
Chapter 179 Snow League Princess

179 Snow League Princess

"These damn people!" Chang Feihu cursed those so-called ginseng saints who were highly valued and cultivated.

He regretted it so much. Why didn't he find out that these people were using him earlier? He hated it. Chang Feihu didn't hate anything else. He hated his incompetence and for bringing his closest brother and brother Lei Ming into a desperate situation.

Chang Feihu's intestines were regretful. For a moment, his agile mind fell into a regretful chaos, but then he woke up excitedly.

The blue brilliance around him covered Chang Feihu and others in a short time. The cold and piercing soul ice flame like a needle suddenly pierced his soul and calmed him down.

Yes, he must cheer up and cheer up. He is not the kind of professional who waits to be killed. He will never give up until the last moment.


The frequent flying tiger in the dazzling blue light returns to reality after a period of heavy head and foot.

The ice around the dazzling atmosphere is like the counterattack of angry monsters, surging fiercely. The water attribute shield outside his body flashed a few times and immediately crumbles.

The shield of Nanli and others is extremely dangerous and violent, as if soap bubbles are shaking in the strong wind and can break at any time.

Chang Feihu's brain ran rapidly and desperately thought about various ways, but further made him anxious.

He found that with his current cultivation, even if there are tens of millions of ways to resolve the current crisis, his disappointing cultivation cannot be done at all.

"Brother, Lei Ming, Yao Yuan, come here quickly." He shouted eagerly and brought the three people to his side.

"Chang Feihu wants to break his head, but it doesn't help in this case. In his mind, he will gather Nan Li and others together, even if he dies.

When the charm is running with all its strength in the body, mobilize the two-color charm to maintain the crumbling amulet desperately.

Although it can barely support it, the cold air is about to freeze them.

Under the cold air of blue ice flames, the space in the room is rapidly becoming smaller, and the ice crystals are like fast-growing weeds, growing layer by layer.

Another dizziness, which is a sign that the ice flame has eroded to the soul. Before Chang Feihu recovered from his dizziness, the surprise in his eyes scared him, and the large blue cold air covered his head in all directions.

Then there were countless blue light silks flying in. At this moment, Chang Feihu seemed to see the true meaning of the soul ice flame, saying that it was blue light silk. In fact, it was countless ice silk, and I don't know how many pieces are dense. The shield was penetrated through countless holes by this ice silk.

Chang Feihu hurriedly cheered up for the last stand, and the soul power on his body surged out. Only then did he stabilize the condition of the shield again and looked around.

In this situation, Chang Feihu realized more deeply the huge difference between low-level professionals and ginseng saints.

He saw Lv Tianyou casually with a shield and rejected all the cold air outside. Although it did not seem to completely block the pig blue ice flame, it was much better than their current situation.

Suddenly, Chang Feihu stared at the surrounding and sighed: "It's over."

Seeing that the blue ice flame has completely frozen the space, the countless ice silks seem to form a huge blue flower blooming, and they are like the hearts of these dazzling flowers, and they are about to become part of the ice and snow.

At this time, not only was he definitely not so cold, but a burst of warmth surged up on his body.

He once heard that people who freeze to death do not feel cold when they are on the verge of death, but feel a comfortable feeling as the spring sun shining on their bodies.

Are you at such a time? However, the first reflection of his mind made him deny the idea, and he did find that he was no longer extremely cold.

Chang Feihu felt awe of his heart and vaguely felt that he seemed to have caught something in his heart! Thinking of this, there was a strange feeling in his heart.


A small sound.

The sound was so low that even Chang Feihu could not be sure, but this clear sound followed and buzzed loudly.

In such a sound, the blue cold air and the ice silk that almost penetrated his soul, as if baked by hot magma, suddenly turned into a flamy flame. Roll it upside down and fly back.

Chang Feihu was surprised. He was completely stunned, and his mind was even more blank.

Ji Ling.

A crisp voice penetrated into the ear, and an object was rejected by the soul of the flying tiger. This thing is nothing else, but a crystal wedge that merges with his soul.

As soon as this pit landed, it began to buzz slightly.

With this vibration and white light, the sound is trembling and louder.

At the same time, the cold and blue ice flames that surrounded them were also impacted like wind and clouds, and the blink of an eye disappeared.

It seems that a handful of dust is blowing in the vast sea. It seems that the things that had killed them before are really weak and disappear without a trace.

In the amplitude of the crystal wedge, the whole space is more than ten meters, and under the reflection of the crystal white light, it is completely empty, and the blue of the inner hole is also pressed down.

Chang Feihu stared at the coffin of Xuanbing appeared in the blue ice flame, and his heart pounded.

He widened his eyes and stared straight at the inner hole, but when he saw the blue prohibition at the mouth of the hole, he was instantly broken by the crystal light, and there was a noise like metal friction.

Chang Feihu couldn't help frowning when he heard this! However, his frown immediately stretched out.

As a result, after a white light flashed, all the forbidden existence disappeared without a trace.

Chang Feihu was still stupid, which was so incredible that he stood on the spot.

Nanli bent down and picked up the crystal wedge, put it on the hand of Chang Feihu, who was still in a daze, and said with emotion, "I don't know if it's God's will or a miracle. Your luck always seems to be very good!"

Chang Feihu gently rubbed the crystal wedge with his fingers, and still couldn't believe that the ice flame above Lv Tianyou said was broken in front of him at this unimaginable moment.

Suddenly, he jumped up from the same place and shouted wildly, "His grandmother is a bear, wow ha ha! That's what I have!"

But then, he suddenly fell silent, constantly holding his beard with his nails, and his eyes did not blink, as if he had a lingering heart when he woke up from a big dream.

At this time, Nanli and Yao couldn't help but looked at each other. Lei Ming kept turning around Chang Feihu. He put his face almost on Chang Feihu's nose and looked carefully at his brother Shanhu.

Thunder is puzzled! Is Brother Shanhu happy and stupid?

Under the gaze of the two, time passed slowly, but with time, a frenzy gradually shot out of the tiger's eyes. Then he smiled and said, "I have flowers on my face. Is it more beautiful than your wife?"

Lei Ming giggled and shrank his head.

Chang Feihu raised his hand and waved his hand and said, "Let's go in. Damn, I deserve to get rich. This is the principle. They left me, which is the biggest mistake they made. Humph, wait, one day..."

Several people walked calmly to the inside of the cave. In addition to the ice and snow curtain and the hanging bell milk, the room is as light as a gauze, forming a thick and extremely cold fog.

There is a blue jade bed on the innermost side of the cave. Even if it is dozens of meters away, you can still feel its chill.

Of course, Chang Feihu didn't know that this was the coffin of Xuanbing. His feeling was that it was carved from some kind of millennium cold jade.

He walked to the Xuanbing coffin, picked up the brocade box placed on the edge of the coffin, and gently patted it under the box. The lid of the box flew up, and there was indeed a small white flag in it.

glanced at the coffin of Xuanbing, and there were four flags like snowflakes on the ground. The flag was not big, just over a foot long, spreading the cold air.

It seems that the owner of the cave has frozen the secret land by using only four snow alliance flags, leaving one side. Maybe it was not used for some special reasons, or the situation was special at that time.

After the snow alliance flag was pulled up, several people felt a more pure soul spewing out of the hole left by the flagpole at the same time.

This strong soul spirit is contained in this cold breath. Needless to think about it, there must be a large number of soul stones below to form.

Opening the ice and snow under the flag, a very familiar purple material, the best soul stone, a large area, and a whole piece of the best soul stone immediately flashed.

"Is this... are we standing on the soul stone vein? Is there really a soul stone vein? This is amazing." Nanli said in surprise.

Although the number of soul stones in Changfeihu's charm soul is already very large, the purple in front of him still brought him a great shock. He did not answer Nan Li's words, pulled out Bixia's knife and suddenly lifted it up.

After a large piece of soul stone fragments flew out, a hole several meters deep appeared in front of them under the power of the Bixia knife.

The periphery of the hole is full of runes that transform the soul qi into soul power.

This kind of rune has long been learned in inheritance, and this kind of rune is not complicated, which is the same as the principle that the soul stone provides energy for the rune lamp.

"This is the purpose of our arrival, but you see, this extremely pure and pure best soul stone vein is just a surface.

In the hundreds of years of consumption of the Snow League flag, the vein has been completely abandoned, leaving only a shallow layer. No wonder several small flags have the power of such a frozen environment. It turns out that the soul power of the Snow League flag comes from here.

As for returning the Snow League Princess and the Snow League Flag, let's take a look at our remuneration first. If it's worth it..." Chang Feihu didn't go on.

If you want to return the Snow League Flag and the Snow League Princess, it will still be a very distant thing. There is no need to think about it at all. Chang Feihu White Flag swept the Xuanbing's coffin and incorporated it into the Fu soul.