
Chapter 151 The Mystery of the Entrance

The mystery of the entrance to Chapter 1501

You have to jump out of the mess and think about the problem. Thinking of this, Chang Feihu somewhat understands it, but he doesn't seem to understand. Maybe things in this world are originally very simple, but the powerful people pretend to be mysterious, and the wedge charm array is not worth mentioning in the eyes of those rich Haitianya. He The original simple things have been complicated.

Chang Feihu, who looked tired, took several followers back to Yunxiaozong's team and looked at Zhou Tai and Lu Xiping to keep silent. At this time, it was useless to say more, and he turned his eyes to the entrance of the secret territory, the water surface of the swamp.

Zhou Tai and Lu Xiping calmly glanced at Chang Feihu without any complaints or blame. Indeed, the winner should not be blamed. Although such a victory is not very glorious, at least Chang Feihu has preserved his personality and dignity in front of the other party's **wei and won the recognition of many professionals.

The sunlight has reached the top of his head, making Chang Feihu feel nervous and a little cold. His body and mind gradually regained his former calmness. Looking at the sparkling light reflecting the surface of the sun, Fu Guang stood quietly in the air and stared at it, from Yunxiaozong and other sects and other sects. Several holy masters are busy on the water.

These ginseng masters seem to have a thorough understanding of this for a long time. They stand in a circle around the entrance of the secret territory. Everyone is assigned to have an independent position. Chang Feihu doesn't know them and doesn't know their names. These have little to do with a priest. As his identity, they are not at all. Can participate in it.

Under a soft roar, his arm in front of him suddenly waved, and suddenly there was a huge breath that could permeate the front and back. A little forward with his right hand, and a rune light suddenly appeared in the low water. After flashing, a rune in the rune light turned into a chain and flew straight to the opposite side.

The virtual charm chain flew above the entrance, slightly trembling and suspended, and a rotation appeared at the tip, looking like a curved hook. The virtual charm chain has been seen many times, but he still can't understand what these professionals want to do with such a strange action.

"What a strange move." Nanli flew to Chang Feihu's side and didn't understand what they were doing.

Zhou Tai always couldn't help talking to him. His contempt for Chang Feihu had already changed when he confronted Hai Tianya just now. Zhou Tai said with a smile, "It's a very powerful virtual charm chain. As long as it's a holy master, it's nothing strange."

Chang Feihu sensed the kindness of this person and nodded and smiled at him. But then his eyes flashed and he stared at the black chain that seemed to be floating on the water. Zhou Tai also thought that his words were not correct, and a sentence came out of his mouth: "Oh! It's a little strange. Although this chain is very ordinary, what they are doing seems to be really unusual.

Surrounded by the ten-level holy master standing on the surface of the water, under the sign of the man who issued the chain, nodded, and at the same time raised his hand to release a partial light, not only shuttle straight out, but also transformed into the same black chain in the shot, also a holding part at the tip, jingle, more than a dozen such chains surrounding the professionals Intersection and collision.


After the collision, a large black light silk burst out. In the collection of more than a dozen virtual chains in the light silk, it formed a multilateral irregular pattern, which is a pattern with a diamond-shaped horizontal pattern.


The leading saint gently shook the chain in his hand and passed on his unique potential mana and soul power. At that time, the diamond pattern began to emit a black rune light that was not dazzling, but the black light was getting brighter and brighter, and it gradually became a little dazzling. All the people were doing the same action. Large pieces of black light gushed out of their hands and went to the diamond-shaped ball on the water.


Changfeihu's soul seemed to feel the power of a strong explosion of runes, but the surroundings were still calm, and no sound waves were transmitted, making him feel that such a sound explosion seemed to be only transmitted between his souls. But it made the professionals around feel a heavy pressure, forcing them to retreat repeatedly.

The space is filled with a strange faint breath, lingering around the front and back of everyone, pestering him. At this time, it makes him feel that if he takes a step. He may be hurt. This breath makes him feel the rejection and discomfort from his soul, but he can't express it in words.

The incomprehension made his thoughts a little confused, and he couldn't understand what was going on in front of him. The only reasonable explanation is that everything he saw was not an illusion. Such a strange spell has gone beyond his knowledge and understanding. Otherwise, what else could he do? Acknowledging the strong does not go against the logic of Chang Feihu.

The diamond pattern on the surface of the water makes a sneer in the extension of countless black silk threads, as if a pot of boiling water is about to splash out. After such a sound, all professionals are excited.

A huge rune pattern changes in the center of the diamond pattern. The surface shines with a silk protruding pattern, and the protruding part is not high. It is a light black with bright edges and corners. The soul power and mana of more than a dozen professionals fill all the gaps in the rune along the lines, and a virtual light bursts out upwards. Chang Feihu has been done. The preparation for retreat, the impact brought by such a high-pressure huge rune can be seen.

The center of the rune pattern is covered with the rune pattern. The spell is added by the spell and formed by mana. In an instant, a red color like a flame burns on the rune, but the red color is just like a flash of light, and then quietly disappears. The black gas on the rune pattern shuttles through the lines of the rune pattern, and the diamond pattern forms the rune. Array, as soon as this rune array appears. Suddenly, the concentration of the surrounding soul gas reached its peak, and even exceeded the concentration emitted in the dense environment.

He was ready to retreat before another round of strange breath swept away, and turned back to order several followers to pay attention to safety, but things were unexpected. A strange force suddenly enveloped around after the rune breath broke out. Chang Feihu felt a little strange. Such a strange force did not jump as expected. From the surface, it seems that the force of the huge runes is aimed at the water below.

Suddenly, a huge white arc lit up and pierced into the water, which coincided with the swamp that had become turbid again below. The small electric light flow around it looked full of wonderful beauty, followed by a rumble of thunder, but these thunders and arcs were as small, so that it sounded like the bursting sound of fried beans.

Chang Feihu became a little excited and nervous! His knowledge of inheritance charms is becoming more and more abundant, and he lacks such practical experience. Although he is not involved in it, he is still very interested in such a formation composed of more than a dozen professional costumes with great power. Such a scene is not something you can see.

It is rare to see the competition between masters, and it is more rare for many masters to form a rune together. The use of runes between masters is the most basic condition for verifying the law of charms. The content of information is very huge, and he can learn a lot of useful things from it.

The connocent reaches out and knows if there is any. Isn't there such a saying that you can learn the essence of a professional from the spells and techniques released at will? If you read more, you will know it. Although this is a little exaggerated, it implies a certain truth.

At this time, an idea shouted loudly in Changfeihu's heart. Chang Feihu's head was very emotionally clear and understood that it was just a wish. He carefully tasted the huge runes and spells used by more than a dozen senior professionals, and secretly wrote down the rough information in the information in his mind.

After a long time, Chang Feihu gently took a cold breath, because he was surprised by the combination of the shocking power of these dozen professionals with the virtual charm chain. Every skill released by the soul power comparable to the mage's cultivation was so horrible, and the combined power was so terrible that it was almost comparable to the ability of the mage. .

The power of the soul is the only way for every professional to practice and condense, and if you want to reach such a height, it is impossible to achieve it without hundreds of years of practice. On the continent of Will, no matter the gap between skills, charms and spells and spells and fairy continent, it is like a world of difference, and it is by no means a few days of work. Chasing, and now he can't understand what these super masters are doing and the magic skills they are using, which doesn't surprise Chang Feihu.

swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and Chang Feihu's eyes were a little straight. He secretly imagined that if he really learned this spell and improved it, it was likely that after reaching the height of the holy master, he could beat the arrogant Haitianya all over the ground with his unique dazzling sun! Chang Feihu was slightly distracted, but then his expression changed.

At this time, the huge rune pattern moved, and the rune slowly rose up, and then suddenly pressed down and began to rotate. The speed was getting faster and faster. A huge strange breath was gathering, and then suddenly released.

The huge runes are pressed down so that on the surface of the death swamp, while producing huge ripples, the water vapor is permeated and the water vapor is controlled by the rune array, forming a strong and abnormal impact. After being hit on the surface of the water, it is suppressed under the water surface of the water, and is quickly thrown around, generating a Clear traces of air waves.

A large amount of water smoke and clouds gushed out from the depths of the swamp. With the silky black miasma that has not yet been released under the surface, a layer of fog barrier is formed in the distance in a blink of an eye. With the change of the huge runes, the runes seem to become thicker, and there are layers of overlaps, as if they are a combination of multiple layers of runes.

The professional who arranged the rune array suddenly increased his soul power, and a black heat wave came to his face. Even more than ten meters away, it seemed scorching. There was a layer of eye-catching black light flowing on the dark runes, emitting thousands of black rays. After the light touched the surface of the water, it directly tore open a huge gap.