
Chapter 5 Happy Monkey

Chapter 5 Happy Monkey

Seeing the violent shaking of the altar, he kept trembling in the crumbling sound.

If you don't leave, you can imagine the end. Looking at the reluctant eyes in the distance, he looked inside again and shouted, "Mountain tiger! Baby fish... jade card..."

was helpless and reluctant to leave the hole in this dangerous area. When he flew to a place dozens of meters away from the safety line, there was a crack in the rear, which sounded like a sharp blade scraping the bones. The big object was also swallowed by the mountain-like monster.

Then the fierce wind blew from afar, and he struggled a little bit towards a safe distance, but to no avail. The strong wind once took him away and headed for the center of this dangerous area.

When far away in the despair of frustration and the fantasy that has not been reported, it has not been taken away by the strong wind for a long time. However, unexpectedly, after being swept away by the strong wind for 70 or 80 meters, the hurricane suddenly disappeared with this strange phenomenon, as if it had never been There has never been the same.

After the intense psychological pressure and the experience of life and death, he lay on the ground and gasped like a pig and cried hysterically.

Only the guardian of the Chunyu family who followed because of curiosity witnessed what had just happened. The place where the mountain appeared was two miles away from the guard. He only saw the distance. He saw the most terrible things and the most terrible voices he had ever heard in his life. He escaped under the cover.

The watchman was stunned, opened his mouth wide, and looked straight at the distant place and cried bitterly, but he was completely unconscious.

He cried for a while and felt much more comfortable. His mantra seemed to have been taken away by Chang Feihu. He never heard him say that it took him a long time to come out of that terrible.

When he passed the guard, the guard's mouth was not closed, and his eyes came from far away, and he didn't even blink, as if he had seen an extraordinary monster.

Far away touched his nose with his hand and hummed, "What! Haven't you ever seen anyone cry? Bored!"

The guard didn't seem to hear it. His eyes and necks kept flying far away until they couldn't see. Then he closed his mouth, grunted, swallowed a mouthful of water, chirping twice, and said to himself, "Breaking the unprecedented, I want to report, I want to report!" After saying that, he went straight to the direction of the family.

Sitting on an unknown hillside, he is trying to recall the sound he heard at that time that was very similar to waiting. So far, he can't judge whether it was a human voice or not, but he did not dare to find a reason why it was not made by a human, let alone refute the sound.

Far away wanted to find a reason for him to live, and this reason was based on the fact that the voice was made by people. He was afraid that this reason would not stand the scrutiny and dissipate. He flew far away to the Ji family. After flying for most of the day, he suddenly bowed his head. The Ji family did not arrive, but found that he had come to Yunxiao. Near the clan.

I don't understand why I came here and changed the direction and was ready to leave. Unfortunately, he was seen by a professional of the original Yunxiao Sect. After the destruction of Yunxiao Sect, he naturally succumbed to the Chunyu family. This is an intermediate priest, because he is not trusted by the Chunyu family. Ren, with a low status, is thinking about how to get involved with the Chunyu family.

Seeing far away, most people know it in Yunxiaozong, especially high-level professionals who have reached a familiar level. This person rushed into the air and shouted, "Friends and so on."

Far away looked back, and even the pores and eyes were cold. The intermediate priest had taken out the blade to catch him.

The distance immediately ran to the distance, and the two fled one after another and flew out. The distance was one level apart from the man, and the speed was not at the same level. After flying for half an hour, the distance was much closer.

Far away gritted his teeth and said, "We haven't seen it at all, and there is no grudge. Why are you chasing me?"

The person behind popped out a line of his teeth. Make friends with you!"

The distant cheek gang drumped, took a sip, and ran away fiercely. The intermediate priest behind also encouraged the soul power of his whole body to chase him desperately. When the distant flew over a mountain, the people behind him had already chased him.

He shouted angrily, "Oh, my God! Is this really the end of a miserable person?

"Hey, if you meet me, good luck will come, and then!"

The professional who chased him raised a sharp flywheel on four sides and smashed his head. Yuanyuan was forced to raise the ring head knife to resist. The level gap could not be shortened desperately. Yuanyuan was beaten without any room to fight back. After three consecutive attacks, he was knocked to the ground from the air by the other party. The man was proudly smiling. Another wave of the rune blade came close to him.

No matter in speed and power, he can't fight against it. A distant ring knife flew out of his hand. The other party had stood two meters away in front of him and took a step forward with a ferocious smile and said, "You can be obedient. I may still leave your life."

This man wants to take Yaoyuan to ask for credit. He knew in his heart that Yaoyuan is much more valuable than death. He also thought that when I dedicate you, the son-in-law of Yunxiaozong to the family, my value and status will definitely be greatly improved, and I will go forward to catch the distance with a ferocious smile.

It's more sad than the death of the heart. Instead of being arrested and humiliated, it's better to die happily. Far away will destroy its own foundation. At this time, the heart has died.

Puff, his face turned into a red ocean, bright red over the continent of Will, and once again bright red flowers bloomed, and then, it was like a red rain dew, moistening the earth where everything grows with bright red.

The breeze is desolate, the sun is very bright, and the tile blue sky is full of white clouds, and the white clouds are floating under the vivid red Will continent with a tragic feeling of killing and overselling goods, which makes people marvel at the same time.

The bright red and the blue sky connected to it are integrated, presenting the bloody sky and touching sad and tragic scene when the sunset sets.

The red became brighter in the sun, and even a beautiful rainbow appeared in the blood fog. The bright red flowed down. The scene in front of him shocked him, and his heart came back to life.

As soon as the man who was about to grab him stretched out his hand, his head suddenly broke away from his neck and flew up. There was a bloody rain all over the sky. In the bloody fog, the colorful rainbow appeared from above the man's neck, still fluttering and purring. Bloodshed out, and a human-shaped fountain staged in front of him.

Two hairy big hands grabbed the body's shoulder, and a large blood basin mouth came from behind the body to the body's bleeding neck. The gurgling sound sounded, the thick lips leaked out, and the lips were curled into a beautiful, grinning arc.

One of the corners of the mouth is upturned and the other droops. A bloody mouth and sharp teeth were lifted from the body and ploped. The body fell aside, and a monkey with a big mouth still grin appeared.

Far away had already had the determination to die. Although the sudden thing surprised him, it did not scare him. A person who was not even afraid of death had nothing to scare him. He recognized at a glance that it was the jumping monkey that was released by the flying tiger. The surprised distant step forward and hugged the monkey. , the two bright reds merged into one group.

He patted the jumping monkey on the back affectionately and whispered, "Thank you for saving me!"

The jumping monkey broke free from his distant hands and pointed to the flywheel that fell to the ground. It came into contact with the monkey and had a certain understanding of the jumping monkey. He probably guessed what it meant and asked, "Do you want this blade?"

The jumping monkey stopped shouting and nodded, went far away to pick up the flywheel rune blade and handed it to the jumping monkey, saying, "This is what you deserve!"

The monkey was very happy and jumped up and down happily. After jumping, he grabbed the flywheel and shouted twice. After a while, a monkey smaller than the jumping monkey jumped from the tree not far away.

The big monkey raised the rune blade to please like a baby and handed it to the monkey. As a result, both monkeys jumped up and down happily.

He was a little reluctant when the flying tiger released the jumping monkey, but now he was saved by the monkey at the most dangerous time. This gives a great feeling. It seems that heaven and earth are fair to all things. Good and evil should move heaven and earth, and there must be retribution for doing good and evil.

After patiently waiting for the two monkeys to calm down, he took out a lot of red berries bought by Chang Feihu from Fancheng and gave them to the jumping monkey. He kindly put the claws of the two monkeys together and patted them and said, "I'm leaving. I will definitely come to see you when I pass by here in the future."

The jumping monkey stared at its round eyes and nodded squeakly. The body of the jumping monkey was composed of soul blood. The blood could quickly supplement his consumption, and the blood splashed all over the body also quickly penetrated into the body. After watching the distant flight away, he sat down on the ground and ate the fruit with the female monkey.

Far away back to the Ji family and seeing Ji Cheng, who was looking forward to it, Ji Cheng tried his best to hide the joy in his heart and went in together. The world was really strange! A person's achievements usually stand up on the shoulders of a loser, and one's joy can only be generated by trampling on another person's heart.

The distant heart is bitter, but what can it do? He is powerless to change the world. All he can do is to wait slowly...