
Chapter 51 in prison

Rumbled, and for a moment, the earth began to tremble, and the dust boiled with the rushing power of the beasts like thunder.

"It's a beast tide! Oh, my God!" Chang Feihu's face suddenly changed, and his face turned pale in an instant. He shouted harshly, "Run!" Everyone urged the horse to run wildly. Seeing that they had already gone to the city, it would be safe to enter the city. They all thought so!

In the front are three Bai Anne, who are two meters higher than ordinary people's bodies, making the road under their feet very short. They suddenly jump and jump seven or eight meters. These are not human beasts or beasts. They are extremely fast, but in a short time, they jump out behind everyone. More than five meters blocked their way.

At this time, it was only less than 30 meters away from the city of Shouyang Pass. The runes in the city released arrows one after another, but they were facing Bai Anne. The kind of large-scale attack that is usually enough to kill level 11 beasts has no effect on Bai Anne. Those arrows with runes hit Bai Anne's body was just a random noise, and she was blocked from rebounding out by the scales on Annie's body.

Everyone only felt fooled, and the beast tide came in front of her. A Bai Anne stretched out her hand to catch Nanli, and Nanli cut off the horses next to it. Then, after a crisp sound, the rune was rebounded. Chang Feihu saw the crisis of the situation and did not dare to hesitate for a moment. He immediately stimulated a net charm and netned Bai Anne. The practitioner's mind reacted quickly, and Nanli immediately drove his horse away.

But he can't stay too far away from Changfeihu. Although he is now difficult to protect himself, it is the duty of his followers to protect his master. If he loses Changfeihu, he is better than to die. It's really better to die. The same is true of thunder, avoiding the temporary danger and quickly approaching Chang Feihu.

As soon as Nanli got out, the net was torn open, and another Bai Anne went to catch the thunder. Nan Li had no power to fight back in front of Bai Anne. It was really a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and the thunder was even more dangerous. However, this guy didn't know that he was afraid at all. Instead, he was full of energy, and the gun rod shook and pricked into Bai Anne's eyes. He shouted uncontrollably, "Cool, it's good to come. Let's see how Grandpa Lei deals with you!"

The thunderous behavior made Chang Feihu sweat coldly. After taking a breath, he was so angry that he cursed: "Lei madman! You are looking for death, stay away! "Let's go to the city!" In his busy schedule, another net covered with thunder. He shouted for the two to retreat quickly, and there was a sense of hatred in his anxious voice, which was full of horror and anger. He couldn't figure out why he didn't know how to be afraid.

At this time, a big Faben on the gate sent out a small-legged ice cone and hit the third Bai Anne with a sharp roar. The attack power of Dafaben was super strong, but the ice cone only knocked Bai Anne down, and then turned over and jumped up without any damage, still strong and no one could be. Enemy.

And the two Bai Anne red-spotted people who had torn the net ran over again. Chang Feihu took the first Bai Anne's net and shouted, "Go back quickly, you two idiots, fools, his grandmother is a bear." At this time, a lot of ropes were also dropped on the city, and everyone climbed up one after another.

Yuan Shan, Nanli, Lei Ming, the hope of life, the rope to continue survival was grabbed by Chang Feihu and others to climb up, but before climbing a few steps, Bai Anne quickly jumped from the air and climbed twice Nanli and Leiming looked back at Chang Feihu at the same time.

"Quickly, I have net characters that I can deal with for the time being!" Chang Feihu shouted eagerly.

Nan Li didn't listen at all. He flew up and dropped the rope and was about to go down to the savior, but he was quickly caught by Yuan Shan, who was closest to him. When he was nervous, he was extremely explosive. Nan Li was thrown not far from the head of the city. A Fu Ben grabbed the rope without thinking and jumped down and pulled Nan Li. Come up.

Chang Feihu suddenly saw that the thunder was about to jump down, and immediately howled, "If you dare to come down, get out of here. I don't want such disobedient followers!" Lei Ming's eyes shed two rows of hot tears, gritted his teeth and climbed up.

"Mountain tiger!" Nanli shouted nervously.

But Chang Feihu could no longer answer at this time. Three Bai Anne gathered around. The highest-level professionals of Yuan Shan's team, that is, Faben and Fuben, but they had no resistance in front of Bai Anne and could only lie down desperately in the city. That was the only way out. Chang Feihu resisted at the end. In this There is nothing you can do if you want a child to break.

Yuanshan's team's runes basically went up to the tower, and those who had not yet gone up were quickly pulled up by professionals on the wall. Just as Chang Feihu grabbed the rope to leave this creepy place, a Bai Anne jumped four or five meters in the air and opened her hands in mid-air to catch Chang Feihu. Chang Feihu returned and sent a net. Symbol.

Unexpectedly, the net was not sent out. The net charm was broken with a snap. The net charm had been used to the limit and be scrapped. Thunder and Nanli all screamed in shock. The thunder reacted the fastest. He raised his legs and rushed out of the wall and jumped down. A rune blade light trembled, and quickly rescued Chang Feihu and the people in the city. Unexpectedly, it was impossible to stop it.

Due to the excessive shock of Nanli, his reaction slowed down and was stopped by professionals in the city. At this time, the thunder shot head-on at Bai Anne, who caught Chang Feihu. Dang, his charm was blown out by Bai Anne's backhand and was captured by Lei Ming on the spot.

Chang Feihu was shocked and raised his head in panic. The soul armor instantly penetrated his body. The flow of charms on the bright yellow armor leaves was clearly visible. Thirty-two pieces of armor covered his body without revealing a trace. A wild beast on the helmet above his head held a purple charm pattern. Chang Feihu waved his hand and showed a dazzling knife, high With a shout, "Dazzling Sun Wheel Cut!" The dazzling knife turned to Bai Anne and cut her face.

However, an accident happened. Bai Anne's movements were extremely agile. Before Chang Feihu's dazzling sun was launched, she grabbed the blade of the dazzling sun knife and twisted it hard. Clicked, the dazzling sun knife broke into countless pieces, turning into a little fine light and dissipated in the dust, and the fragments of the rune cards in Chang Feihu's hand. Before it was completely turned into powder, Bai Anne pulled her hand, grabbed Chang Feihu's thigh, crushed Chang Feihu's armor with a click, grabbed Chang Feihu and immediately turned around with one leg. The city immediately exclaimed.

Bai Anne reacted very quickly. She climbed on the wall and returned to the herd in an instant. She grabbed one in one hand and turned around and returned on the way to the herd. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared. Nanli cried and was about to jump down the city. She was stopped by Yuan Shan, and then two more came up. Fu Ben grabbed Nanli, and Nanli, who couldn't move in a hurry, broke his liver and stamped his feet and cried.

Nanli's desperate struggle and tears were like a downpour, and he almost fainted on the ground. This scene was so sad that even the professionals on standby inside the wall were red in their eyes. There was a buzzing and low cry in the crowd, and the blade in his hand hung weakly.

Nan Li cried speechlessly. Pei Lin and Pei Yong were also crying loudly. They didn't cry because they lost Chang Feihu and were sad. They were distressed by the meritorious values for several years. Seeing that the contribution of the sect of their hands dissipated with the ashes in the blink of an eye, they had been busy for so many years. At this time, they were even iron-hearted people. I will shed tears.

Yuan Shan woke up with a runny nose and held Nanli with red eyes and advised, "Brother Nanli, don't cry. Listen to me...!"

"Bah! Don't touch me, you pay me the tiger, you pay me..." Nanli tilted his arm and bumped into Yuan Shan.

Yuan Shan staggered back, shook his head with a cough and sigh, and big tears rolled down. He wiped away his tears fiercely, but tears kept flowing down. The professionals around are greatly shocked, and the tears of the professionals are not easy to flow. Once they flow out, they often make people heartbroken. In the great shock, everyone shed tears, but now there is no way to save people.

The crowd began to **, and the barbarians surged towards the Shouyang Pass like a high tide. Not to mention that Bai Anne's red spot man has disappeared, and the beast tide has also begun to hit the Shouyang Pass. In front of him, he can only struggle to guard the gate. Nanli was tied to the tower with a rope, otherwise he would definitely jump into the beast tide. His crying voice was hoarse until he finally fainted.

The brother Chang Feihu is not only the master he follows, but also a person who is more than his own brother. Moreover, once he loses his brother, his future will be bleak. No one will be willing to let a person in his thirties follow him. He has passed the best age to follow his master. Nanli felt that he had lost the meaning of life.

After five days of continuous stimulation, the barbarian beast was blocked by a large number of professionals who came to support them and left the mountain of corpses and retreated. Everyone sympathized with Nanli very much and saw that Chang Feihu was just a child. It was quite regrettable. Although Nanli did not participate in the war, it was also given to a large number of barbarian beasts in Nanli. He was forced by Yuan Shanxiao. The team was carried back to the yard.

Since he went back, Nanli cried and didn't say a word. Yuan Shan couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't explain to Yuan Fengming. Pei Lin and Pei Yong's task was messed up, and he secretly cried and was also depressed. Yuan Shan sent four runes to guard Nanli. He couldn't hold him down when there were fewer people. After a long time, Nanli didn't make trouble, but from time to time One person cried and did not leave the room.

Nan Li was sad. He regretted it so much that if he had pulled the tiger up faster at that time! If he breaks, if there is a big Faben beside him, if..., he can't sleep all night, washes his face with tears every day, and shouts the name of Chang Feihu on the wall from time to time. The whole person is broken down. When he returns to the room, he shed tears and plays with the fur of the six-level barbarian beast, and gradually calms down, only It's thinner and more melancholy. Since then, I haven't said a word, just occasionally crying alone...