
Chapter 99 Soul Power Stone

Chapter 99 Soul Stone

"Oh, so that's it."

It seems that professionals are top people wherever they are, so there is no problem. After understanding the truth, Chang Feihu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take it. Go back and tell the captain that we are satisfied." The guard smiled, which was a kind of heartfelt smile and went back happily.

Lei Ming couldn't help asking lonelyly, "Grandpa Li, where did you start?" He respects this very inconspicuous old man so much, not from the bottom of his heart. Lei Ming's character never pays attention to others. The reason for this is that he is completely following Chang Feihu.

Li's head reacted strangely and immediately said, "Ouch! The little old man dare not pretend to be an elder. You are professionals, just ask me to be a leader. We are from Fancheng, which is a small town rich in local specialties. The little old man not only reacted quickly, but he didn't even wait for the thunder to ask, dragging out the origin of himself and the caravan out.

Several people know that the status of professionals in the fairy continent absolutely needs to be looked up to by ordinary people. Since there are the same rules here, I'm afraid that the leader will not be allowed to call him grandfather anyway, so he will no longer be persistent. Chang Feihu asked, "We will arrive at the destination in a day or two?"

Chang Feihu is very calm on the surface, but its purpose is to explore the source of advanced charms and collect all kinds of missing materials. So these are the things he is most concerned about. He is eager to reach the so-called Wuqi City, and only when he gets there can his doubts be solved.

: "Well, I will arrive in Wuqi City in one more day, and I hope to continue to walk with you." The old man's words really made Chang Feihu, who has a foresight, guess that people must have immediate worries without foresight. How appropriate this sentence is. In just two days, when they knew that the other party was a professional, they had shown signs of entanglement.

Chang Feihu said firmly in the bag of reward, "We have other things to do. If we go to Fancheng, we will definitely come to you."

Changfeihu, who was shaking the bag in his hand, suddenly felt that the weight seemed to match the Kongfang. He opened the bag and exhaled, and a strong breath of soul power came. The light blue stone blooms in a beautiful color under the snow.

Isn't it a reward? How could there be soul power? Chang Feihu took a look and immediately began to be stunned. Inside, there was a bag of stones that he did not know and had never seen before. The stone was shining with pure soul power, but the power was still very weak, but it was very pure. The pure soul power made him feel refreshed. Put the palm on the bag buckle, and the palm of the hand is collected inward, bringing a trace of soul power into the soul, uh-huh! The discovery that could be absorbed by the soul shocked Chang Feihu.

There are as many as 150 stones. After the shock, Chang Feihu is suspicious, and all kinds of thoughts such as suspicion continue to shuttle in his mind. I want to ask Chang Feihu, who just opened his mouth and shook his head. If the people of the caravan knew what they didn't know, they didn't know how much they would make a fool! The caravan will certainly be suspicious of their identity, and a little prestige will disappear, which may cause some trouble.

smiled self-deprecatingly. Chang Feihu had no choice but to close his eyes and began to think about what to do next after Wuyi City.

Bang, the sled thumped, as if something had been put on. Chang Feihu opened his eyes and saw that the caravan had entered a post station and asked, "Where is this place? Have you arrived at Wucheng?"

Meng Hu, the captain of the caravan, trotted all the way and said, "This is Fuyuan Post Station in the west of Wucheng. We have arrived at our destination."

"Excuse me, when will the adults go back? Can they continue to go together?" After answering Chang Feihu's question, Meng Hu couldn't wait to ask about the safety of the caravan, which was also what they most wanted to know.

"I have told the old man that I will come to you if I go back." Chang Feihu jumped into the snow sleigh and looked out of the door and answered.

"We are trading here and will go back in about half a month. If possible, please come to us." Menghu hesitated for a moment and said again.

Nan Li, Lei Ming and Yao Yuan have followed Chang Feihu to prepare to explore the Wuqi City in a novel place. They are very impatient and look at him with white eyes.

Chang Feihu nodded and said, "Don't worry, if you really want to go back, you won't go to other caravans. Oh, if you want to ask about the news, it's better to go to Wucheng?"

Meng Hu bent down and said respectfully, "If you want to inquire about the news, go to the Wanyuan Chamber of Commerce in the east of the city, which is the place with the most sources of information in Wuqi City. At the same time, it is also the largest chamber of commerce here. There are many professionals in the chamber of commerce. You can see it when you walk along the largest and widest road. No one in the city knows it. It is easy to find.

"Okay, let's go." With three people out of the post station, there is a wide road with slates. An urban area that can drive three or two cars side by side lives on the street. The snow on the road is very clean, and there are many pedestrians, which is no worse than that of Shanfumen.

Chang Feihu took a deep breath of the air of Wuyi City, relaxed his expression, and smiled easily: "It seems that this place has been out of the scope of the fairy continent. There is such a big city."

Yaoyuan also said, "What a big city, bigger than the largest city in our place."

Chang Feihu has begun to be a little excited in the flow of people. He has confirmed his previous ideas. Indeed, in addition to their place and other places in the fairy continent, the spell knowledge here is waiting for them to learn.

Several people forgot the crisis and the melancholy and excited discussion that were almost killed by a powerful attack. The biggest advantage of the followers is that they don't need to worry about anything. The only responsibility is to protect the master. Wherever the master goes, they will go. Everything else is done by the head of the family, so their The mood should be much more cheerful.

Chang Feihu thought about his thoughts all the way. Half an hour later, he arrived in the east of the city. Wanyuan Chamber of Commerce covers a large area. It is a three-story wooden building. The whole house is yellow, very smooth, and the edge of the building is very short. It looks thick, simple and distinctive.

There are many people entering and leaving the Chamber of Commerce. Several people follow the flow of people into the hall. People in the hall are busy with their own business. Among them, there are many professionals. Even their clothes are very distinctive and the colors are particularly bright. Most people are dressed in Ge Ma robes, surrounded by animal skins in the middle.

The only place that is the same as the mountain rune gate is that there is an identity mark on the body, with several shapes and colors. There is a long counter in the lobby, and there are many wooden cards on the counter. After approaching, Chang Feihu saw it, which said, consulting, professional employment, goods Transportation, hiring guards, etc.

Consult! Chang Feihu suddenly felt a car in front of his eyes, and what he needed was to understand the information. Quickly walk to the counter with consultation. In the counter, the author is a professional of about 50 years old. There is a small sign with words on his left chest. On the top, there is Wanyuan Chamber of Commerce, and the lower row is written with the holy master, and his name is written at the bottom. The holy teacher's name is Long Tai. This man looked old, but the light in his eyes made Chang Feihu know that all professionals could not judge their age from their appearance.

Long Tai, the great saint, was looking down at something. Chang Feihu thought that he was not on the same land as us, and the scale of professionals was different. He thought for a moment and asked, "Do you have time now, Elder Long? The boy wants to ask something." Chang Feihu asked with excitement and uneasiness.

Long Tai looked up at the young man talking opposite and asked, "What's the matter?"

Chang Feihu smiled awkwardly and said, "The boy came from a very remote place and has never seen any market. He wants to know what kind of world we are here and some details of professionals." He said it euphemistically, expressing his meaning and covering up his ignorance.

Long Tai shook his head puzzledly and said, "Why are there always so many people who come to ask some common sense questions recently? Is it possible that there are suddenly many idiots among professionals? The sharpness in the words is accompanied by throwing out a pamphlet."

Long Tai said lightly without raising his eyelids, "This book was specially written by the Chamber of Commerce for you who don't know anything recently. The cost is a low-grade soul stone."

"Soul power...stone?" Chang Feihu was surprised and stunned, and repeated in a low voice full of doubts.

Long Tai kept his waist, raised his eyelids that seemed to be too lazy to open. He stared and asked, "You won't have it?"

As soon as the question and contemptful eyes glanced over, Long Tai raised his hand and picked up the pamphlet and was about to take it back. Chang Feihu suddenly flashed in his mind and said quickly, "Ah! Yes! I have! I just didn't expect to ask for money! Ha ha!"

Chang Feihu suddenly woke up and giggled and repeated. I have it."

He suddenly understood that the soul stone is the coin here. Isn't the soul stone exuding soul power in the small bag as a reward?

Long Tai looked at him impatiently and explained, "This is the Chamber of Commerce. Of course, the Chamber of Commerce wants money." It's a reasonable look.

Chang Feihu took out the bag given by the caravan, took out a stone and put it on the counter, and said, "I'm sorry! We come from a small place. We haven't seen the market and have no knowledge of big cities. Please don't be surprised. He didn't ask if it was enough. If it was not enough, the other party would definitely ask for it.

Chang Feihu knew that if it was not enough, the other party would not agree. Of course, there would definitely be a head. Long Tai picked up the stone and said to himself, "Oh, it's a middle-grade soul stone, a soul stone of good quality."

Long Tai put away the middle-quality soul stone, then counted a few stones of different colors and put them on the counter. It was nine white opaque stones of similar size but much different color.

Chang Feihu took the pamphlet and said, "Excuse me, if there is anything else I don't understand, can I come and ask you?"