
Chapter 68 Liwei

Crossing the city wall, Bixia knife played a knife flower, her eyes flashed, and a terrible light flashed, revealing boundless fierceness and anger in the momentum. He grabbed the thunderous professional and threw his head casually. The man was a high-level rune, which was known after Chang Feihu's palm touched the other party's body.

Chang Feihu didn't even move in place. He sucked hard in the palm of his hand. The man's shoulder was choked by Chang Feihu again. Bixia put the knife against his neck and saw that a beautiful blood stain had appeared. A trace of blood slowly oozed out to bring a little red beauty.

After that, Fu Ben's head will move, and the bright red color on his neck with a horrible purring sound will make the sky scattered and beautiful bright red, making the city of Shouyang Pass full of gorgeous and enchanting flowers and bones, and drop a little strange blood rain in the hot desert. At this time, many people seem to have seen and smelled that the air is full of blood. In the anger of the elders, the whole world seems to be trembling, and fresh lives are about to disappear. The bloody haze over the city can't disperse.

The rune, who was captured on the shoulder, lost all his ability and became weak, and the heartbreaking pain spread all over his body, and the crisp sound of broken bones was almost bursting in his ears.

The black pupils of the rune became deep and fearful, and the expression seemed to prove that he would fall into the abyss. In the enchanting red, the darkness was about to devour his dead heart... His expression became ferocious and twisted, and he could even imagine the sound of his head falling to the ground, and in the strangest and most fear The voice was a few times away from his body.

"I'm dying... I'm dying!" This is the most direct fear in the depths of that Faben!

Chang Feihu's mind seems to have lost its reason and lost control to satisfy his desire to kill. In his opinion, the most wonderful feeling in the world is the pleasure of erasing everything with his own hands. All this made the silence look extremely ferocious, and the silence around it was terrible. Everyone can only hear their ploping nervous heartbeat.

At this time, the professional around him looked pale with fear, and the spirit of the senior rune seemed to have been emptied in an instant, without any vitality! That's definitely scared. Dare to embarrass the elders! His little life was about to end. At this time, everyone understood and knelt down and shouted, "Please show mercy! He did a lot of work to save you!"

A person who can play with advanced runes and palms are above the Dafaben. Now everyone is convinced that this underage child is really a big Faben.

As for calling Chang Feihu as an elder, it is clearly stipulated in Shanfumen. As long as a professional can reach the big Fuben or Da | Dafaben, there is no need for the sect to declare that he is an elder naturally from that moment.

"Ha ha," the most strange thing suddenly appeared! At this time, Chang Feihu smiled. Instead of raising the knife and letting the head under the knife rise into the air, he smiled and patted the dust on the high-level charm itself and asked, "Are you hurt? Just now, I couldn't think about it for a while. I felt that it was hard to go home. I had to be embarrassed before I was angry. Forget it, everyone is a disciple of Shanfumen. What can't you think of? This made a large number of people immediately start to roll their eyes, and it seemed to be educating them.

Chang Feihu's hand loosened and almost fell down and knelt down. He shook his body a few times, barely stood still, bowed down and saluted, and said in fear, "My subordinates know what's wrong!"

Chang Feihu patted him on the shoulder. Because he was far tall than the man, he had to pat him on tiptoe and said, "In fact, it's not wrong. Those who don't know are not guilty!" If you get hurt, take one pill. It's better!" With that, he took out three pieces of Yingdan and put them in the hands of the high-level rune. He swaggered away with thunder.

All professionals are stupid. They have never seen such a small child put on the momentum of a big man. They dare not let them take it lightly at all and give them a little sweetness before leaving.

"It's amazing!" There was a sound of admiration on the tower!

"In the end, it's still big | Faber, that kind of majesty is really not pretended."

With a trace of joy in his heart, Chang Feihu came to the courtyard where they lived and heard the elegant and sad music. Both of them were moved by the strange voice. They opened the door and saw that Nan Li had fallen into the spiritual state of selflessness, which led to the feeling of brotherhood.

After Lei Ming finished speaking, Nan Li hugged Lei Ming and Chang Feihu and said, "That's great. If we don't separate in the future, we will never let you take risks in person."

Lei Ming smiled and said, "Brother, you forgot that the mountain tiger is now a big law book, a big law book!" Lei Ming said proudly, as if he were full of energy.

"Mountain tiger, are you really a big | legal book?" Chang Feihu hugged Nanli again and said, "Brother, I'm a real big law book now, not an empty shell law book that has just been promoted. You don't have to worry about my safety."

Nan Li said, "You are not allowed to take risks easily. You have made your eldest brother sad. You have to compensate me!" Ha ha." Nan's heart is amazing.

Chang Feihu also smiled, took out the charm prepared for Nanli and said, "Brother! Try it on, and this rune shield, rune knife."

Nan Li did not say thank you. He immediately put it on and picked up Verton with a short knife in his hand, showing a firm and tenacious, rich and noble, poor and unyielding heroism. He said, "Do you think the eldest brother looks like a hero?"

"Hero? What is a hero? Chang Feihu didn't understand, but looked up and down and said, "Brother, you are really powerful, but this thing is a hot item. It's eye-catching. You have to put on a dress or a robe outside!" Otherwise, you will definitely follow a bunch of greedy eyes behind you.

Nan Li didn't explain, since his brother said he would dress up.

Nan Li patted Chang Feihu and said, "Let's take a look at the clothes I made for you," he said, took out the fur of the six-level barbarian beast he was pounding every day, handed it to Chang Feihu and said, "This is what the eldest brother made for you, called a leather jacket. Come and put it on and show it to the eldest brother."

"P leather jacket?" This noun sounded strange, like an unknown word at the end of hell in the world, but Chang Feihu immediately put aside such an idea and said happily, "Brother, is this a dress?" He touched his hand and said, "It seems to be made of leather. It's really beautiful."

Put on the leather jacket and turned around in place, and said, "It's very soft and close to the body, but a little big. Brother, wait a minute."

After saying that, he put on the armor, put on a leather jacket, and said, "Now it's just right, hehe, big brother! Thank you! You must have spent a lot of effort making leather jackets!"

"It's not too difficult to do, but..." Nanli saw Lei Ming's envious eyes and took Lei Ming's hand and said, "I only have time to make one. Don't envy it. I'll make another one for you later."

Then he whispered to Lei Ming, "After all, we are followers of the mountain tiger. Do we have to ask him to do it first?" He thundered again and walked away with a smile.

Chang Feihu was really happy to appreciate himself for a while. Suddenly, he remembered something and said: Wait a while, I'll buy some clothes to change and come back right away. Quickly came to the street and bought a large bag of clothes before Chang Feihu remembered to ask Yuan Shan. Big brother! What about the people of Yuanshan's team? And why is Pei Lin and Pei Yong not there?"

"Recently, your brother Yuan Shan has taken care of me. He carved runes for me when you are not here. You should really thank him. After five consecutive days of the beast tide in the previous stage, there was no movement. The sect had no task, but said that it still needed to wait. Yuan Shan's team couldn't stay and went out to hunt wild beasts. Pei Lin and Pei Yong I also went together and haven't come back yet. I should go out in the morning and come back now. Nanli said it in detail.

"Let's wait for them on the city wall. When they come back, we will ask the person in charge of Shouyang Pass to see if we can go back in the short term." Chang Feihu is no longer interested in Shouyang Pass now. He wants to go back quickly and have a look elsewhere, especially to go back to Qinglian Mountain and kill the murderer who killed his father.

What moved him most was that he saw the thunderball thrown from the tree on the ox cart. If he had a chance, he must visit the thunder gate to learn the magic spell with great damage and super attack. So far, he can't let him go of the scene at that time.

Since Chang Feihu came back, Nanli has been as energetic as a person. Chang Feihu was happy to say anything and said, "Okay, let's wait for them."

Three people came to the gate, and Chang Feihu waved his hand to let the professionals who wanted to see them disperse and said, "On our way back, there are few barbarian beasts in the desert. If they want to find one or two, I'm afraid it's not easy. How about their harvest these times?"

Nanli said, "I went out ten times and returned empty-handed eight times. It is estimated that there will be no big movement of the beast in a few years. However, the materials brought to professionals by a beast tide have been enough for many years.

At this time, Lei Ming seemed to see something. He stood on the city stack and looked into the distance and said, "Look there, there seems to be a lot of people."

Nanli and Chang Feihu raised their eyes and looked along the thunderous fingers. About 20 people were entangled inside and outside Shouyang Pass. They didn't know what they were doing.

Lei Ming stared ahead and said carelessly. Is it a fight? Let's go and see what's going on.

"What's good about fighting? If there is a barbarian beast, of course, you can't let go of things under my eyelids." The power in Chang Feihu's heart is instigating him. If he doesn't make some movement, how can he be worthy of the level of the law.

Nan Li felt funny and surprised. He said, "I just came back and wanted to go out again. Hasn't been lively enough for half a year?"

Lei Ming retorted, "What's lively? Two people stayed in a cave for half a year, is that lively? It's all stuffy me. If you don't go, Brother Shanhu and I will go.

Nan Li smiled and said, "I'm afraid you want to fight so hard? I haven't been out for a long time. It's good to go out and have a look.

When we walked not far from the city gate, we could faintly see the general situation. Leiming shouted, "It's Yuanshan team, and there are several people we don't know who seem to have a dispute. Let's go there quickly. There are more people on the other side than them."

Conflicts between professionals usually use the most direct fighting to solve problems. In addition, these people have always been used to being arrogant and can't stand any grievances. If two sentences are wrong, they can do it. Chang Feihu was afraid that Yuan Shan would suffer losses and said, "Go and have a look quickly!"

Several people accelerated and trotted all the way. Half a miles away, they finally saw that it was two groups of people. Yuan Shan's team was quarreling unfriendlyly with professionals on the other side, and there was a hard armored crab beast about level 5 in the middle. At a glance, I knew that this was the cause of the quarrel above.

"No, they want to do it!" Chang Feihu shouted and said, called out the two-headed pheasant flying on his body and said to Lei Ming and Nan Li, "I'll go there first. Those people are very strong. Maybe Yuan Shan will suffer."