
Chapter 63 Cut Love

Chapter 63 Cut Love

Chang Feihu was greatly moved by his attachment to cows and the dual emotions that brought them help.

He called the water lizard, stroked its big mouth and said, "Are you sure you can't give up that female cow?"

The water lizard looked at Chang Feihu pitifully and said, "Can't you take it with you?"

Chang Feihu sighed for a long time and said, "It's okay, but I can't take it now. You can't let me kill it and take it away, alas! If you can't bear it, I can only bear to give up my love and leave you behind. Would you like it?

The water lizard immediately shed two lines of blood. The soul and blood beast cannot secrete tears. The whole body is composed of soul and blood.

Chang Feihu's heart was as uncomfortable as a knife and said, "I know you can't bear to part with me. You have saved me many times, to you. I'm as close as my family, and I can't bear to part with you!"

But in this case, that's the only way. Chang Feihu hugged the water lizard and kissed it, reached out and cut off most of his hair. His palms penetrated a pinch of soul, and his hair became a braid with thick braids.

He tied the whip to the water lizard cow around his neck and said, "Take care of yourself. You know, professionals have never had any pity for barbarians. If you want to stay away from someone's place, let my hair accompany you. When you see the braids, it's like seeing me."

When Chang Feihu raised his head, two lines of tears had covered his cheeks.

The water lizard cow also whined in a low voice. Chang Feihu took out a storage rune bag and said, "I'll leave something for you. You are a soul-blood beast, and you can completely collect and store items in terms of soul power."

He put all the blood cells and large pieces of wild animal meat in, and put in dozens of internal elixirs and said, "You don't need these internal elixirs, but you can use them when your partner is injured."

Nanli and Lei Ming shed tears in this scene. Both of them know that the flying tiger usually scolds the two soul-blooded beasts, but they are never willing to really fight, let alone let them take risks. Whenever they escape, they will always put away the soul-blooded beasts before leaving.

The relationship between Changfei Tiger and the two beasts is no worse than theirs, and there is really nothing they can do, otherwise they won't have thrown down the water lizard cow.

Chang Feihu took two steps and went back to hold the big mouth of the water lizard and said, "I will definitely come back to see you in the future. This is the talisman of your hiding and put it in the storage talisman bag for you. That man is very dangerous. You should leave as soon as possible. The farther away from him, the better.

After saying that, he turned his head and left. He was afraid that he would regret putting down the water lizard here after too long. The three flew quickly to the exit of the clear water. The water lizard turned its head and sprinkled all its sadness and anger on Zhao Wei.

Seeing the normally calm waters that can't even afford ripples, Zhao Wei turned around like a pot today, and couldn't help twisting his eyebrows together. Humph, what kind of waves the three little people can set off? They underestimated Benzong's old age.

Zhao Yuwei's altar, and the huge pressure rose to the sky. The roaring waves were lined up before they approached. Under the suppression of the altar, the water flowing upside down within a kilometer around it was as calm as white paper in an instant. Only a distant water did not go out. "Hahaha, I see you run there. "

Seeing that the entrance is right in front of you, you can get there in one breath, but in such a short time, under the obstruction of Zhao Weiwei, they have no idea but to look back. Chang Feihu's eyes are all red. If he can't get past, it will even give him similar consequences. Without time, Zhao Wei could arrive. There was no way to live at that time. In a hurry, Chang Feihu activated the Xuantian mask to push Nanli and thunder to rush to the entrance.

With a loud noise, the thick virtual charm chain directly hit the Xuantian mask. When the Xuantian mask was about to be smashed, the virtual charm chain hit the three people immediately.

The length of Zhao Yuwei's virtual charm chain has exceeded his control, and the power of the blow has also been greatly reduced. In addition, a lot of force has also been released in the water waves. Moreover, Zhao Yuwei left room to take action in order to survive, not his full blow.

But in this way, the three were still hit hard, because Chang Feihu was at the end, and he was also the first to be drawn by the virtual charm chain, so he suffered much more damage than Nanli and thunder.

While passing through the entrance, the three spewed out a mouthful of blood. Nanli and Leiming just stopped spitting, but Chang Feihu vomited a large amount.

The three hurriedly swallowed a few internal medicine pills. Chang Feihu just swallowed the internal medicine. Wow, another mouthful of blood spit out. In an instant, his face was white without a trace of blood color, and he fell into a semi-coma state. Zhao Wei's blow was too powerful. It was a miracle that they could hold their lives with their current cultivation. Under such an attack, the purple inner armor on Chang Feihu's body failed to play its due role, which shows how domineering the attack is.

Nan Li and Lei Ming hurriedly fed Chang Feihu a few Nei Ying Dan. Nan Li held Chang Feihu in his arms and sent him soul power to stabilize his body, but as soon as the soul power was sent over, the two were scared.

Chang Feihu's soul was attacked by Zhao Wei and was discounted into two sections from the middle. The clothes on his back were all gone, revealing the shiny purple and gold inner armor. His soul was so damaged that his chance of surviving was already very slim. After swallowing the Neiying elixir, Chang Feihu woke up a little and said to the two followers, "You two Run, I can't leave."

Lei Ming cried, "I'm going to die, die together!"

Wow...haha! The thunder in crying suddenly burst into laughter. Hahaha! We are saved!"

He grabbed a handful of yellow sand and sprinkled it in front of Chang Feihu and said, "Brother, you see, this is full of boundless yellow sand. Where's your sand dragonfly? Let it out!"

Chang Feihu laughed and said, "It's considered to be remembered by you. Open your mouth and spit out the sand.

Shajiao is different from the soul-blooded beast. It is more like a weapon of Changfeihu. The receiving and sending commands are all in one thought. Shajiao itself has no thought, but a chaotic creature. Therefore, Shajiao's thought is the thought of Changfeihu.

As long as Chang Feihu still has a breath, it will always implement Chang Feihu's order without any discount. Even if Chang Feihu no longer continues to command, it will continue to be executed before the order is revoked.

At the moment when Sha Jiao came into contact with the yellow sand, the fog in the sky flew up slowly with the majestic sand waves.

The roaring wind is rampant. That kind of violent storm is far from the first time that Chang Feihu encountered on the way to Shouyang Pass. This violent hurricane can swept away low-level professionals, and countless salons roared.