
Chapter 5 The Pattern on the Chest

Chapter 5 The Rune on the Chest

In an moment, the room was extremely quiet. Both of them stood there and stared. Nanli saw Chang Feihu's chest at a glance, and there was still a little lavender in the flashing black

's rune blurted out and asked nervously, "Mountain tiger! What's going on? What happened? What's wrong with you?"

Chang Feihu only felt frozen all over in shock, and he couldn't move even if he wanted to. His eyes turned to the rune soul and opened his mouth wide.

Nanli, who was still in shock, grabbed Chang Feihu's shoulders and shook it hard, "Mountain tiger! Mountain tiger!" Chang Feihu reacted and raised the soul of the rune

stammered, "I don't...it's fine, it... I want to put it in the storage bag... Just. That's it..."

Nan Li stared at the charm on Chang Feihu's chest for a long time. After turning his head and taking over the Fuhun for careful observation, he turned from surprise and said happily, "This is a good thing, this is

Good stuff! Mountain tiger! Where did you get this? This...this... This is a good thing that will be rare in ten thousand years! Congratulations to you, Shanhu! Judging from the situation just now,

It may have recognized the Lord!"

"A great! It's amazing!" Nanli said with great exclamation, "God really favors you!" Put it away quickly, if it's called

It's amazing that others found it!"

Chang Feihu now knows the truth that every man is innocent and guilty. His father was killed because of this. Therefore, he was very moved and grateful

, if someone else changes, things will definitely be taken away, and he is already a dead man by this time.

Although he is still young, he knows clearly that in the eyes of professionals, human life is simply worthless like dung. If it is at this time

If someone else, even if he puts his hands on the treasure, he will inevitably be silenced.

After a series of events these days, Chang Feihu, who is only eight years old, is not young, but he has had a certain cruelty to the world in his heart

Knowing him, from this matter, he saw the honest and sincere side of Nan Li, and also made him respect Brother Nan more from the bottom of his heart.

It seemed that it was because he was too moved that his heart suddenly jumped violently, and a hot ** gushed out. In an eye, his eyes were full of storage

Tears, Chang Feihu said in a slightly choked voice, "The mountain tiger will never leave the eldest brother." People often say stupid and endless things when they are excited


Nan Li's mind is not on Chang Feihu's face at all. The such non-nonsical words he said to him seem to have not been heard. What he cares about now is Fu

What's the difference between the soul and the past after recognizing the Lord, how many benefits there are there, and what impact it has on the body of the mountain tiger? All these are his most concerned about.

Although he has also seen relevant records in classics, no one has really seen what a rune soul is and what it can be

Strange ability, he can't wait to ask, "What do you think is the difference between now and before? How do you feel?"

Chang Feihu experienced it carefully and felt that he would say for a moment: "I feel that a lot of things are stuffed into my body and mind. I only know what is in my body.

I can't feel what it is, and it's good in my head... Like... With a paragraph, I know that I can read it silently, but I can't say it or describe it, but I know

This passage has a name, which is Zichen Jue"

Nan Li paced in the room with his hands behind his back, turned around twice and looked back and forth for a long time and said, "Mountain tiger, try to meditate! But slow down

point, if there is anything wrong, stop immediately. Chang Feihu trusted Nanli very much. He immediately sat cross-legged ** and began to recite the spell. He had just started and hadn't read it

In the middle of the time, the runes on his chest began to flash slightly, and a wave of soul trembled like ripples, which was from the heart of Changfei Tiger

emits invisible fluctuations.

This invisible fluctuation makes people feel the washing andzhuang da in the depths of their souls, and the physical and mental pleasure is beyond words. Nanli sighed, "Great!

Mountain tiger, now I'm relieved! Even if you are not qualified, as long as you have a soul-shattering Zichen decision, you will definitely achieve something. You are lucky!

But I want to remind you that this matter must not be known to a third party other than us. Once the news is revealed, your life will come to an end

!" Nanli's inner excitement was uncontrollable, and he talked tirelessly to Chang Feihu about his feelings and opinions.

Of course, what he is most happy about is that Changfeihu's Zichen can definitely cause soul fluctuations. This fluctuation can not only bring benefits to Changfeihu, but also himself

has benefited a lot.

Maybe this matter can also turn his professional career around. In a way, the awkward environment he is in now may undergo a major change,

He has a good expectation for his future.

In excitement, he even forgot to ask carefully how Zi Chenjue used it and what kind of effect it had in Changfeihu's body. Nanli has begun to look forward

A better life in the future!

Of course, Chang Feihu knew that Brother Nan was telling the truth. He quickly nodded to reassure Nan Li, pointed to the charm entity in Nan Li's hand and said, "That... Do you still want this

Do you want it? At this time, the rune pattern on the light surface of the rune soul has disappeared. As for how the rune pattern is gone, even fools know it when they go there. Of course, it is passed on

It was handed to Chang Feihu's chest.

Nanli raised his eyebrows and said happily, "Yes! Of course! You can see that its material is non-gold and non-stone, and there is no sign of weakening its luster. Obviously, his work

The effect is only a small part of it. The upper and lower shapes of this thing represent the round place. I'm sure that the soul entity has another wonderful use, but we are now

I don't know how to use it yet. Put it away first."

Yes! Big brother! Then install it here. It's too inconvenient to put it outside," said Chang Feihu and took a look at the storage charm bag. At this glance, let him

He was stunned again. He was surprised to find that he could see the items in the storage rune bag. Chang Feihu suddenly had a whim and immediately followed the mustard space in the Basic Essence of Fu Zhushi

The use method of

is to try to wipe the soul entity on the edge of the storage bag.

Sure enough, it was put in at once. He looked carefully at the storage charm bag and found that there was only about three cubic meters of space inside, and it was still crowded with herbs, often

Fly Tiger raised his head and emitted a bright light in his eyes and said to Nan Li, "It works, I can use it. Brother Nan, look, the soul has been put in!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Nanli explained with a smile: If you want to use the storage rune bag, you must cultivate your soul, only when the soul has soul power

You can only open it and use it. You haven't practiced it, but your soul has a small amount of soul power after the fluctuation of the rune soul just now, so you can

It's not surprising to use storage charm bags.

It's really strange. After the fluctuation of your soul just now, you feel completely sleepy and full of energy. I know you still have many problems and

Doubt, but when the eldest brother is hungry, let's go eat something first.

Eight days later, the merchant ship arrived at its destination. After landing, Chang Feihu stood unsteadily and said, "Brother! This boat is really not made by people. I have the courage

I vomited, and now I still feel like I'm on a boat.

"Oh! Didn't people do it? That's a beast on the boat! I've been doing it for eight days!" Nanli joked. Chang Feihu slightly raised the corners of his mouth to reveal two rows of cleanliness

The white teeth seemed to return the mouth flawlessly: "Oh! Just think of it as a barbarian beast in a boat, and it's not one yet.

With that, he took out half of the jar of wine he grabbed in his hand when he left the Wufeng Town Restaurant and took a sip. The two left the dock talking and laughing and walked to the market.

He took something out of the bag and said, "Brother! You can take these ten squares and buy some here if you need anything.

There is no market nearby within seven days after leaving this market town. You usually need to bring some money. It is very inconvenient without money. It can be seen that you didn't spend

Experience in money and spending money, without this experience, is easy to be deceived.

Nan Li took out a few to show it to Chang Feihu, "Look, this is Kong Fangfu, which is the money we use to buy things. Take it and buy something!" Nanli smiled

said to him. Chang Feihu can see that the eldest brother is really good to himself and loves himself! Hearing these words, I was so happy that I even jumped and blew my mouth


A pore is equal to ten big money, which is the currency of the world, and big money is the smallest monetary unit.

The two walked to the market. Since this dock is just a supply point, it is neither big nor prosperous. There is only one main street, only about half a miles

So far away, you can see the other end from this end at a glance. The house is made of all kinds of stones.

The houses on the street are of different sizes. Very monotonous color, Chang Feihu looked around for a while and never had a goal to buy items, so he went to the south

Li said, "Brother, what do you want to buy?"

"Anything!" Nanli smiled and waved his hand to the street. Judging from his expression, Nanli is very interested now. He likes to talk to this little brother

words, this little brother's temperament is very good for his appetite and temper.

"It's okay to drink this wine a little sour, just buy a few jars of wine, oh! By the way, when Xiao Er was in the restaurant, he said about the barbarian feast, and then buy some barbarian meals

How about it? Chang Feihu raised the wine jar and took another sip.

Nan Li blinked at this and said, "I said brother! Since I met you, it seems that there is nothing but food! Is there nothing that can impress you? Know

? As you are now, you are a foodie, and you know how to eat! Ha ha! Can we eat the beast meal? It's made of beast meat, and then

It is said that there is a bigger place here, and there is no way to sell it.

Chang Feihu heard his father say that barbarian animals are more powerful than beasts, and adults talk about animal color change. Hearing what the eldest brother said, he abandoned this

idea. But he still can't remember what to buy except food, because Chang Feihu has been hungry since he was sensible.

He is very afraid of hunger. As long as he has food in his stomach, he doesn't have to be afraid of anything. He spent four square charms to buy ten jars of rice wine and 30 dough cakes to follow the south

It's off the road.

Along the way, there are barren grass and trees. Nanli is very careful. He walks and stops along the way and listens from time to time. Nanli is a very careful professional. The more he is

The closer the mountain Fumen is, the more careful it is. This area is very uneasy. There are often bandits who rob houses and professionals in the wilderness.

After walking for three days, suddenly on the stone in front of a mountain bag, I saw an old man sitting there. I saw them coming over and restrained the light in my eyes, which was brilliant

His eyes turned to show a dim look, smiled confidently, looked up at the sky and began to sing!

"I can't see my old friend, and I sigh that the fans want to learn from the immortals."

"There is a first-class selection altar, and it is lonely to have yin and no yang."

"There is a first-class symbol, and I will sacrifice my life to talk about refining."

"Each holds one end, and I don't know where the porch is."

"Don't make up for nothing, it's all empty."

"How can you get a friend of Yunpengxia? After a few years of vulgarity."

"You must visit the innate way,"

"Innate, it is the oral transmission of immortals."

"Immortals, only in the painting"

Knowing that the two approached and didn't look at them, he just said to himself, "Life has changed abruptly, which is really touching. Two little friends, old man, I'm on my way

I'm tired of walking, and my mouth is dry and hungry. There is no shop here. Can you give me a mouthful of water?

"Don't go there! This old man looks weird. Let's hurry up. Nanli Chong Chang Feihu shook his head and said. His idea is that the world is very chaotic, people

It's not old, so it's better to be careful. However, Chang Feihu didn't care about the world and said, "Look, he is so old and pitiful!" And it looks so kind

Good eyebrows, should not be a bad person"

He broke away from Nanli's hand and ran over to take out rice wine and said, "Grandpa, I don't have water. You can eat some cakes and rice wine here!" Nanli's big stride

In the past, he stood beside the flying tiger, alert and ready to make a fatal blow at any time.

The old man blew his beard, stuffed the dough cake into his mouth, raised his neck, poured the whole jar of rice wine into his stomach, and then looked at Chang Fei with eagerly


Chang Feihu saw that the old man didn't seem to have enough to eat, so he took out some more. Unexpectedly, the old man seemed to have not eaten for several years. The comer did not refuse and brought ten jars of rice brought by Chang Feihu

The wine and 30 dough cakes were all eaten like tricks. Nan Li and Chang Feihu were stunned. They had never seen such an edible person, and it was also a

An old and fattentive old man.

The surprised tongue slipped out of his mouth. When he saw the old man swallowed the last dough roll without chewing, he took a deep breath of cold air

, I almost bit off my tongue.