magic weapon repair expert

594 Danwen vision

On the jury, the thirteen judges have always paid close attention to the situation on the field. Although there are 100 participants, it is not a problem for them to pay attention to everyone at the same time. It can be said that everyone's performance from beginning to end is seen by them, even everyone's alchemy situation, and even refining They already know what the elixir is and already have a general ranking. Later, at the end of the fifth game, they will review everyone's elixir in detail and determine the final ranking.

Now, the other contestants have 'fined up', and the judges' eyes are all focused on Lin Feng and Ye Ming, the two remaining people who are still alchemy.

Wei Chen, who was in the middle of the judge's seat, looked at Ye Ming in the center of the arena, with a satisfied smile on the corners of his mouth and secretly said, "The process of alchemy is much smoother than the previous practice. It should have gained a lot from the previous elixirical sound. It seems that there will be no problem with this furnace of 'ice elixir', and the final quality should be Most of them can reach the best, and they really didn't let me down..."

While thinking about it, he turned his eyes to Lin Feng on the right side of the field, and couldn't help showing a trace of surprise in his eyes: "Lin Feng's performance is no worse than that of Ye Ming. It's really amazing. When did Nanyuezhou have such a evil junior? Why have you never heard of it before? It should not be the talent cultivated by the Danhunzong himself. Could it be that some hidden master secretly cultivated it?

When Wei Chen thought about it secretly, the judges next to him also talked to each other.

"I didn't expect that Lin Feng had such alchemy that he was comparable to Ye Ming. It's really the biggest accident in this competition... Who do you think is better than the two of them in the end?"

"It's hard to say. According to the current situation, the alchemy process of the two is very smooth, and there should be no failure. Judging from the fluctuations in the two elixirs, the quality of the elixir refined by the two is probably not low, but the 'ice elixir' and 'minglin elixir refined by the two are also the same in terms of difficulty of refining. In this way, I'm afraid it will be higher from the details of the number of the two people who eventually become elixir and whose high-quality elixir is a little more..."

"I also think so. It seems that it is difficult to judge who is better before the last moment, but the first two in this competition must be the two of them."

"There are still five minutes left, and it should be time to receive Dan... huh?! Look at the forest wind!!"

But as he spoke, one of them suddenly exclaimed and looked shocked. The rest immediately looked up, and then they were stunned.

Because they saw that Lin Feng in the field had a new move at this moment, but did not begin to collect Dan as they expected, but... he actually raised his hand and put some material into the Danding!!

"At this time, new materials are added?! Is he crazy?! What the hell do you want to do?!"

"There seems to be something wrong! Have you seen what elixir he just put in? It doesn't seem to be any component material of Minglin Dan!"

"Barrive your own materials?! What the hell is it? How dare he add materials other than Danfang? Does he want to destroy a good elixir?!

"There are changes in Danding! The fluctuation of fire refining is chaotic! Alas! It looks like it's going to fail! Why on earth did he do this more? What a pity..."

"What?! No!! There is no failure!! He has already played the secret of receiving Dan Dan! Refining is complete! But this elixir smell... this... how can this be!!"

"It's a vision of Dan pattern!! How can Minglin Dan have a vision?! Level 6...Level 6 elixir?!"

"This...what the hell is going on?"

At this moment, the thirteen judges suddenly stood up almost at the same time, looking at Lin Feng's place in shock, and exclaimed, as if they had seen something unbelievable.


So, what on earth did Lin Feng do?

Time went back slightly, a moment ago...

"It is worthy of being the personal disciple of the owner of Dansheng Valley. It seems that Ye Ming's furnace of 'ice elixir' should also achieve high quality." Lin Feng turned his head slightly and glanced at Ye Ming in the distance, frowned slightly, and said to himself, "If it goes on like this, I'm afraid we will have to distinguish the winner in the details. One or two more high-quality elixirs can become the key to victory or lose, but... I'm not completely sure..."

A trace of hesitation flashed in Lin Feng's eyes and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "It seems that the quality of the elixir must be improved again... So, which method should be used?"

For ordinary people, it is impossible to improve the quality of the elixir when it is about to be released, but for Lin Feng, there are enough 'two sets' methods - time inflammation and repair.

With the power of Cangyan, the medicinal power of the elixir material can be improved to a certain extent. The principle is to increase the year of the material with the power of time. For example, the material itself is only 800 years old. Under the action of the power of time, it can be improved to 900 years, the efficacy of the medicine is enhanced, and the quality of the refined elixir is naturally higher.

However, Lin Feng is not sure whether he will be found secretly using the power of Cangyan. After all, there are countless monks present, and those judges are senior alchemists who are highly cultivated and extremely** against strange fire. I'm afraid it is difficult to hide their perception, and once Cangyan is exposed, it is likely to cause countless troubles.

Therefore, after considering it, Lin Feng finally decided to use repairing. This skill outside the cognition of outsiders, even if someone detects abnormality, they will not understand what's going on. At most, it will automatically make up into some unknown alchemy.

"Since you want to use the repair technique, just add another fire and let this first one be undisputed!"

After the decision, Lin Feng also made a horizontal decision, thinking that since he wanted to grab the first place, it was impossible to keep a low profile and simply be stronger, so that there would no longer be any suspense and surprises and surprises in winning the championship.

He turned his right hand, and a palm-sized dark purple Ganoderma-shaped elixir appeared in his hand, and then threw it casually, and the elixir flew into the time tripod.

As early as when he started alchemy, Lin Feng left a hand. There was a small amount of material left in the Danding that was not refined, just in case it was used for repair, and the additional material he now added is the best fusion repair material in addition to the constituent materials of Minglin Dan itself!

Lin Feng's mind moved, and all the repair materials were rolled by the refining fire in the Danding, mixed with those elixirs that had almost been formed. At the same time, he meditated in his heart: "Repair."


The time tripod shook suddenly at this moment, as if the refining fire inside suddenly boiled up. The original faint medicinal fragrance was several times stronger in an instant. A strange fluctuation emanated from the Danding. The air around the Danding seemed to be shaken, and there were layers of faint ripples, and each layer of ripples fluctuated. The strange The fragrance of medicine is stronger.

"Is this... Danwen vision?!"

Seeing this layer of ripples, Lin Feng couldn't help but be slightly stunned, because this is a vision that only appears when the elixir of level 6 or above is refined!