
Chapter 10 Followers

Chapter 10 Followers

After saying these words, Yu Lan asked, "Well, Shanhu, do you want him to follow?"

After Chang Feihu quickly called Nanli's eyes, he asked doubtlessly, "Grandpa Yu! What is follow... "Who?"

Yu Lan smiled and said with a good smile: "Mountain tiger, you have a good potential for magic spells. There is basically no suspense to advance to the Dharma book. Every Dharma wish

, Faben, Da | Faben all have followers. You know, although Fa Zhushi is strong, he is very weak in the early stage. He must also have it when fighting with people and in the wild

Fu Zhu warriors and Fu Ben are in front, and every Fa Zhushi needs the assistance of Fu Zhushi.

"Isn't that Fu Zhushi the same as his servants?" Chang Feihu asked in surprise that he didn't want to turn his eldest brother into a subordinate. Nanli was in his mind

The status is unshakable, which is in a position that is no different from his father.

Yu Lan saw that Chang Feihu reacted fiercely and knew that it was an inviolable place in his heart. Immediately explained: "Followers are just followers, not

Side, of course, you can also regard them as friends. It's up to you.

Hearing this, Chang Feihu had a little comfort in his heart. "It turns out that these can be changed by his own heart," then he was relieved, "Big brother is

He is the closest person, how can he be used by the current person!" Thinking of this, another question immediately came out.

Although he has only left home, what he heard and witnessed along the way let him know that nothing is for nothing, just like spending money to eat, Fan

What he is getting, he always has to pay something else. This feeling is his eight years of life experience.

Although Chang Feihu is still young, he has to think a lot about the problem of being able to eat!

Therefore, he immediately asked, "Since the followers have done so much, what do I need to pay?" Yu Lan smiled and said to himself, "This child is really

is smart and it's a pleasant thing to get along with him.

Yu Lan seriously explained to Chang Feihu: "You can provide a lot for Fu Zhushi, for example: "You are responsible for stimulating muscle and bone warfare for the warriors who follow you


Chang Feihu has seen similar things from the book. Of course, he is only limited to the words body armor, and the details are not known at all, so

He immediately asked, "What is muscle and bone armor?"

He is so surprised by these things. Don't those fighting professionals have something to protect their bodies? It must be like this.

I want to know what's going on with the armor.

Yu Lan is not surprised by this kind of surprise. There are many such children arranged by him, and each of them is so curious and keeps asking this

If you ask that, he is also used to this lifestyle and is not annoyed.

These children are all the future of Shanfumen. Who knows that there is rain in that cloud? If they are offended, if their family is developed, it is not good for them

Yu Lan, a refined person, can't do it. Isn't that looking for trouble?

"Oh, can you ask such an incisive question? What a great little guy," hehe! Yu Lan always has that kind of tep smile


After Yu Lan said this, he immediately got to the point. The children are waiting in a hurry! Yu Lan said, "The tendon and bone armor is produced by the spell warrior through inscription

Inspired, the body armor is hidden in the skin at ordinary times, and it is stimulated by the magic spell professional.

"The body armor on the body of the fighting charm warrior is also called the charm armor. After being stimulated, the use process will continue to absorb the professional's own energy

Strength, try to keep it."

"The more the soul power contained in your soul, the stronger your muscle and bone armor will be. Of course, the charm warrior himself

can also be stimulated, but the effect is too bad.

"So the higher the master's cultivation, the stronger the combat effectiveness of your subordinate warriors. But there is a problem that the charm warrior can bear.

"This also involves the quality and grade of the engraved charms attributed to the charm warrior's own order. So people in the spell profession and the magic profession

You must form a team to fight to reflect the greatest characteristics and strength of spells and spells.

"The spell warriors provide powerful protection capabilities for the charm warriors, while the charm warriors should do their best to protect their masters. Not only that,

The battle weapons of spell warriors also need the owner of the spell profession to provide energy. To break the enemy's defense.

"But the only purpose of what they have done to you is to protect your safety." Yu Lan finished a series of long stories easily and naturally

On the contrary, I didn't even think about it in the middle, and I didn't stubble and haven't stopped yet.

In fact, of course, Yu Lan doesn't have to think about it. He doesn't know how many times he has to repeat these words in a month, even if he forgets his own name, he can't forget these things


Chang Feihu nodded thoughtfully. For a moment, he suddenly thought of something and said to Lan, "Forget to invite Grandpa Yu in. Go inside and say it!"

" Yu Lan nodded with a smile, and several people then entered the room.

Now counting the original subordinate who took care of the courtyard, plus the four new people, there are a total of five people. Chang Feihu is an extroverted and familiar child,

He said, "You guys go down and go ahead," and then turned around and went in.

Chang Feihu moved the rice wine taken out of the kang table to entertain Yu Lan and asked, "Brother Nan is a follower of the five elders and Grandpa Zhai. How can he follow me? Again

said that he didn't know what Brother Nan thought," he said and looked at Nanli.

Nan Li said without hesitation: "I'm just a Fu Zhu warrior supported by the elder Zhai, not a follower. Since the elder Zhai does not object to this matter, I am willing

Follow the mountain tiger."

"Mountain tiger, do you want me to follow it?" Nanli looked at Chang Feihu with a smile and asked.

Chang Feihu was happy and a little incoherent. As soon as he was happy, he wanted to shout, opened his mouth wide, aha, which shocked Yu Lan, and then shouted, and he cleared

When he woke up, Grandpa Yu hadn't left yet. He looked at Yu Lan in surprise and quickly covered his mouth with both hands.

But I still couldn't help laughing and said, "Ha ha, Grandpa Yu, I'm sorry, I was so happy that I couldn't help shouting out."

Yu Lan shook his head with a smile and muttered to himself, "This child is really interesting!"

Chang Feihu's eyes were full of bright light and infectious, and he said, "Of course I would like to be with my eldest brother!" But...but you also know

Do! I'm still a child. I have nothing. I'm afraid I can't afford to raise you! And the five people outside should be very edible. I don't have money!"

Yu Lan almost spit out the wine in his mouth. The child was so funny that Nan Li rolled his eyes. Yu Lan smiled and said, "Don't worry about this, eat

Your master is responsible for living. Only after becoming a French congratulatory at the end of their apprenticeship can their food, housing and transportation rely on your own efforts.

"Especially the most important inscriptions of Fu Zhushi, you have to make them all. It's up to you to improve his strength!" Chang Feihu heard Nanli talk about the inscription,

There was also an introduction in the book given to him, so he stopped asking what he knew.

Grandpa... You continued, "I'm a child. I just came here. I don't know anything. Is there anything else to do?" A look of appreciation flashed in Yu Lan's eyes, to Chang Feihu's

The good impression has increased a lot.

He is now looking for someone. In the name of Lan, even the word Yu is omitted and directly called Grandpa. Chang Feihu's courtesy and respect for him, let Yu Lan

I'm very happy.

He was also happy to talk to Chang Feihu and then said, "You still have to get identity cards, apprentice's clothes and charm books. Well, I still have a lot of things to do

If you have any questions, ask your master and your followers that Nanli knows no less about these tedious things than me," Yu Lan got up and said goodbye.

After sending Yu Lan away, Chang Feihu said to Nan Li, "Brother! Take me to get those things. I don't know the way. Aunt Xuan, you go to tidy up the room and arrange one

Next, Aunt Geng went to get some food and came back for dinner after finishing the work. Then he said to Nanli, "Big brother, lead the way."

Nan Li listened to this and turned over Chang Feihu and said, "From now on, I'm your follower. It's you who took me."

Chang Feihu blinked his big eyes and said unscrupulously, "Yes, I took you and opened the way in front of you." Nanli shook his head at his words to this brother, but his heart was happy

was very happy and muttered, "This boy is getting more and more slippery."

The two went to get the identity card first, and the place where they received it was next to the charm hall. The registration of the disciples of Shanfumen was here, and the person in charge of management was registered.

A sign was handed over and said, "The identity mark represents your identity at Shanfumen, and it is also a certificate of entry and exit. Just hang it around your waist according to the men's left and women's right."

He took over the identity card, which was a palm-sized wooden card. I don't know what material was used. The body was all black, and there was a faint fragrance. Four

Zhou engraved this cloud-side pattern, with a few light golden words carved on the other side of "Mountain Fumen" on the front. After playing, he hung it around his waist and casually asked, "

Brother, what does the magic mean?

"The Dharma priest is the name of the magic spell professional apprentice, which is the lowest profession. The Dharma priest goes up to the Dharma Zhushi-Faben-Da | Dharmaben."

"Your master Yuan Fengming is a big | law book. His status and status are very high, and many things need not be ordered, and others have already done it.

"Usually, the identity of a professional is linked to the professional level. Your identity is the lowest professional, and you basically have no rights, just more than ordinary

is just tall. So you have to work hard," Nanli explained tirelessly.

"Yes, big brother," Chang Feihu waved his fist and hammered it with both hands, with hot eyes. He has long made a wish to study hard

Xi has now strengthened this belief.

Nan Li introduced as he walked: "Clothes and books are collected in the charm hall. The charm hall is very large. Many people study here, and many children of inner disciples have not yet

Those who worship teachers all come here. Some of the personnel recruited by the sect are not highly qualified, and the apprentices who have no time to teach by the master also study here.

In the charm hall, there is a martial arts hall and a rune hall, which is a place for apprentices and low-level professionals to practice and make charms. Chang Feihu did not

I want to waste too much time, just take a glance and rush to get something.

As he walked, he asked Nanli, "Brother, tell me what's the difference between a charm and a magic spell." Although he is now a professional, he is here

The most basic knowledge is that my eyes are still black and I don't know anything. Chang Feihu kept asking Nanli this and that.

Nan Li spread his hands: It's more appropriate to ask your master. He knows more clearly and in detail than I know. He should have taught you these things. Hearing this,

Chang Feihu nodded indifferently.

After receiving clothes and books, the two returned to their residence and saw that Yu Lan had been waiting for a long time with two big and three thick Fu Zhushi. When they saw Chang Feihu, they came back and said

said, "Come on, let me introduce you. He is Pei Lin. He is Pei Yong, who is full-time responsible for protecting your safety. He is not a follower, but just temporarily borrowed it for your dispatch


After you get to know each other, I will go back, Yu Lan said with a smile.

Chang Feihu nodded and said, "Grandpa has worked hard." He has now entered the state of a professional, and even his identity shelf is just right.