magic weapon repair expert

507 failed to subdue?

Originally, Lin Feng thought that this would be an extremely difficult project, but what he didn't expect was that the progress was extremely smooth, and it could even be described as 'easy'. Except for the initial 'struggle', there was no big movement, as if he had been exhausted. Now he can only be 'behaved. The ground is retracted to the state of fire.

With the condensation of the burning fire, Lin Feng gradually had another strange feeling in his heart. From the fire, he felt a strange fluctuation that did not look like a strange fire. He didn't know what it was, but as the feeling became clearer and clearer, a speculation appeared in his heart, which made him suddenly excited.

"Is it... this is the 'heart of the world'?" Lin Feng's eyes flashed and felt more attentively. After a moment, he suddenly felt a flash of energy, and a picture flashed in his mind. It was the whole picture of the surrounding ten miles of space, as if it had been seen from God's perspective. Every corner was extremely detailed. This feeling was fleeting, but Lin Feng was very sure that it was not an illusion. .

"Yes! It's definitely the 'heart of the world'!! It turns out that... the 'heart of the world' is actually in the years? Or should I say... In fact, the years are 'the heart of the world'?!" Lin Feng was surprised and happy, and finally understood why Ye Ming said that the 'heart of the world' had a great relationship with the Cangyan of the years. As long as he helped him subdue the years of the Cangyan of the years, he could communicate with the 'world heart' and the 'conveal weapon'. It turned out to be like this...

At the same time, Lin Feng also realized that if this is the case, as long as he subdues the 'worldly heart', he will have a great opportunity to subdue the 'boundary weapon'. Although the small world is seriously collapsed and the 'boundary weapon' may have been damaged, at least there is a piece of space here in good condition, as long as you can get this With the control of the space, you can leave here safely!!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng was very surprised. Even if he couldn't wait to start subduing the years, he just wanted to act, but he suddenly felt a sense of dizziness and almost fainted. He shook his head hard and realized that he had forgotten his situation for a moment. Now he is really exhausted and energetic. Zhi, there is no experience in subduing Cangyan.

But Fortunately, the fire has stabilized, and there is no threat here. You can rest assured to recover.

In order to prevent the time from getting out of control again, Lin Feng left the purple molten fire in the Danding, and then took out a large number of spiritual stones and spread them around, and began to adjust and recover.

It's just that Zhenyuan is exhausted, and there is naturally no problem in recovering. Before long, Lin Feng has finished adjusting his breathing, and his original tired spirit has also been relieved during this period. When he opened his eyes again, he has become gorous again.

After recovering, Lin Feng was no longer in a hurry to begin to subdue the years. Instead, he calmed down and thought carefully for a moment. Then he scattered his consciousness and carefully checked every corner of the surrounding space and found that at the 'edge' of this space, he was blocked by an unknown invisible force, and even his consciousness could not be penetrated, but You can see that 'outside' is a black nothingness with no end.

It seems that if you want to go out, you really have to subdue the years and get control of this space.

"There is only one try..."

Lin Feng said to himself and put his attention back on the Dan tripod in front of him. He raised his right hand and pressed it on the tripod and carefully recalled the process of subduing the lava fire. When he was ready, he took a deep breath, moved his mind, and withdrew the purple molten fire in the Danding. In the body.

It is not only the purple molten fire that penetrated into his palm together, but also... the years brought out by it!!

The way to subdue the strange fire is to put it into the body, warm and refine it with its own soul energy, remove its irritability, improve its spirituality, and establish a close relationship with it, so that it can be controlled at will and not be hurt by its power.

"Humph!!!" At the moment when the years burst into the palm of his hand, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly bulged, and he couldn't help humming in his mouth. His face twisted in an instant, and his whole body staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Lin Feng hurriedly raised his left hand and held it on the Danding. Then he stood firm. During this breath, he was already sweating profusely. He kept gasping for breath, lowered his head with difficulty, and looked at his right hand.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. At first glance, Lin Feng's face suddenly changed again, because he saw that his palms had dried up with only skin and bones, just like dead branches, and this dryness was still spreading upward. The whole arm dried up like the palm in front of his eyes, and it was about to spread to At the shoulder.

Lin Feng knew that it would not be easy to subdue the years, but he didn't expect that it was so exaggerated at the beginning. He could hardly even feel the existence of his right arm. In this situation, how could he have time to 'warm up' the fire with his soul? I'm afraid it won't take more than ten seconds to turn into a mummified corpse!

For good, although Lin Feng was not shocked, he immediately moved to control the purple molten fire and stop the years on his right shoulder, and then wrapped the raging fire layer by layer with purple molten fire to suppress its power to the lowest. Then he suddenly felt that the pain was greatly reduced, and his right arm senses also recovered a little. He quickly ran Zhenyuan in his right arm and dried The dead arm immediately began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Wow..." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. After calming down, he carefully observed for a moment and found that there was no special movement in the fire, and the recovery of his right arm was almost the same. Then he slowly controlled the purple molten fire to move with the fire and came to Dantian.

Lin Feng also sat on his knees again, put his hands on his knees, pinched the seals, calmed down, hugged Yuan Shouyi, and began to concentrate on subduing the fiery fire in his body.

The fire is wrapped in layers of purple molten fire. Naturally, this state cannot be subdued. Lin Feng carefully weakened the suppression of the purple molten fire little by little, and tried to contact the fire with the soul to convey a friendly idea, hoping to communicate with it. This kind of fire is very necessary.

The purple molten fire gradually withdrew, and Lin Feng's heart was hanging higher and higher, but to his surprise, the danger that had just happened on his right arm had never appeared again. The fire seemed to suddenly become silent, without any movement, and even the soul communication had made no progress.

But as long as you are not restless, you can communicate slowly and warm up first...

Lin Feng was thinking so. He just wanted to be relieved, but what he never expected was that it would become sudden!!

Without warning, the fiery fire in Lin Fengdan field suddenly burst out, like a hunter who had been dormant for a long time and finally found the best time, and launched an 'attack' at the most negligent moment of Lin Feng's mind's prevention!

The originally silent fire suddenly beat violently, and in an instant broke free from the bondage of the already weak purple molten fire. An indescribable energy instantly filled Lin Feng's whole body. His whole body suddenly stiffened. The next second, the unbearable pain broke out all over his body at the same time!!


Lin Feng is also a person who has suffered from all kinds of extreme pain, but compared with now, the most serious pain he has suffered before is almost the same as tickling. This pain has even exceeded the limit of his imagination and understanding, as if every cell in his body is being roasted by fire and experiencing hundreds of hundreds of Years or even longer years of torture suddenly reversed at the moment when it was about to completely decay, returned to its original state, and then decayed again...

The psychological preparations made before are completely ineffective. Lin Feng can't think calmly now, and even his consciousness can't concentrate at all. He feels that his thoughts seem to have been slowed down countless times, and even a simple idea that can be achieved in an instant will take a long time to be formed. This feeling makes him Almost crazy, but even the idea of 'crazy' seems to take hundreds of years to complete.

I don't know when Lin Feng was no longer the previous knee-sitting action, but lying on the ground with twitching. His fists were clenched, his teeth were clucking, and his eyes were open, but his eyes were not focused. He looked at the sky as if he had lost his soul. It took a long time for a faint light god to flash. Pick.

The most terrible thing is that his body is beginning to age at a speed visible to the naked eye, his hair is gradually turning white, wrinkles appear on his face, and his skin begins to dry up. In just a moment, he changed from young to middle-aged, and then from middle-aged to old age, and his breath of life also weakened, like The remaining candles in the wind seem to go out at any time...