
Chapter 233 Don't let them break out

230 won't let them break out

Chunyu ordered Chunyu Qu: "The task of besieging is handed over to you. You just need to lead the low- and middle-level professionals to surround them, use the step-by-step method to tighten the encirclement, and assign you a hundred senior saints. Don't rush to attack on a large scale, just trap them, gradually encroach on them and send small ones. It's enough to harass the elite from time to time.

"As long as they don't break through and rush out, nothing else matters."

Chunyu was talking, and Lang Wei said urgently, "You can't let your Chunyu family take over all the credit. What should we do?"

Chunyu said with a calm smile: "The merits of attacking the mineral veins are determined according to their respective numbers and achievements, and they are not directly related to the professionals leading the team. As for you, I still have great use. Please don't be impatient."

Chunyu Qu was ordered to go out to prepare, and then a large number of flying cars were connected in the air. There were three levels slowly moving towards the central area of the mineral vein from different heights. The attacking professional sent out various sharp skills, and there were many blades everywhere in the sky, and the soul flew.

Because the formation is too dense, the blades collided with each other, and from time to time there was a sonorous sound, and Chunyu Qu sat in the center of the formation composed of a flying car with 100 senior holy masters.

The high-level professionals of Yunxiaozong in the soul stone vein are only five ores and six senior saints. The Chunyu family has far more high-level professionals than them. The vast majority of the professionals in the soul stone vein are junior masters, while the professionals of Chunyu family brigade are basically intermediate sacrificers, which is common They are all higher than the professionals guarding the veins of Yunxiaozong Town.

The intermediate priest of the whole Weir continent is basically here. Not only in terms of rank, but also in number, there are many people who guard the mineral vein of Yunxiaozong. This kind of suspenseless confrontation has not yet begun, and the victory or defeat is very clear.

The person in charge of Yun Xiaozong's vein is like an ant on a hot pot. The letter for help has been sent out as early as when he found the other party's abnormal movements, but they have not been rescued for a long time. They dare not fight with the professionals of the league at all, but constantly shrink their defense.

The sky is full of flying cars of the alliance. They are getting closer to the center of the vein. Once a professional approaches or tries to protrude, the rune blade will immediately swarm out like a random arrow. The fierce soul will unbridled impact, and the runes inspired by various runes bloom in the sky.

The soul stone vein has a large area, and the mining sites are also very scattered. It is not suitable for arranging large defensive arrays in such a place. The people of Yunxiaozong did not have any natural danger or rune array to defend at all. They could only shrink together step by step and retreat. They didn't even have the courage to rush over and fight.

Five days later, under the continuous compression of the allied forces, more than 5,000 professionals of Yunxiaozong were squeezed to a mountain, and Chunyu led many senior saints to fly to the peak and shout.

You have been completely surrounded by us. You are at an absolute disadvantage both in terms of equality and quantity. If you must be stubborn, there is only one way to die. Yun Xiaozong has given up on you. Your letter has been sent out for more than five days. If they were willing to come to rescue, they should have arrived long ago. .

Our rebellious alliance is by no means as cruel as some people in the Yunxiao Sect. It's really hard to slaughter creatures, and we don't want to kill your group of people who are only used by the clan, so don't force me. It's time for you to choose, either surrender or fight! Confrontation must be a dead end. You will be resolutely killed, and there is no other way out.

In the end, Chunyuqu's face was a little out of shape, and his whole body was full of anger, which made people unable to look at it. This battle became suspenseless. Chunyuqu represents not only a strong combat effectiveness, but more importantly, a strong spirit. What kind of momentum is this?

The professionals of Yunxiaozong have been deeply shocked. The crowd began to**. Almost all of them are afraid under the strong pressure of each other, and many of them have completely lost their will to resist.

Chunyuqu knows that the time is ripe, and now he should strike while the iron is hot! He slowly took a deep breath, floated over the peak, rubbed his hands, and sneered. The bones all over his body were like fried beans, constantly cracking!

In such a shocking voice, the soul bursts down, and everyone present can feel the explosive soul power. Those low-level professionals can't resist this deterrence at all. Everyone's faces can't help turning khaki. In the trembling, everyone opened their eyes and looked at it. In the previous scene, he opened his mouth in surprise, but he couldn't speak at all.

This fear of challenging their nerves spread in an instant. Chunyuqu's soul pressure basically had no impact on several high-level professionals of Xiaozong, but there was nothing they could do about Chunyuqu's threat. They did not dare to do any hostile behavior at all.

The hundred and ten senior saints in the sky are staring at them. As long as they dare to act beyond the rules, it will immediately cause a devastating blow. In the vein area, the morale of Yunxiaozong was defeated and disintegrated in an instant. More than 5,000 professionals knelt down and surrendered one after another. The coalition army almost lost a professional. The soul stone vein was down, which boosted the confidence of the allied forces.

Yaoyuan took a heavy step to the council hall and just sit down. Just now, he had received a report from the holy master guarding the mineral vein, saying that he had found a large number of masters and many professionals in the Chunyu family and had a tendency to attack the mineral vein. This time, the large number of existing disciples of Yunxiaozong has surpassed. , and sent a message for urgent help.

But as soon as Master Mu of Yunxiaozong sat down to discuss countermeasures and emergency matters, a professional came to report to Master Mu.

Report: "The Wei family and other... more than a dozen families and sects sent a representative of more than 30 people to see Master Mu."

Master Yunxiaozong-Mu frowned and scolded angrily, "Look! The people who questioned the crime have come. What kind of person is it not good to kill? Huh? But if you go to slaughter ordinary people, have you been kicked in the head by animals? What did you ask me to explain to them? Humph, what a storm this has caused in the continent of Will! How much trouble has it caused us! A bunch of idiots!"

He waved his hand impatiently to the person who reported the matter: "Let's talk about this later."

He looked at the crowd and continued to say, "I just received the news that the Chunyu family had invaded the soul stone vein, and the charm for help was in my hand. What do you think of this?"

When everyone saw that he was on fire, they all bowed their heads and looked silently, which made Mu even more angry. Pointing to their noses and scolding, "They are all fucking waste, and they are diluted at a critical moment."

He looked at Wei Kui, hoping that he could stand up at this time and give full play to the strategy and talent in his chest to turn the tide. However, Wei Kuiyu learned to be obedient because of what happened last time. How did Master Mu of Ren Yunxiao hint that he pretended to be stupid and didn't say anything.

"Damn it, if you people come up with advice, Yunxiaozong will die soon."

After a helpless curse, he had to make his own decision: "Radile, you quickly bring back all the masters of the sect to reinforce."

When he heard the violent sound, he stood up and shouted, "Please rest assured, Master Mu. I'll go immediately." After saying that, he turned around and left.

Yaoyuan has been silent since he came in. In his heart, these things had nothing to do with him, and Yunxiaozong did not regard him at all. At this time, Yaoyuan sat in it as an activity. They dealt with a series of questions freely, neither asking him nor looking at him, and Yao Yuan's thoughts did not know how to float. Where did he go? He just sat there in a daze. All the disciples of Yunxiaozong were waiting for orders from top to bottom, and there was no need to summon them at all.

With a powerful lineup of more than 3,000 junior saints to senior saints, they flew directly from the Yunxiao Sect. The speed of the flying car they took far exceeded the speed of ordinary flying cars. The whole sky was covered with flying cars and quickly flew to the soul stone vein.

Standing violently in front of the flying car, that is, half a day away from a basin not far from the vein, which is a supply point between Yunxiaozong and the vein.

He kept urging him to move forward quickly. He did not intend to enter the supply point, but just passed through quickly in the air. However, unexpectedly, when they all arrived at the supply point and were about to pass over, the flying car in the air was like a bird that had lost its wings, falling straight down.

The professionals in the flying car tried their best to fly up, which was just to delay the fall. The professionals and the flying cars in the sky fell like rain, even if they used their greatest ability to save the situation.

He shouted violently, and a senior priest next to him suddenly reacted. He shouted in surprise, "This is a forbidden rune array. Be careful! We have been tricked by the Chunyu family.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the sky was clean, and all the professionals of Yunxiao Sect were pulled to the ground by the runes. At this time, the whole basin slipped on the ground, shining from all sides, and the earthy yellow runes burst into bright flares and buzzed loudly. Many professionals of Yunxiao Sect were in chaos. In a group, they each opened the talisman one after another.

However, all this is only the beginning. The black energy covering the sky appeared on the periphery of the basin, and the black energy diffusion speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it appeared on the top of the head in the shocked eyes of violent people and others, and then merged down. At that moment, the horrible energy that broke out was directly the cloud sky. Thousands of people were shocked.

The sound of poofing keeps coming. It is the stirring sound that broke out after the amulet collided with black energy. Above the sky, the roar flashed. The black cloud composed of black energy was torn apart a gap in the high sky because of the fluctuation of the horrible soul, and a trace of sunlight came from it. Pour in and move in.