
Chapter 11 Receive Yaoyuan

Chapter 11 Receive Yao Yuan

When they came to Wufeng Town on the prairie, Chang Feihu also reached the position where they came for the first time. Xiao Er came forward and said, "Four guests, do you want to try some refined rice recently?"

Nan Li smiled first, then shook his head with emotion and said, "Life is really strange. It's completely different at this time, ha." I asked for eight bowls of refined rice, a beast meal and rice wine, and the four of them chatted while eating.

Chang Feihu also felt the same way as Nan Li's words and couldn't help laughing and said, "Yes! In the same place, only after a few years, everything is still the same, but the identity is different.

Lei Ming was unwilling to lag behind and said quickly, "The money in his pocket is also different."

"Hmm! What my brother said is so incisive. The biggest change is that we have become rich. Chang Feihu laughed and poured a mouthful of rice wine into his mouth.

After drinking this rice wine, I felt that it tasted very good and asked, "Is rice wine made from this rice?"

Yaoyuan pulled a few mouthfuls of rice into his mouth and said, "How can it be so luxurious? Rice wine is brewed from japonica rice. The yield of japonica rice is very high, and the taste is very poor. It can only be used to feed livestock. The rice wine brewed is not good. What we eat now is refined rice. Ha ha, I can't afford it at ordinary times. , it's good that Qu Maifan can be full.

Lei Ming was uncomfortable when he saw Yao Yuan eating like a starving ghost and said, "Don't you have to follow us after eating this meal?" In this case, Lei Ming has said it many times, and he has been keeping an eye on him all the way.

Yao Yuan's face was bitter, and his face was usually like a bitter gourd. This time it was even more bitter. He shouted, "Brother Lei, don't drive me away, okay? It's not easy to have a good meal, but I haven't had enough yet... Alas! Bitter!"

Lei Ming's eyes stared and said, "Don't go? What is it like to follow us? You have to take precautions against you!" Lei Ming, a stunned young man, doesn't care about any face, and he is worried about Yaoyuan.

Yaoyuan immediately said flatteringly, "Let me follow you and follow Chang Feihu, ah, no, I'm following Master Chang, Mr. Chang, okay?"

Chang Feihu looked at him unplealy and said, "Why are you running horses and talking nonsense? I'm only 17 years old. Why are you an old man?"

Yaoyuan immediately changed his words and said, "It's Master Chang, Brother Chang, okay? Little brother, just let me follow you! With you, I can still fill my stomach with refined rice.

Chang Feihu couldn't help sneering and said, "We have only known each other for a day. We don't know what kind of person you are, what kind of temper you are, and what the details are. How can you reassure us? Is it possible to be distracted against the sudden advance of the black hand behind you when fighting?

Yao Yuan grinned bitterly and said, "I have always been a good person and a professional of a small family. I just accidentally killed the head of the family. There is nothing more. It's easy for you to know."

Without thinking, Lei Ming spread his hands and said, "We still know nothing, we don't know anything!" Anyway, I don't trust you."

Facing Nanli with a sad face, he kept bowing and hoping that he could say a few words in front of Chang Feihu.

Professionals live a very hard life without a good master, especially those who have lost their masters are much better than ordinary people. Because their strength is too low to get materials to continue to advance, some money is spent on buying materials, and life is even more difficult. .

But once there is a big Faben detention, it is equivalent to jumping from the days of hellish suffering to heaven. As Yao Yuan said, he can at least fill his stomach with refined rice, and he doesn't have to worry about the materials.

Nanli listened for a long time and didn't say anything. At this time, he sighed, "How many professionals were driven by interests and died in the sneak attack of the enemy or their peers. After saying that, they stood up and asked Chang Feihu: Mountain Tiger! If he comes from a serious way, are you willing to take him in?

Chang Feihu nodded indifferently and said, "My followers are far from enough. If there is a suitable candidate, of course I would like to have a few more people to follow me, but he...!"

Nanli knew what Chang Feihu was going to say, so he raised his hand to interrupt him and said, "From the beginning, when he said every word, I have been paying attention to observing. No matter how experienced the liar is, no matter how calm he is, his eyes will definitely turn from time to time, which is a normal reaction of fabricating stories and lies. And Yaoyuan has not been in this situation since we met him, which shows that he is telling the truth.

Lei Ming immediately pointed out: "People who often fabricate lies and stories, their lies and stories are ready-made, and there is no need to make them up at the moment. This is what my grandfather said! If you can convince me of this, I won't object."

Nanli looked at Chang Feihu. Chang Feihu also nodded and said, "What Lei Ming said is reasonable. If it can really prove that he is an upright and credible person, I will accept it!"

"This is not difficult," he said, patting Yao Yuan on the shoulder: "You have hope!"

Then he continued to say, "Scammers will observe words and colors when they lie, and their eyes will never stay still, because they have to think about dealing with different people. People with ideas will unconsciously shake their eyes, which I didn't find in my distant eyes."

"In addition, a follower who can always think about revenge for his master is essentially good. I also like his valuable loyalty and persistence. Nanli talked endlessly about his reasons.

Lei Ming and Chang Feihu have also been paying attention to Yao Yuan's behavior. After Nan Li said it, he immediately believed nine points, because his trust in Nan Li reached the extreme.

"You have a future now! Aha!" Chang Feihu gave a thunderous smile. Clap Yaoyuan on the shoulder.

received a senior rune as a follower. As soon as he was happy, he shouted. His voice scared the whole restaurant away.

Looking at the chaotic crowd, I suddenly found something funny. For a moment, I was happy and didn't know what to say, so I began to talk nonsense: "Welcome to join the marriage escape team, rob families, kill and set fire together!"

Lei Ming, who could miss such a fun thing, also stretched out his hand and patted Yao Yuan and said, "Welcome to kill and rob while the fire!"

Yaoyuan burst into tears of joy. He grabbed Chang Feihu and Lei Ming's hand and said, "Thank you for trusting me. I promise that I will do something recklessly in the future and prove my loyalty with the actual actions of burning, killing and looting. I will never live up to your trust."

went over and hugged Nanli and said, "I'm very happy to have another head of the family. I will definitely cherish it. I'm so lucky. The main thing is to thank the Nanli brothers. Without your understanding of people, no one will accept me in my life. I finally have another family. "

No matter what kind of professional, what kind of professional person he wants to follow most is the master figure. Following such a person will be much smoother on the road and can get more help. It is precisely because of this that Yaoyuan was moved from the first sight of Chang Feihu, otherwise he would not have followed shamelessly.

Haha, his grandmother is a bear, and Chang Feihu jumped up and shouted. He was so happy that he couldn't find a way to express his mood for a moment, so he began to shout and scream.



"My master! What can I do for you?"

"Did you burn this restaurant?"

"Hahaha!" Four people laughed in the trembling of the shopkeeper!

Nan Li picked up the shopkeeper and laughed, "They are kidding. Don't be afraid. This is a 100-hole square charm, which can be regarded as compensation for your loss." He knows the temper of the mountain tiger, and he is expressing his excitement and joy in a different way.

The shopkeeper's hatred wiped a cold sweat, cleaned up the heart injured by panic, and muttered away: "People are happy to eat and drink. These men are so happy! Alas! It's so difficult to make a living. I almost lost my life.

Chang Feihu swept away the depressed mood in the past and said comfortably, "You look more than 40 years old. I'll call you uncle."

Nan Li laughed and said, "The age of professionals can't be seen on the surface."

Yaoyuan bowed slightly and said, "Everything is a title. That's good."

Chang Feihu said with a smile, "In the future, call me Shanhu. This is Lei Ming and Nanli. They are all my followers. From now on, we will be a family. Come to eat and eat well. Ha ha, the shopkeeper will eat quickly." Several people finished eating with laughter and went on the road again. On the way, they played in the mountains and rivers, and sometimes spoofed each other. Unconsciously, the end of the road was already Qinglian Mountain.

When he arrived at Qinglian Mountain, Chang Feihu sacrificed his father with the head of the two thieves, built a grass house in the original position, and temporarily lived there and made up his mind to break through the barrier for six consecutive years.

Spend a lot of time and energy practicing the matching magic formula every day, which is a necessary key to advance, but it is not easy to complete more than a thousand spells in a very short time. It is very difficult to convert between spells, so that there are a lot of blisters on your hands, and every time you practice until you sweat profusely. Stop. When he was fully proficient in playing a whole set of spells, the soul power began to be moved by the spells, and then stopped with satisfaction.

"I want to go up the mountain and see who will go with you?" On this day, Nanli waited for a relaxed and pleasant question, and he wanted to visit his hometown again.

Yaoyuan smiled and said, "I'm tired of running outside. It's rare to calm down and practice. I'll accompany the mountain tiger at home. You and Lei Ming will go."

Lei Ming looked at Chang Feihu, but he was still a little worried about Yao Yuan.

Chang Feihu nodded. Lei Ming saw that Chang Feihu did not object and could not say anything more. After going out, he showed a trace of worry and said to Nan Li, "Brother! We just turn around and come back. I don't want to go.

Nan Li knocked on the thunder's head and said with a cunning smile, "You're stupid. I'm testing him and walking around in front of him. Damn, God knows what happened to the big brother that day. As soon as his brain was hot, he actually persuaded the mountain tiger to accept him. Now I think about it's really It's not appropriate. It seems that we still have to observe him for a while to be relieved.