
Chapter 71 Special Continent

Chapter 71 Special Continent

Nan Li and others also introduced their names one by one, and Chu Daring said one by one, "Please invite several people to the banquet."

Chang Feihu also looked at Nan Li and walked into the tent with a smile one after another. He found that the hospitality here was indeed different from other places.

The tent is covered with red cloth, and light cyan screens are hung around the tent. Continuous red candles illuminate the bright tent. In the innermost part, there is a six-page screen near the edge of the tent, on which is painted with birds and animals. In front of the screen is a square table of equal length on four sides and a wider table.

The tooth plate is carved with decorative parts such as auspicious patterns, which are very beautiful and exquisitely crafted. There are six exquisite chairs next to the table, and the same table is placed on both sides of the tent at intervals.

Two rows of stools lean against the edge of the tent. As soon as they enter, they give people a sense of solemnity and joy. Although the surface of the tent is simple, the interior furnishings are very elegant.

Chu Dart's head led Chang Feihu to the front of the screen and said, "Please sit up!"

Chang Feihu did not put on airs and sat down in the past. Nalan seemed to be a little surprised but not unfamiliar with the scene in the tent. After seeing Nanli and Chang Feihu in their positions, he took Lei Ming's hand to the left side of Chang Feihu.

At this time, Chu's head greeted the outside and said, "Call in and salute Ming Gong. I don't know when he even changed his name to Chang Feihu and others."

Chang Feihu was not used to such a scene and hurriedly said, "This set is free!"

Chu Daring smiled and said, "Well, there are so many people."

turned to the crowd and said, "Okay, all enter the table and pass the dishes!"

With a sound of passing down the dishes, the stewor at the door waved his hand and saw more than a dozen middle-aged women coming up on the palm tray, and the steaming wine and vegetables were placed in front of Chang Feihu, blinding Chang Feihu's eyes.

Nan Li grinned and said, "Haho, I finally feel at home."

No matter what others think of him, he picked up his chopsticks and put a big mouthful of it into his mouth and said, "This is called food."

At this time, the stewor came in with a long and relatively rich middle-aged man, and Chu Dart immediately arched his hand and said, "Come and pull."

The man's expression was very calm. There is an indescribable elegance between his hands and feet. He is not interested in Chang Feihu and others. He speaks as if he were a friend of many years, with such a plain enthusiasm.

The fat man introduced himself: "My surname is Han Shu, and my name is Bingyue. I am the owner of this caravan. I don't know how many friends are called?"

Chang Feihu's personality is that when people respect me, I respect others. The other party is so respectful. He also stood up and introduced him again and said, "Han Dong's family, I'm sorry to bother you."

Han Dong's family said boldly, "There is no trouble there. He is also a person who likes to make friends all over the world, and he can't ask for it!"

After saying that, he was in the first position of Chang Feihu's left hand. Chu Dart's head also sat next to him. After that, Chu Dart's head picked up the glass and said, "Respect, Ming Gong!"

Chang Feihu also picked up a glass of wine and said with a cheerful smile, "It's too hard for you to speak so medily. It's better for us to speak directly. Come on, drink one first."


As soon as the wine was in his mouth, Chang Feihu spit out and asked, "Why is this wine so spicy?"

Chu Dart smiled and said, "This is the knife we brought. It's a little strong, but I can't drink it often. Gradually, I feel it tastes good."

"Forget it, I can't stand that. Let's do this." Chang Feihu raised his eyebrows and raised his hand to six jars of rice wine on the table. He said hello to Nalan.

"Nalan, go and fill Han Dong's house."

Nalan obediently came down from the chair, but he was too small to reach the wine jar with his hands. He couldn't stand the child's temper. When he came up, he simply grabbed the jar with the ability of a professional. Xiao Nalan's little hand turned over his wrist, poured wine into several clay bowls, and then twisted it. The little buttocks climbed up the thighs of the flying tiger.


"Good skill, what kind of magic skill is this in legend? It's amazing to have such ability at a young age!" Chu Dart's eyes were shining and praised loudly.

He also felt very proud when he heard the praise in Nalan's heart, but when he was looking at the master, he did not look proud at all. He immediately shook his little hand and said, "It's nothing!"

"Hehe! It's really a famous teacher and a good apprentice. That's not true at all. Don't be polite, children. The people on the side said enviously.

Han Dong's family took a sip and said, "This is the best rice wine. No wonder you can't get used to that."

Lei Ming couldn't help saying, "Since you invite us to dinner, let's eat first. If you have anything, let's talk about it after eating."

Chang Feihu stared at him and said with a smile, "You eat yours, who doesn't restrict you."

Turning his face and said to Han Dong's family and Chu's head, "My brother has this temper. Don't worry about him. Eat them all and finish eating. There are really some things I want to ask."

Chang Feihu didn't move a few mouthfuls of dishes, and let Nanli, Lei Ming and Xiao Nalan fill it. In the end, the three of them directly served the plate and dealt with the delicious food inside.

After eating, the three began to dry their belly, their clothes were untied, their belts were loosened, and they sat upright.

Chu Daring's heart was a little touched, and he said to himself that these people had never seen a good meal? They were almost eaten by the three before they moved much. Chu Dart had to call another table and began to move their chopsticks.

Chang Feihu thought for a moment and said to Han Dong's family, "Don't you have a professional in such a big caravan?"

Chu Dartou and Han Dong's family don't understand and look at Chang Feihu. Chang Feihu is also puzzled. Don't these people know what professionals are? It's impossible. Even if they haven't seen it, they should have heard of it.

When Chu Dart saw Chang Feihu looking at their confused faces, he asked awkwardly, "Excuse me... what is a professional?"

Chang Feihuxin said: Okay, I really don't know, but he still replied, "Well, let's put it this way, who is the most powerful person you know?"

Chu Dart's head didn't understand any more. He raised his hand and said, "The most powerful people I have ever seen and heard in my next life are Ming Gong!"

Chang Feihu was stunned and said with an unnatural smile, "Oh, so that's it!" Drink and drink."

After a few bites, he thought of another method. He said to Chu Dartou, "Where is the biggest city or town you have been to?"

Before Chu's head spoke, Han Dong's family said, "I know this best, that is, Zijing. There is no city bigger than Zijing! We are going to Zijing this time.

Seeing that Chang Feihu didn't seem to understand what Zijing is, Han Dong's family explained, "Zijing is the capital. Among all countries, our capital is the largest."

Chang Feihu understood at once that they either have no professional here or call other names. If they know or have seen it, they should know the ability of professionals, but from what they say, there is no trace of such a shadow.

But Chang Feihu didn't give up and asked, "Have you really never seen or heard of anyone more powerful than us? For example, can it be like this?"

Chang Feihu made a flying action. Chu Dartou and Han Dongjiaxin said, what's wrong with this master? Why do you have to inquire about people who are better than them?

They couldn't understand the action done by Chang Feihu. The two shook their heads in confusion. Chang Feihu completely gave up. There are no professionals and professions in this continent, and barbarian beasts may not have them. That is to say, in this closed place, others can't get in and they can't get out.

A feeling of loss made Chang Feihu feel like he was separated from the world. It took him for a long time to see Chu Dartou and Han Dong's family looking at him with confused eyes. He smiled bitterly and said, "It's okay. It's good, just a little disappointed. Come on, let's eat and not talk about these things."

Chang Feihu's meal was as tasteless as chewing wax. After the meal, everyone continued to rush. Chang Feihu sat on the horse in a trance for a while and couldn't go home. This blow was light, which made Chang Feihu feel really uncomfortable for a while.

But then he let go. Anyway, he couldn't go back. It's better to let go. He couldn't go back with a sad face. He comforted himself. In this way, he really felt much better.

Seeing that Chang Feihu's expression was much better, he also let go of his courage and asked, "I don't know how many Minggong want to go there? Can you come with us?"

How similar this sentence is to the first time I met the head of the calendar? You don't need to deliberately understand this meaning to know the inner meaning.

Chang Feihu patted Nalan and asked, "Apprentice, where do you think we are going?"

Nalan has been listening carefully to the dialogue of the adults at the dinner table. He has long had the expectation of wanting to go to the capital. At present, Chang Feihu asked him to decide and immediately said, "Let's go to the capital."

This made Chu's head very happy. They took this road. I'm just afraid that it's not safe on the road. Now that there are four masters, what else can I be afraid of?

Nan Li turned his legs across the saddle and let the horse move forward by himself. Facing Chu's head, he asked, "Old Chu, why have you never seen a figure on this road?"

Chu's bodyguard is in a comfortable mood and fearless, and naturally questions must be answered.

"Several officials didn't know that this road turned out to be an official road. Because there were too many mountain thieves and beasts, they were abandoned. Now the official road is more than 100 miles away from our right. You think it's strange. Since this official road was changed, the thieves have also moved. Not only have the thieves passed, but also many fewer beasts. I The bodyguards this time are people with goods. Such a large team are worried about encountering robberies, so they take this long-lost official path. Why didn't they be so nervous when they met you? Now there are several Ming Gong and several people walking together, which is more reassuring.