
Chapter 113 Advanced Intermediate Sacrist

Chapter 113 Advanced Intermediate Sacrist

After another month of recitation of Zichen's decision, the souls that collapsed finally came together, and the bitterness and sweetness came. Dapeng rose with the same wind in one day and soared up to 90,000 miles. The four entered the realm of junior priest almost in sequence, and fortunately, they did not have any acquaintances in Yunxiaozong to disturb them, which was a fluke.

Although Nanli, Lei Ming and Yaoyuan have also encountered a crisis, they are charm professionals in the fairy continent. These people pay attention to their spiritual and physical strength, which is as powerful as the soul power of the flying tiger. Although they have abandoned the previous cultivation methods in the Will continent, the growth of their soul power is not like that of the flying tiger. Surging, this is because their soul power is so weak that it can't impact the soul. Therefore, although the three of them were also trapped in the adverse consequences of this forced cultivation, they were far less dangerous than usual.

"Did you succeed?" Nan Li wiped away the tense cold sweat on his forehead and asked Chang Feihu.

"Well, it seems that you are also qualified for strong soul power." Chang Feihu calmed down and continued to say, "This is very good, but the benefit of engraving the rune pattern can't be a little regretful at the same time as practice."

"It's really dangerous this time." He raised his head and said, his face returned to his usual calmness.

Chang Feihu sighed, "Poor luxury is so desperate to kill people. We are so anxious that we almost lost our lives. We should remember the lesson as a warning."

Lei Ming smiled and said, "As long as you can advance and suffer a little, fear is nothing. If you have equal capital, you can kill people, otherwise you can only be killed.

The expression on Lei Ming's face was very excited, and the joy in his eyes showed unobstructed. He has long envied the potential of Chang Feihu, who can have such a great ability as soul power, and now he also has this ability. How can he not be unhappy?

Lei Ming's answer made Chang Feihu feel helpless. When talking to such a simple man, he seemed to face a murderous murderer. After taking several deep breaths, Chang Feihu calmed down his depressed mood and slowly said, "It's a good reason. It's better to kill than being killed. It sounds very good. But if you want to kill people, there should always be a reasonable reason! Besides, this is not a place where you can kill whoever you want. Professionals like us only belong to the lowest-level people in Yunxiaozong. You have to be honest and obedient, or Brother Shanhu will spank your ass.

"Yes, Lei Ming promises to be obedient. You can kill whoever you say, and kill whoever you want now?" Lei Ming looked a little proud.

A serious question immediately knocked down Chang Feihu, lay down and said, "You defeated me! I thought you had become smart, but you turned out to be a murderous foodie.

Lei Ming rolled his eyelids and said, "Brother Shanhu curses, I won't play with you anymore!"

Chang Feihu tilted his head and said with a smile, "If you don't play, I'm going to stabilize my soul." He hates the feeling that his fate is in the hands of others. Since he found that his cultivation and identity fell to the bottom in the continent of Will, he practiced desperately regardless of danger.

He just wants to be superior and practice is very good passive. No matter where he goes, even compared with the soul magic, Zichenjue is the best way to let the god of luck come, so that Chang Feihu has the capital to constantly climb the peak.

When Changfeihu was immersed in the pleasure of practice, six kinds of colorful lights accompanied by the strange feeling of being reborn and like sweet milk. The whole body was so beautiful that the whole body was comfortable. Six kinds of colorful lights shuttled one after another. Changfeihu stopped practicing and changed into a continuous recitation of spells. Wen.

The intermediate priest, he has now advanced to the intermediate priest. The intermediate priest has made an essential difference in cultivation from the original inheritance priest. The leap of cultivation depends on the solid foundation laid in the past few years of Shanfumen, and under the passive cultivation of Zichen's decision and the washing and condensation of the soul, he Chang Feihu unexpectedly surpassed the priest and junior priest to become an intermediate priest in a very short time.

Several others consciously surrounded Changfeihu, silently enjoying this extremely beautiful soul oscillating ripples to wash and strengthen the soul. Due to the rapid advancement, the hidden danger of soul instability has risen again. After a night of recitation of spells, Changfeihu's soul has stabilized, and there is another time before dawn. Chen, Chang Feihu, who had just advanced to the intermediate priest, was still in excitement. He didn't sleep. He got up and went outside to move his muscles and bones. After working all night, his legs and feet were a little numb. He breathed the fresh air, and the early summer knew also began to cry one after another.

Chang Feihu rushed through his body with cold water and walked to the vicinity of the inheritance altar. There were still many people there. A question suddenly came to his mind. So many people went in day and night. Where did the soul power of the altar come from?

What inspires it? Walking back along the path in the woods, turning over the inheritance while walking to find relevant knowledge. Before returning to the house, I found the answer. It turned out that it relied on the soul power provided by the soul stone, and there are many refineries that can be stimulated as long as they are slightly modified to inlaid into the soul stone to open the circuit. Such a rune can even be used by ordinary people. Changfei Hu went back and immediately refined a few runes. With the knowledge of soul inheritance, coupled with the refining of this simplest refinery, with the cultivation of his intermediate priest, he basically could refine it without being too careful.

Chang Feihu suddenly found how the refining method of Yunxiaozong's rune lamp refining method is similar to the principle of Shanfumen's rune lamp lighting. The only difference is to change the original soul power stimulation of professionals into using soul power stones to provide energy, and the glowing rune pattern is basically similar to the principle of burning soul power in the pure rune array, not only as Here, he also found the most amazing thing. The energy of the rune pattern at the moment of burning soul power is very large, which is almost the same as the dazzling sun rune he felt.

This gave Changfeihu a hint of inspiration and began to try to improve the dazzling sun rune pattern. The dazzling sun is the sun rune pattern that Chang Feihu felt when entering the charm mood in that special environment. He wants to make a magic weapon with stronger attack power and less soul power by improving the sun rune pattern.

Chang Feihu first refined a few runes, intending to further familiarize himself with this rune pattern. If you find some ordinary materials to melt, you can embed the rune pattern. Now he can completely use the rune pen, but rely on the soul power to converge between them to write runes. A layer of soul power on the palm of his hand to hold up the melted material and pinch it into one at will. In the shape you like, the soul force of the fingertips immediately penetrates into the melted material to write the rune pattern, inlaid with the lower soul stone to open the circuit, and the rune lamp immediately became bright. Chang Feihu also found some inspiration in this process.

The improvement of the strength of followers depends on the master. Although Will Continent does not have this form, it does not affect the relationship between his followers and him. Will Continent also has spells and spells for professionals, but both have huge soul power and can use charms to attack. . Now his followers need to keep up with this form. Therefore, it is necessary to refine more suitable weapons.

The most developed potential of charm professionals is still the gold series. Because of different potentials, among professions at the same level, the charm profession is far less powerful than the attack power of spell professions. Their potential is better to control substantial weapons, and the attack power of gold weapons is the same level of professional weapons. The damage caused is also the greatest. If the metal blade attacks the body, it will release a kind of destructive rune, which will cause great damage to both wild beasts and professionals.

Although charm professionals can also use charms to attack, it is regrettable that attacks such as Soul Fa Lie cannot be used. Among all attack methods, Fu is only an attack method assisted by spell professionals.

The spell professional attacks by stimulating the magic weapon in the rune, and can match the power of the soul magic power and rune into the magic weapon, so that the magic weapon has a variety of attribute attacks.

The weapons of the two have obvious differences in attributes, which leads to the relatively single weapon attack attributes of the spell profession, while the spell profession has an advantage in other attributes. God seems to be fair to the profession in this regard, because the magic profession has the worst control over gold attributes, which leads to the spell profession Gold symbols cannot be used at all. However, they have many choices of means in the application of symbols, which can be replaced by multiple attributes, which is enough to make up for this deficiency. These things have been well understood in the books of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion.

But Chang Feihu is an alternative character. He wants to break the rules set by others, but he is not a person who goes far and unrealistically pursues too high and far goals. In fact, it is the most common principle to be down-to-earth. Everything can be achieved step by step. No Maybe a fat man in one bite.

Time passed quickly. There is a small yard where they now live, which seems to be a reward for Yun Xiaozong's contribution to Chang Feihu. Although the yard is small, it is very calm. At this time, it is not dawn. On this day, Chang Feihu is squatting at the door and is still thinking about how to break this routine. , starting with the sun charm pattern, Chang Feihu took out a few materials and began to study them.

Whether it is the fairy continent or the Will continent, the types of materials are the largest among barbarian beasts. They are some barbarian fur and bone materials. Other materials are relatively rare, but bone materials, as a special material, because its texture is not uniform, the bone density everywhere in the body is not the same. If it is just It is too difficult to refine substances based on bone materials without other attributes.

However, due to the lack of other types of materials, and this refining is only experimental, it can only be experimented with barbarian bone. Due to the uneven texture distribution of bone materials, the force of the symbol is often uneven, which is not as capricious as merchanistic as merging a variety of materials.