
Chapter 43 The Death of the Flying Tiger

Chapter 43 The Death of the Flying Tiger

His soul could no longer control it. The messy five elements seemed to have found an outlet for catharsis, rushed all the way down the young abdomen, rushed through **, rushed to the gate with stormy waves, and climbed up bravely along the spine.

The soul of the flying tiger followed in horror all the way and followed. Just as the five elements were about to rush to its head with unparalleled power, it dissipated silently and invisible as it came, followed by tremor paralysis.

Half of his body lost consciousness, and Chang Feihu's heart was cold. How could he believe in this unreliable fool? The regret in his heart was not full, and an invincible pain made him feel black and stiff all over.

The toxicity of fragrant fruit finally broke out at this time. He completely lost control of his body, leaving only his perception of the body. He could feel the body, but he could not move at all. What frightened Chang Feihu more was that a black fog bulged in his body, stained his soul and swallowed it bit by bit.

Seeing that the soul body has turned gray-black and is gradually spreading rapidly, this paralysis is coming so fast that even the brain has begun to paralyze. When you are drowsy, the light in front of you is slowly shrouded in black, and your thinking is more dull. You have to forget everything and don't want to think about it. Fear He is also slowly leaving.

The whole soul was surrounded by black fog, leaving only a trace of clarity. In the dark, a voice was loudly, and an unknown force surrounded the remaining pure land. The sound made Chang Feihu cheer up a little. Then, in a moment, the voice shouted, "Purple Chen Jue!"

At this time, he was already subconscious and struggling to recite the charm spell, but the paralyzed soul was extremely weak and could not lift a trace of power to produce fluctuations, but a slight trembled, he was annihilated in the vast fog.

Chang Feihu completely lost consciousness and fell to the ground, his whole body turned black, and he died of breath.

When the pheasant saw the owner's appearance, it could not even respond to the communication of spiritual information. It was scared and recognized how it was called. Chang Feihu could no longer feel it. The elders of Shanfumen returned to their hometown. Chang Feihu is really dead.

The pheasant quacked and jumped out. Two or three times came down to Nanli's side. The bird's beak pulled Nanli's clothes fiercely, and its wings fluttered randomly. Nanli immediately understood that Chang Feihu was in danger and hurriedly staggered over.

When I saw Chang Feihu's black and purple skin, it was like being hit by a lightning. His head exploded, and he fell to the ground. His eyes also became straight, and his mouth opened slightly, but he couldn't say a word. The blood on his body was about to solidify, and his eyes were black, as if he had fallen into the dark abyss. , his ears buzzed, and his eyes were dark. Thunder rushed over, and his feet were soft and he almost fell down.

He picked up Nanli and put his trembling hand under Chang Feihu's nose, but he immediately seemed to have been bitten by something very poisonous and suddenly shrank back. His eyes were full of stars and tears.

Nan Li fell on Chang Feihu and howled in a hoarse voice, "Mountain tiger!"

Lei Ming shook Chang Feihu's body. Before a brother could speak, tears had been dyed with Chang Feihu's clothes. Cheng Shaozhen, Lang Bianyun, Wu Ban, Mei Yingxue, Mei Yanshuang and Huang Yanyu also surrounded him.

Huang Yan said, "Feed him Neiying Dan quickly."

Lang Bianyun wiped away the tears from his eyes and said, "It's useless!"

When Chang Feihu's last point of Qingming was subverted, he felt that his body and mind were exhausted little by little until he completely lost consciousness. When this perception reached the limit, he only felt that his body slowly disappeared, but he could still hear the sadness of Nanli and thunder, and also heard Lang Bianyun tell them about himself. Already dead.

However, Chang Feihu did not have any uneasiness or fear. Instead, he had a peaceful and pleasant feeling, which made him feel very comfortable and calm. This calmness did not last long. The ensuing strong pain made him make a huge scream, but this pain flashed by. Then he found himself suspended in a dark dimension.

The most comfortable feeling ever experienced surrounded him, and a strange sound that floated from that direction. A sweet tune and wonderful heavenly sound surrounded him. This is the fragrance of flowers overflowing at night, the spring water of the mountain stream, and the twinkling stars on the sky. Light.

These brought unprecedented peace of mind to Chang Feihu, just like a wet morning, and suddenly all of this left silently, just like when he came. Chang Feihu seemed to feel that his consciousness had recovered.

It seemed that he had a feeling when his hands touched the body, but he immediately threw it all away, because the empty space around him suddenly changed and felt that he was suddenly pulled into a dark space, and a black hole appeared out of thin air in front of him.

It is like a cylinder without air. It feels like a transition zone, one side is the present world, and the other side is exotic, the fear of darkness, the sadness of death, which makes him lonely. I hope that someone can accompany him at this time, support each other, and bring a trace of emotional comfort to each other's heart. .

No matter how reluctant, struggling and resisting Chang Feihu was, he was still pulled into that space, but suddenly found that his soul had escaped and stood somewhere outside his body to observe his body.

The place where he stood was close to his body. When he wanted to touch himself with his hand, he found himself alone in another space, as if he were a feather and his body was light without any weight.

In the space rotation, Chang Feihu saw his body again, as well as his brothers Lei Ming and his eldest brother. He shouted Nanli and Lei Ming and tried his best to tell them about his plight, but no one could listen to him.

Chang Feihu tried to pull Nanli with his hand, but found that the distance between them was very far. He could not feel the passage of time at all. He could only silently watch Nanli and thunder, and his feeling of time disappeared.

Chang Feihu felt strong loneliness, felt that the world was turbid and alone, and he shed tears. This is a kind of loneliness that no one understands. Only his own body can accompany him alone. Chang Feihu tentatively approaches the body lying on the ground and finds that he can go in.

But when he went in, he didn't have any feeling. He kept going in and out of his body. Every time the result was the same. Chang Feihu felt unprecedented loneliness, loneliness and loneliness. The helpless Chang Feihu was very sad, but his sensory vision and hearing were better than before. More sensitive, the level of vision has increased unprecedentedly to an incredible extent.

He had never seen it so clearly. Every word they said and every action was vivid in his ears. Chang Feihu couldn't help crying, but then a light shone on his body, which made Chang Feihu feel much better in an instant.

Then scene after scene of what he had experienced, moving in chronological order of what happened, accompanied by the picture, which was a kind of looking back at life and a panoramic review of all the experiences in his life.

The immersive feeling, all the feelings and emotions have been re-experienced. The end of the picture is nearly boundless wild. Chang Feihu has an inexplicable impulse to spray on this vast field, but it is blocked by an invisible boundary.

It was like a threshold raised in his heart and stood opposite him, making it impossible for him to move forward. The surroundings became brighter and brighter. A rough warm light in the sky shone on Chang Feihu's body, making Chang Feihu look at the past and make him feel that death became less terrible.

The shouts of Nanli and thunder are getting louder and louder, as if he just went out for a trip. It's time to return, for fear that he will leave too far away and call.

When Chang Feihu was far away to a certain extent, it seemed that it was the moment when he had to come back. Chang Feihu wanted to return to his body as soon as possible, but with the deepening of this comforting light, he began to reject back to his original body.

The longer it takes, the stronger this emotion becomes. Chang Feihu really doesn't want to go back. He has a very dependent spiritual emotion for this light, which makes him hate this sleepless shouting and trying not to listen to the voice he wants to leave.

He is enjoying the wandering in the void and re-evaluating the talk of his whole life. This evaluation does not depend on whether a person is rich or prominent, but only on how much love and warmth he shares with others in his life.

Chang Feihu tried his best to listen to this flashy and beautiful sound and refused to move. Suddenly, the light around it was dark, and a huge plant appeared without a process, separating the sound from Chang Feihu. There was a huge flower bone on the plant, which slowly bloomed in front of Chang Feihu.

The petals opened one by one, and the large bones of the mill opened nine flowers, which were cyan, red, white, black, half green and half red, half red, half white, half white and half black, half black and half blue. There is also a big fruit in the center of a bright yellow flower in the middle.

There are nine fruits in nine colors, which are also divided into nine colors like flowers. In the middle is a yellow fruit grain, and a green leaf holding up nine fruits with flowers. The fruit has a wonderful fragrance. Without wind, it floats far away to the Changfei Tiger.