
Chapter 61 Jade Card Text

was not enough to make the words appear. I slightly adjusted the soul power in my body and covered the palm on the jade card on my forehead. After a moment, the soul power flowed to my arm and gradually rushed into the jade card on the palm of my hand. Follow the trajectory of the text on the jade card and inject the soul power slowly running into the body.

When the soul power filled the jade card, the white jade text suddenly glowed, and the runes began to jump out of the blur, and the light became stronger and thicker. Finally, the rune culture rushed into the forehead of Changfeihu like lightning, and the words were activated in his brain, becoming a series of short and clear sentences. Zi.

"Oh! The real and strange way is to read in my mind. Chang Feihu marveled at the magic of the jade card.

After entering Changfeihu's body, something immediately appeared in his mind, which recorded the method of making soul-blood beast. What is the soul-blood beast is? He has no knowledge of this. Making animal charms requires a rune beast that has just died and has not dissipated. Changfeihu is not in a hurry to make horses. It is made, because there are no production conditions at present.

The pheasant can only be used to escape, and the problem of weapons has not been solved. After the joy, Chang Feihu calmed down, and he also thought of a problem. It is too wasteful to purify with thirteen charms now. Da | Fa should have had a higher purification charm array, and the existing one can't collect the soul, so take advantage of the present The opportunity to refine a few urn treasures has always been envious of Yuan Shan's continuous ice bullets and fireballs. Now that he has this condition, of course he has to do a few.

In the eyes of Da | Faben, the Fubao that once made him unable to put down is no longer seen. He wants to make a higher-level urnbao and a pure rune array of 49 charms. This is what Yuan Fengming uses.

Chang Feihu continued to purify the materials. Lei Ming had nothing to choose from. He was bored and had to dig the materials on the wall in the hall. More than ten days have passed. There were only a lot of materials left in the corner in the hall. It is estimated that they would have been purified in less than half a month. The two usually except for cultivation There is no more fun, just riding a pheasant from time to time.

That day, Leiming accidentally broke his hand when digging materials. It was an ordinary thing, but it attracted a double-headed pheasant and landed on Lei Ming's arm and stared at the blood beads. Lei Ming shouted in surprise: Come on, mountain tiger. Look, the pheasant seems to be very interested in blood.

"Does it like blood?" Chang Feihu asked himself doubtfully, took out a blood cell from the soul and threw it over. The two-headed pheasant quickly swallowed it and sent urgent information of expectation. Chang Feihu said strangely, "It really likes blood." With that, more than 30 blood beads were thrown in a row, and the two chicken heads scrambled to eat the blood beads thrown by Chang Feihu.

At this time, the chicken head was like two beasts with independent thinking. The pheasant not only ate fast but also moved accurately. Chang Feihu was a little worried about these hard-won things, but he still did not stop feeding. The pheasant escaped from here and was not allowed to give it enough food until he ate it. Eighty pheasants made a wish that was not so urgent.

"Eat more and eat enough to take us out of here." Chang Feihu spoke softly and stroked the back of the pheasant. The pheasant seemed to enjoy the owner's touch very much. His eyes narrowed slightly and looked like a good baby. Chang Feihu fed 20 more, and the pheasant gave a grateful feeling that it was no longer needed for the time being.

The rune armor is very simple to make, but it is quite difficult. A complete skin of Bai Anne's red spot man, together with scales, can be cut appropriately according to the human body shape.

Chang Feihu found that he completely ignored the high strength and high defense of the material, because it was too hard to cut and cut it continuously. Finally, he had to refine a set of ultra-small purified runes to melt where it needed to be cut, and inlaid several green beads on the rune armor for embellishment.

He wanted to leave the complete Bai Anne's body to the master, so it didn't work. Ten days later, three sets of armor appeared in front of the two.

There was a fiery look in Lei Ming's eyes, which was an extremely eager look, which was very scary. Chang Feihu laughed and said, "Are you going to kill people and get over goods? Or do you want to eat people? This is yours. Take it quickly, or wait until you know what will happen!"

Lei Ming and Nan Li's figure has already been in Chang Feihu's mind. You don't have to think about it. Lei Ming smiled stupidly. The saliva flowed down a foot long and put on the thunder of the armor. His mouth was not known there. He only saw the white teeth full of his mouth. Ha ha, hehe, he was just a giggle.

Chang Feihu said with a smile, "I didn't show my teeth when I didn't wear it. You see, you are really going to eat people now. I have to put it on quickly. If you bite, you will lose a lot of money," he also put on the charm.

Where's your gun? Give it to me! He wanted to try the defense of Rune. Knowing that the defense of Rune was extremely high, he couldn't help but want to try it.

Thunder's temper and personality are very violent, but he is obedient like a docile cat in front of Chang Feihu. He didn't ask what the gun was for, but took it out of the storage charm and threw it directly.

Strong, Chang Feihu stretched out his hand and firmly grasped the short rune gun. The tip of the gun was cold and stabbed like a storm. When the jingle sound, the tip of the gun was sparked and the thunder was shocked. He didn't understand what happened to Chang Feihu, but he gave him the sense that he should run away immediately. "Brother Shanhu, don't fight!" He turned his head and shouted and ran far away.

But how can he run over the Changfeihu? Fu Zhushi is a trivial ant in front of Dafa, brother! Are you crazy? Don't hit it! The nervous thunder shouted randomly, and accidentally saw Chang Feihu's happy and leisurely smile, and immediately understood that this was his brother Shanhu playing with him.

"Wow, awesome, don't fight! Help!" The hall echoed with thunder and horror screams, "Surrender, surrender, I surrender!" Lei Ming lay down on the ground with a big word, showing a fear and began to pretend to be stupid.

Chang Feihu kicked him and said, "Stop pretending. It's time for you."

Lei Ming wiped out the saliva with his hand and said, "Don't dare!"

Chang Feihu was not happy and snorted with a grimace, "I don't want to. His grandma's, I can't play!" He wanted to be as serious as possible to stop the thunder, but the serious seriousness was still difficult to hide the smile at the corners of his mouth.

Lei Ming just shook his head and simply closed his eyes. It's okay. You prick your leg. It doesn't matter if I have an internal injury here. Chang Feihu instigating thunder carelessly.

ps: I feel dizzy! I'm sick. I've been in a bad state these two days. Today, the text recommendation is gone, and I have to start running naked again. I don't know how many people are willing to read this book. It's chilling that there are few red tickets, collections and clicks.