
Chapter 160 This boy is vicious enough

Chapter 160 This boy is vicious enough

As the professional entered the state of cultivation, he breathed smoothly the soul gas that nourished every pore of his whole body. The faint soul gas flow hovered around the camp. Those souls like ** were swallowed up by them greedily. Chang Feihu's eyes left the camp and looked at the sky.

The water vapor of the swamp was evaporated into the air by the wedge, making the sky dim and quiet around it, making Changfeihu feel like an annoying atmosphere, covering the camp. He felt inexplicably upset. In the dark, Chang Feihu suddenly felt a sense of loneliness.

He looked at the strange tents around him, strange sects, and strange professionals, but he couldn't find any feeling of existence with himself, which reminded him of Shanfumen, the gentle Xi Yuxuan, yes, and his followers.

Thinking of this, he looked for his eldest brother Nanli and Lei Ming. Nanli found a place not far from the central area with thunder and far away, and the fur of the beast was waiting for the flying tiger to pass.

His eyes looked at the twelve huge wedges. Suddenly, Chang Feihu's heart moved. Isn't the control core of the wedge array a crystal wedge? And he also personally experienced the wedge charm array after losing the crystal wedge. The rune array really can't work. Is it...? He secretly took a breath of pure soul, can he say? What secret things are hidden in the wedge array that he doesn't know...? Once again, he looked inside to check the crystal wedge and played with his soul for a while, but he still couldn't control it.

Yes, there must be something he doesn't know can control the wedge array. Otherwise, without the drive of the crystal wedge, how did Haitianya launch this huge rune array? There must be some unknown Dharma decisions and spells that can be used to control the wedge charm array, otherwise, the current phenomenon will not be explained at all.

Thinking about it, Chang Feihu couldn't help laughing and opened a beautiful arc at the corners of his mouth. He felt ridiculous about his selfish ideas. Even if Hai Tianya still had a way to control the wedge, how could he tell him this inconspicuous little man, a low-level disciple with only the cultivation of a middle-level priest, and a little man who could not compete with Yuncheng.

Of course, Chang Feihu understood at a moment. Isn't every magic weapon and a corresponding matching spell and spell that can only be used? How can such a superficial truth be ignored? It seems that the loss of ambition and profit-making wisdom can also make professionals lose their sharp insight. Now he is more interested in wedges, thinking about how to get the miniature wedges in huge wedges.

"Hey! Boy! What makes you giggle so much?" Lv Tianyou patted Chang Feihu on the shoulder with great interest and asked.

"Hmm! Ha ha! Nothing, I miss my daughter-in-law as soon as it's dark!" Chang Feihu shrugged his shoulders carelessly and said carelessly.

Although Chang Feihu's words were understated, Lv Tianyou felt a little dumbfounded when he heard it. Before Lv Tianyou could say anything, a saint next to him laughed and said, "Don't you want to make out with your wife? Look, what did I say just now! I said that your unhealthy action is self-comfort! Is there anything wrong? Haha! Hahaha!"

After hearing this, Lv Tianyou immediately smiled and said, "You are really not healthy!" Everyone burst into laughter.

That kind of laughter full of savage and interest made Chang Feihu smile awkwardly and unnaturally, but still smiled awe-inspiringly: "The girl's unbearable little waist, the enjoyment in her arms? Don't you want to?"

"Haha! This boy is vicious enough! OK! I like it! I admit that he doesn't like women. A ginseng master said with a red smile on his face.

Chang Feihu's words not only did not arouse anger, but also infected all people. Lv Tianyou laughed even more. His strong cultivation brought a strong wind in his laughter. When he blew through the camp, he even sounded in the camp with a whine. Some shocked professionals popped their heads from the tent to check.

A holy master standing opposite Chang Feihu heard Chang Feihu's simplest but most seductive words, and his eyes seemed to burst into sparks. It was an extremely eager look, which was very scary, but after an instant, it turned into a painful look. The holy master put his finger in his mouth, and his mind seemed to think in longing. Elephant. And most people couldn't help bursting into laughter when they heard Chang Feihu's jokes.

Lv Tianyou looked at these elders laughing and didn't care. There was still that majestic image there. He quickly pretended to cough and reminded them to pay attention to the impact.

Chang Feihu didn't know what kind of situation it would be like to continue. He hurriedly arched his hand and said, "You musicians, you have to practice once. Such an opportunity is not available every day."

Hai Tianya suddenly reached out and grabbed Chang Feihu's arm, patted him on the shoulder, and smiled, "Little Xiuyou, let's sleep in a tent with me and others today!" I am very optimistic about you!"

Although Hai Tianya smiled on his face, his unique cold breath did not fade much because of this.

Chang Feihu didn't understand why Hai Tianya suddenly had such an idea and slept with these ruthless people. How could he think of such a bad idea? Chang Feihu had a bad feeling. He didn't know which evil disease Hai Tianya suddenly committed and how he could pull him to live in the same room with a low-level disciple.

Obviously, I felt that Haitianya had bad intentions and was about to refuse, but Lv Tianyou laughed and said, "Good idea! This boy has a good appetite for me. We can talk all night.

Chang Feihu can't refuse this time. After all, Lv Tianyou is the elder of Yunxiaozong and his immediate superior. He feels that there is no good result.

It's like a lucky man who is hit by the light of death suddenly pouring down from the sky. If he opposes, there is little room for life. In particular, he is still just a humble disciple in yellow. With such a low status, the elder's willing to give face is already particularly grateful to him! If he refuses, he will face a shadow of death without escape.

However, Chang Feihu really doesn't want to jump into the muddy water. He hates the yellow clothes, which are all thanks to Yun Xiaozong. Humph, "Stop testing for the time being!" He couldn't figure out how Yun Xiaozong came up with such a bullshit rule, which made him angry when he thought of it.

The reason why Chang Feihu was angry naturally had his idea. He was about to steal the core wedge in the huge wedge when the night was high. After this, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was shattered by Lv Tianyou's words.

Chang Feihu said to Lv Tianyou with an extremely angry smile, "Since the elder has said something, the boy will obey!"

Although he gritted his teeth fiercely behind his back, he had to pretend to be happy and flattered. He will never do anything to kill himself, even if there is a big profit. A dead Changfeihu, even if it has great ambitions and wishes, is just a dead fool!

With little time, Chang Feihu sat in the big tent prepared for the elders and had to explain something to his followers before coming in.

Lei Ming was the first to be unhappy. He looked angry and very annoyed, and his face was like an iron block and shouted: "Can't the elder bully people like this? I didn't like it. Lei Ming fought with them! Fight!"

With that, he pulled out his legs and walked out. Look at his appearance. If you don't kill a river of blood today, you won't die! The originally handsome appearance has become ferocious now.

Chang Feihu is both loving and angry with this 250 brothers. He has never seen a nameless fire like him. He knows how to fight and kill all day long, completely regardless of the consequences.

He regretted saying those words in front of thunder for a moment. If he really runs out, I don't know what big things will happen.

He grabbed the thunder and asked angrily, "You fool! What are you going to do?"

Chang Feihu raised his hand fiercely to wake up the thunder. At this time, Chang Feihu was really a little angry. The hand he raised with a strong and sharpness fell down but looked light and patted the thunder's head gently.

Though Lei Ming is stupid, his loyalty to Chang Feihu is absolutely the highest. Although he often beats and scolds Lei Ming, he is in control of the scale. If he really fights hard, he is still ruthless.

He patted the thunder on the cheek and said helplessly, "Are you handsome? Is it okay to be handsome without a brain? Don't go. If you are disobedient, I won't want you! Go back to the mountain gate by yourself! Get out of here, get out of here!" Chang Feihu roared loudly when he was angry.

"Wow...Wow... Brother Shanhu is no longer good to Lei Ming. You scold me! Hit me back! Whoo! I won't play with you anymore!" Lei Ming was most angry that others scolded him as a fool. If it hadn't been for Chang Feihu, he would have jumped up and tried his best, but now he is now squatting down and hugging his face and whimpering aggrievedly. He bit his clothes fiercely with his mouth and cried silently.

Nanli and Yuanyuan looked at each other. Without saying a word, they knew the consequences of Lei Ming rushing out, which was very serious. Although Lei Ming looked sad and felt unbearable, the master disciplined his followers. They had no right to interrupt and could only watch it.

Chang Feihu knows the grievances of Lei Ming very well. He is angry and distressed, and his eyes are full of love, but he can't be soft at this time. Lei Ming has the wild nature left by his ancestors, and even some more mysterious blood inheritance. This is the talent and qualification that practitioners often call. His fighting wildness and courage Dare is born, and God is often fair. It is precisely because Lei Ming has such a strong point that he is straightforward and irritable, and without a binding force, it adds loyalty and courage.

Lei Ming only listens to him. If he is not around, no one can control him, so he must cut off his idea. But after the lesson, Chang Feihu still couldn't bear to make Lei Ming feel aggrieved.