now is not us. It is so 'perfect' imagined. If there is a problem with its 'time law', it will cause 'time disorder'. The speed of time may be multiplied, even thousands of years in an instant, or it may reverse..."

The more Zheng Kai speculated, the more reasonable he felt. His eyes flashed and continued: "The dead monsters we met were affected by the chaos of time. They aged and died in a very short time, and those spiritual materials also ended up rotten because they could not bear the rapid growth! This monster was affected by the 'time reversal' and appeared 'rejuvenation', but it was originally a level 5, perhaps because it was extremely strong, or it may be affected weakly, so its body retreated to the fourth level, but the demon elixir was not affected!"


After Zheng Kai speculated, everyone fell into silence. The more they thought about it, the more likely it was. Then everyone felt happy and afraid, and at the same time there was lingering fear. Fortunately, these people have not encountered the situation of 'time disorder' after coming here for so long. What I'm afraid is that I don't know when this kind of disaster will come, and once it happens, I'm afraid it will be less bad...

"No!! Don't waste any more time!" Lin Feng calmed down and said in a low voice, "We don't care about monsters and spiritual materials anymore!" Directly looking for the 'heart of bounds' or exits, you must leave here as soon as possible!!"

He turned his head and looked at the Wuye Lingpu not far away. With a wave of his right hand, a stream of Zhenyuan shot out, rolled up the elixir and flew back to his hand.

There is no decay!

Lin Feng's eyes lit up, but he didn't care about joy. He directly turned over his hand to put away the elixir, and then waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"


However, just as everyone turned around and walked down the mountain, a strange cry suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a powerful monster breath shrouded in...