
Chapter 15 Return to the original pattern

Chapter 15 Return to the original rune

Hateful! These dirty and despicable things really don't give people a way to live! Chang Feihu was forced to be anxious. As the saying goes, rabbits bite people when they are anxious. Dogs can jump over the wall when they are anxious, not to mention Chang Feihu, who wants face.

He really had a few eyes, his eyes wide open, and the cracked Chang Feihu's hand back was a fire. Although in the eyes of many professionals, he only saw Chang Feihu waved casually, which was not surprising. It can be said that a very short jump of flame chain flew towards them.

Among the pursuers, there are many mud flag saints and ginseng saints. For such an inconspicuous attack, at best, it is only the dying struggle of the boy who ran away in front of them. Such a pediatric spell attack only deserves to be scoffed in their eyes.

But they know that this extraordinary fire-colored chain in the ordinary is precisely because they underestimated their enemies and made lifelong unforgivable mistakes.

Professionals with a little charm experience, their masters will definitely tell them that the more ordinary the charms, the charm ability they contain will often be unexpected. The enemy is a flood beast, but their stubborn self-confidence and almost idiotic mind make them forget this, because, Chang Feihu's current situation is not much better.

The reason why the fire seems to pass through the air in the form of fire is that the sun's runes cut through the space. The three sun's daggers connected at the end of the fire is the result of Chang Feihu's long-term understanding of the sun.

The sun rune pattern in the sun rune dagger is not perfect and stable. Usually, Changfeihu will not choose the sun rune dagger as the preferred attack weapon in battle.

Because although the sun rune contains the ability of simplicity and the rules of heaven and earth, the attack power is high, but there are too many shortcomings. The most fatal one is that the fire that can burn everything comes from the end of the sun. If you want to fully and deeply understand such runes, it is not something that his current cultivation can be understood in a short time.

Because of this, the runes he realized are only a little bit, and there are too many imperfect sun runes. Although the attack power is amazing, it is also because of loopholes that they cannot be refined into regular symbols and magic weapons.

The imperfection of the rune pattern will cause the refining magic weapon to be unable to add the attributes of soul magic from now on. Such rune patterns will also burn the materials inside the magic weapon during use, so that the refined magic weapon can only be regarded as a one-time high-attack means in theory.

Even if it can be used two or three more times, the defect nature of the sun rune has determined that such a weapon can only take extreme routes. The most important point is that it is not compatible with any attributes, which is a bottleneck for him to refine the magic weapon after his improvement in the future. At least the eyeliner is like this.

The sun rune, the dark box law of heaven and earth, there must be something he doesn't understand, and the soul law he practices needs to merge with the law of heaven and earth to form a cycle, instead of taking such an extreme route.

Despite this, there are many benefits of the sun runes. It can be said that the devastating power of the sun runes makes no one resist in the same level of cultivation. The first time it was used to attack the one-eyed dragon was the best example. At that time, fortunately, the cultivation of the one-eyed dragon was high enough, which was the cultivation of the holy master. If it was replaced by the holy master of mud flags at that time, what he said would seriously hit the enemy, even if it did not die, it would be peel off the skin.

Such a god-like charm, once he fully understands, with three or four soul martyrs, when his cultivation can finally reach a senior mage, not to mention how it is in the high-level continent, just in the middle continent, he can become the first person in the world and the first place in the world. The position of the master.

Most importantly, with the improvement of cultivation, as long as with the power of the sun rune and the powerful soul magic, he does not even need any magic weapon, but with his huge soul power, he can kill the same professional in an instant. With a wave of his hand out of thin air, it is his magic weapon, even the most powerful magic weapon.

As for the realm of enlightenment, although all professionals dream of meeting the unseeable realm, the law of the world's charm contains this one and two. According to the legend, as long as you can enter enlightenment, there will be a second or even a third opportunity to finally enter the highest level of this realm. , that is also a matter of continuous improvement in cultivation.

It is precisely because of this that the realm of enlightenment has become the biggest dream pursued by professionals in various periods and continents. But for thousands of years, the professionals who can enter this realm can no longer be counted, that is, they can't be seen and have few extravagant expectations.

There are also a variety of ways to enter the realm of enlightenment, not necessarily like Chang Feihu at the beginning. Although it is not possible to enter the realm of enlightenment, it is difficult for individuals to enter, but it is also very easy for professionals who can enter this state and only need to meet certain conditions.

At this time, the soul of the flying tiger, because of many times of love and hate, the extreme realm of joy, sorrow, sadness and fear, has already entered the realm of enlightenment! It's just another state, which Chang Feihu doesn't know.

The reason for all this is still the skill of Fuhun and Zichenjue. This skill and Fuhun, an innate treasure, are actually the source of invention and enlightenment. It is one of the few rare methods in the world that can sense the realm of charms.

However, with the current cultivation of Changfeihu, it is not enough to enter the enlightenment at any time. One day, his cultivation reaches a critical point or the height of a rule. At that time, he can enter the realm of enlightenment at any time.

Only then will he really understand the brilliance and mystery of the rune soul, and naturally touch the threshold of the realm of enlightenment. In fact, the most critical reason is the mismatch between the rune soul and cultivation.

At this time, Chang Feihu's heart was already hated to the extreme. He looked at the enemy he was chasing, his eyes flashed, and his eyes were full of hatred. He smiled darkly at the corners of his mouth. In an instant, a yellow soul appeared outside his body. With his hateful eyes, there were already weak, gold-like sun charms appeared in his eyes, and his whole body was yellow. In the collection of color and soul power, at this moment, his whole body suddenly exploded.

It seems that a destructive sunlight bursts from his body, which is actually full of hatred, tyrannical and frightening.

At this time, there was only the sun, only runes, and only hatred in his eyes. He integrated himself with the sun and achieved the realm of understanding of the sun runes. In hatred, the sun runes daggers, and the speed is extreme. The comet on the sky is bound to be faster, and the sun's shining fire - the sun rune dagger , get out of hand.

His eyes showed a solemn color, opened his mouth and spit out a few strange notes from his mouth, as if he was communicating with the sun. At this moment, the brilliance of the sun flows all over the body. At this moment, the momentum of the flying tiger suddenly changes!

A fire refining, emitting the energy of the sun to pierce the space and appeared in front of Chunyu's family professionals. A strong masculine hot breath emanated. In that fire refining, it revealed the extreme high temperature color of a sun charm that can burn the fire of all things.

With a flash in Chang Feihu's eyes, the corners of his mouth moved slightly and spit out a word that all of them could understand: "Oh!"

Before the voice fell, the strange charms in the fire refining flashed, and the red flames rose, like a meteor coming, like a fire-colored streamer hitting out of heaven and earth!

Because the speed of the sun rune dagger is too fast, the blow made by Chang Feihu in the realm of understanding the sun is with the help of the power of the sun, and it can't be loud.

Because the speed was too fast, suddenly there was a high temperature around the fire refining. The hot red air suddenly exploded, and the wind blew, and a constantly shaking flame vortex appeared. It seemed that such power had melted the space of fire refining, forming a strip-shaped blank boundary.

The fire refining, which used to look ordinary, is now even more plain, almost close to returning to the original.

Rushing to the bright flying car in the front, a senior priest was very disdainful of a firelight emitted by Chang Feihu's dying struggle. The firelight was at best a soul flame in his eyes.

He sneered at a mid-level mud flag saint in the same car and flattered him, "This boy's will to escape is still firm. At this time, the trapped beast is still fighting and have to make a final resistance. It's just futile to make a desperate decision. It's a credit for you catch him, and the disciple will get a favor."

The clay flag saint stood on the flying car and was also happy. There was a dead place in front of him. In his opinion, this boy was just performing for his accomplices. He hoped that when he was caught, he could behave less awkwardly. He didn't take the fire made by Chang Feihu seriously at all. Even if he was unarmed, he wanted to break such an attack. It's also easy.

However, his disciples still opened the protective array on the flying car in a little afraid of flattery. On their left, right and rear, one flying car after another followed the opening array. Although these formations are not all extremely exquisite, it is already enough to deal with such a very general attack. It's more than enough.

His idea is very logical, and even many high-level professionals on the flying car behind them feel the same way. At this time, they even began to laugh at Chang Feihu's carving skills and show a very relaxed smile.

But this feeling was quickly changed by other facts. The intermediate mud flag saint was surprised and out of his understanding. The seemingly ordinary fire was still far away at a glance. How could such a blink of an eye have reached the front? Such a speed is beyond his perception and logical range.