
Chapter 84 Strange Things in Daping Village

Chapter 84 Strange Things in Daping Village

Chang Feihu asked someone to move a stool and let the man do it on the opposite side. He asked with a smile, "Isn't it good for you? Do you think you are strong? Day and night, people's faces are still red?

The peaceful elder made Wang Laosan give up his nervousness, coughed and said, "Yes, he is usually the same as a good person, but he gets sick from time to time. His body is suddenly cold and hot. When it is cold, it is not warm to cover the quilt on the dog days. When it is hot, it is still hot even if the winter moon is stripted, and his whole body trembled. I can't do anything."

"Is it the same every day? All at the same time?" Chang Feihu asked.

Wang Laosan nodded and said, "The elder is wise! You're absolutely right, that's all!"

Wang Laosan patted a light flattery. You know, they are looking forward to the stars and the moon here. They haven't come to the elders for many years. Today, the elders can come to his home. I don't know if it's the smoke from his ancestral grave, which is a blessing for eight lifetimes. This sentence has completely broken away from vulgar flattery and sublimated to the height of praise.

"Do you have a way to deal with it? Oh, damn it, the villain has violated disrespectful rules. Please forgive the elder. Wang Laosan is a little afraid to confess his guilt.

Chang Feihu ignored what he said. He is now very interested in these things and then said, "It's just noon, and there is still one hour left. Well, if you have enough time, just do it here and don't move."

"From Wang Laosan's family! Bring him a rolling pin and boil three red-skinned eggs. Hurry up!" Chang Feihu just thinks it's fun now. He has been familiar with "Nianli Charm" for a long time. He hasn't encountered anything recorded there yet. This time he has a chance. Of course, he has to try it.

The village head and Wang Laosan's family didn't know what the elder was going to do. They thought the elder was hungry and ate a few eggs here to put them at the bottom, but what did they do with a rolling pin? Is it possible to spank Wang Laosan when he has an attack? They guessed in fear, but they couldn't figure out what the elder wanted to do, but the elder ordered, how dare they say anything? I'll prepare it right away.

After a while, both were brought, and the eggs were still steaming. Chang Feihu remembered something again. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Take the pen and ink, and then start peeling the egg." Now they all believe that the elders are hungry.

After peeling the egg, Chang Feihu opened his mouth and drew it. He smiled. He took a pen and dipped thick ink and began to draw runes on the peeled eggs. First, he wrote a "mountain" followed by Tian, Lei and Wu. Long Feifeng dance was extremely scribbledly full of the whole egg.

After painting, Chang Feihu asked Wang Laosan, "Are you cold or hot first?"

Wang Laosan said quickly, "It's cold first, that's right, it's cold first," and then confirmed it again. He still doesn't understand what the elder wants to do!

"Okay, you sit like this, don't move, stretch out your left hand, hand him the rolling pin, take the rolling pin, eat an egg in the quarter of an hour before the attack, and eat another one in time. If it's not good, eat the third one. After today, you'll be fine. If it's not good, you can find the village head. " Chang Feihu's face was full of expectation, and he was not sure about the specific effect.

The village head muttered in his heart, why do you want me if you don't look for you? Does it work to get an egg and a rolling pin? Every family has this thing. If it works, they would have been fine and can wait until now. He is a hundred people who don't believe it.

In fact, this is normal. What does an ordinary village head know? Eggs and rolling pins are not very useful. The key is that the rune drawn on the egg is the key. The village head thought so, but he didn't dare to say it, so he could only despise it in his heart.

Chang Feihu stood up and said to the village head, "Go to the next one."

Wang Laosan fell to the ground and said, "Thank you for your grace! Congratulations to the elders."

Chang Feihu shook his head and said, "I don't like to hear this, elder!" That is, it should benefit one side. He strode out of the low courtyard door, and the village head hurriedly followed. So far, he still can't figure out the elder's intentions.

I still sit in the courtyard when I get to the next house. The village head introduced: "He is Zhao Laoer! Very simple person. Zhao Laoer, come and talk about what's going on!"

Zhao Laoer peeked at the elder and came over tremblingly. He was an honest man who had never seen the world. When he heard that he was an elder, he was so scared that he couldn't even say a complete word. Yes...is...long...village...old."

Chang Feihu saw his fear, slowed down his voice and asked him to sit down and whispered, "Don't be afraid!" Look, I'm not an adult yet? There is nothing terrible about it. I'm here to see a doctor for you. If you have anything, just tell me and we'll help you.

When the people see officials, they are afraid of official prestige. Once the other party can put down their air and treat them kindly, it is easier to get close to them. Zhao Laoer slowly became less nervous and said, "Yes... my mother-in-law, she is not very... good. She is yellow and thin and can't eat two mouthfuls of food. She can't work in the house all day long. It's not a headache today, just My feet will hurt tomorrow, and I often talk nonsense at night for fear of this and that.

Chang Feihu asked, "Can you go to the ground?"

Zhao Laoer said, "If you can go to the ground, you just don't have any strength."

"Oh," Chang Feihu said, "Since you can go to the ground, please come out and have a look. Your room is too small."

The house where the villagers live is incomparable. The small thatched house is short, dark inside, and there are smoky smoke stains everywhere. If the people who enter do not bend down, they can touch the roof and fall into the soil.

[Note: In the northwest region in the 1960s and 1970s, most private houses were like this. This is the author's personal experience, not similar fabrication. What is said is very similar, not to engage in feudal superstition activities! I just want to show the countryside of that period, of course, there is no such thing now.]

Yes! The elder is powerful!" Zhao Laoer was almost as sincere as the villagers in front of him.

After Zhao Laoer's mother-in-law was helped to do it well, Chang Feihu suddenly reached out and pulled her arm, pinched the life door of her wrist, pinched her middle finger with the other hand, modeled it, let go, carefully grasped the pulse, and said, "Six veins are often scattered and irregularly. Well, help her in first." Zhao Laoer first knelt down to thank him, and then thanked him before doing things.

Chang Feihu thought for a moment and called Zhao Laoer and asked, "Are you wearing underwear?" Everyone was puzzled and stared at it. They are strange. What the elder wants and what they do are strange and difficult to understand, but they dare not show doubts about what the elders are, whether it is reasonable or not.

Zhao Laoer was embarrassed and said, "I have clothes."

Chang Feihu nodded and said, "Okay, you drag it down and bring it over, ask someone to take the paper and pen, put the paper on Zhao Laoer's underwear, and begin to write runes and read it out, "Heheyang's sunrise in the east, I hold this charm and sweep it up unknown, spit out three real fires, the light of Fufeimenyi, remove the disease and turn it into auspicious."

Lei Ming admired Chang Feihu so much that nothing could defeat him. He looked at him distractedly and said, "It's good to be an elder. I know everything. There are so many people who say nice words. I will also be an elder like Brother Shanhu in the future."

Nan Li came to Lei Ming and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Brother, why don't you say those nice things to us?" Lei Ming is obsessed with dementia, like talking to himself.

After preparing, he called Zhao Laoer and said, "Burn this paper in your mother-in-law's room and give her the rest of the paper ash with half a bowl of water." He pointed to his underwear and said, "When it gets dark at night, put this underwear on her head. Remember, no matter how much she asks you, you can't take it off. Remember? She will be fine after today. If she is not well, she will go..."

Village head Yuan immediately came forward and said, "If it's not good, come to me." Lei Ming and Nan Li shook their heads with a smile. This village head is smart and funny.

"Village head, let's go back." Chang Feihu stretched out his waist and said.

Village chief Yuan went out and asked softly, "There are still many houses?" Won't you go?"

Chang Feihu frowned angrily and said, "There are more than 100,000 people in Daping Village. Will you let my family go?"

When the village head saw that the elder was angry, his face turned very frightened and said, "It's just a casual question. How to deal with it depends on the elder, and the villain dares not say it." There was a trace of fear in his tone.

Nan Li patted Chang Feihu on the shoulder with a slight smile and said, "Mountain tiger, your temper rises. It seems that people with high status are all like this, aren't they?"

"What is it! Brother, why did you turn your elbow out? Chang Feihu disapproved of Nan Li's words and immediately opposed them. Of course, he also vented his dissatisfaction while opposing them.

That is, Nan Li dares to talk to Chang Feihu like this. If he changes others, he will kick him down.

Nanli shook his head with a smile. He found that the brother's temper had changed a little, and even his eldest brother couldn't figure it out. Sometimes he was kind, kind-hearted, obedient to him, and sometimes stubborn and capricious, strange and fierce. If it hadn't been for him, such an elder, he really wouldn't have dared not speak casually.

"Think about it, I will sit in Daping Village for a year at most, that is, I don't eat, don't sleep or practice every day, and I can't see it for another three years. I'll go back and talk about it!" Chang Feihu said angrily and left.

Back to the village head's house, Chang Feihu jumped on the kang and said, "Bear a brazier."

The thunder asked puzzledly, "It's not cold. What do you want the brazier?"

Chang Feihu said confidently, "Can I have a barbecue and roast a beast meal?"

Lei Ming said with a smile, "Of course, you are the elder. The eldest brother is right. The elder's temper has risen." After he finished speaking, he ran, because Chang Feihu's feet had been raised to kick his ass.

Chang Feihu made a stiff face and said harshly, "You three! Why don't you come and see the elders?"

The village head was about to kneel down. Nanli grabbed him and smiled, "It's not like this, it's a meal!" See you while eating, hehe."

The two jumped up and began to barbecue. Nanli strangely said to the village head, "If you don't come up, how can we meet?"

"I just asked you to come up for a barbecue, idiot!" Lei Ming threw a charcoal fire at the village head and said.

Chang Feihu nodded and said, "Come on, I have something to ask you."

"I, ask me to go together... Eat it?" The village head couldn't believe what he heard.

"No, no...no, no, I dare not!" When he got a certain look, he quickly stepped back two steps and looked extremely uneasy. He waved his hands and said that he dared to sit on an equal footing with the elder, and he dared not lend him the courage.