
Chapter 98 Who is dead

Anyone can understand what the anger and regret will be like. Chang Feihu wanted to see what could help the stupid bird, and they still have too many questions to know, such as: where the stupid bird comes from and what is a demon! How did he know what several people were called? These series of questions were almost lost in their heads.

However, the flying beast suddenly broke out without warning. A spark jumped out of the stupid bird's mouth and burst into the air. The sharp impact sound penetrated into everyone's ears to surprise them. Chang Feihu did not hesitate to breathe the stupid bird into the soul.

He is also a little bold. First, the sacrifice of the stupid bird is obvious to all. Second, he doesn't know the strength of the flying beast. Although it dares not act out of ordinary to Chang Feihu with the constraints of the soul contract, there are also Nanli, Leiming and Nalan here. In case the stupid bird is fierce, it will be unfavorable to several people and afraid of the scene. The situation will be out of control, which is what Chang Feihu doesn't want to see.

The stupid bird was immediately put into the soul of the rune, and the world suddenly became quiet. Several people stared at each other with big eyes and looked at each other with black eyes! Nalan couldn't help laughing first. He was a laughing uncle as if he had fallen into the noodle jar.

Nan Li and Lei Ming laughed at Chang Feihu's strange appearance. Chang Feihu ate the whole face of the fly and looked very strange. Chang Feihu was not surprised by what happened to them. The world was so unexpected.

It's just a professional who is afraid of a bird, which makes it difficult for him to accept for a while. Although Chang Feihu is usually quite gentle, in fact, the wildness in his bones is just a cover-up hidden under the gentle appearance.

He is a donkey. If anyone dares to make him ugly, it is the madman who doesn't want to live to find the right person. If he is angry, he has to find a fool to release it. Otherwise, it is easy to have problems, but at present, the flying tiger is angry and has nowhere to spread.

He laughed at himself and said, "Haha, that's awesome! Damn it! Is it great to know something?"

Nanli and Lei Ming knew that the stubborn donkey's temper that the mountain tiger must report came up and did not smile. Although Chang Feihu usually treated them like brothers, but when they were angry, no matter so much, if they didn't have a long face and hit the muzzle at this time, it would not be a joke.

Boone turned their faces, and Nalan, a flatterer, hid when he saw that the limelight was wrong.

It rumbled and rattled. I don't know when the sky was already covered with dark clouds, and the clouds were very low. The sky dimmed, a Thunderbolt sounded, and a downpour fell from the sky.

Bad weather often has a great impact on people's mood. Nanli no longer deliberately avoids the bad mood of Chang Feihu. People who are already unhappy are very likely to walk away under the inducement of this weather. If they add fuel to the fire, it will only make depression explode.

He must calm Chang Feihu down, otherwise, the first unlucky one must be Na Lan. The little thing now looks at Chang Feihu and his eyes are dodging. Facing the master is like facing the enemy like facing the abyss.

Nan Li came over and grabbed Chang Feihu's hand, stroked his back and said, "Brother, don't be angry. Isn't it just a stupid bird? What's the big deal! You see, those who beg for rain have really begged for rain. How about we go back and have a look? By the way, I took a walk in the rain to relax. Since I became a professional, my skin has not been exposed to rain for a long time. Today, we will also review that feeling.

Nanli's status in Changfeihu's heart is not only high, but also has an irreplaceable sacredness. His words have always been obedient. Sure enough, Nanli's two inconspicuous words were blown into Changfeihu's ears by the wind and had an immediate effect.

Although it is still a little sullen, the expression on the face has shown signs of cloudy turning cloudy.

Now the three people don't need to open the amulet. With the momentum released by the holy master alone, the rain can't get close to them, but the three are obviously unwilling to do so and let the heavy rain pour down on their bodies.

When the smart Nalan saw three elders like this, of course, he did not dare to be out.

Three people led the horses to walk slowly in the rain, and the powder on their bodies disappeared. The rain flowed down from above their heads, which seemed to be like a waterfall. Chang Feihu was in a much better mood and slowly became happy.

He thought that the ground was muddy and difficult to walk. The three of them got on the horse and walked back to Tutai. Far away, they heard the joyous shouts of the people.

The heavy rain became heavier and heavier, and the fog in front of me was ethereal. With the blessing of the bright eyes, I couldn't see far. My sight was completely blocked by the rain, and I couldn't see it clearly until I got away.

All the people knelt in the rain, surrounded the altar in the middle, straightened their waists and kowtowed their heads. At the moment when the people's heads touched the ground, the mud splashed neatly, straightened their hands up and cheered again.

When several people looked around, the original altar no longer existed, and the rest was just a pool of mud. A man with a shawl in the chest-length yellow mud was still ringing bells, holding a sword in his hand, saying something vaguely in his mouth, waving his sword from time to time, igniting a yellow watch and blowing a breath in the heavy rain, and his sharp blade pointed up, suddenly It will be a strong wind.

Nan Li said in admiration: "Sure enough, there is some Taoism!"

Lei Ming was a stranger to these things. He was not interested at all, but muttered, "Let's go!" If there is anything good, you'd better go into the town to eat something and change into clean clothes.

Chang Feihu wanted to go and ask for advice, but the man didn't seem to have the intention to stop. He couldn't stand the thunder and ran to the town.

The sky cleared up on the edge of the town, and the sunlight penetrated the clouds and fell on several people. Although there were still raindrops in the sky, the rainbow after the rain had hung on the sky.

The tender green on the wide grass hangs dewdrops and scramble to look up. The smoke of the town rises in the distance, and there is still some mist on the ground. A pleasant beauty quietly leaps into sight.

Lei Ming entered the town. The town is not big, and the narrow bluestone roads are covered with moss. Because the farmers' thatched houses have been built for too long, many people's roofs are covered with weeds.

After the rain stopped, there were already pedestrians on the street. Suddenly, there was a noise from the originally quiet scenery, which broke the tranquility of the town and knocked on the heart of the Changfeihu, which was immersed in elegance.

The mood that had just got better immediately became annoyed and couldn't help saying angrily, "Who is so boring that it disturbs such a beautiful scenery and spoils the elegant mood?"

Nalan rarely had a chance to please the master and immediately said, "Apprentice, go and have a look!"

Before he took two steps out, he saw a man with a fleshy face and long cheekbones coming out of a house with a wine cover, raising his foot and kicking the tavern owner who chased him out to ask for money for wine.

He cursed and said, "I eat your meat and drink your wine to look up to you. When did I pay?"

The boss screamed and fell into the house. The man stepped onto a horse-drawn cart next to the pub, raised his hand, slapped, whipped in the air, drove the horse-drawn cart, and ramped onto the bluestone road.

The guy was not afraid of bumps and kept urging the horse to rush in the direction of several people. The road made several pedestrians unable to dodge. They were blown upside down and moaned painfully on the ground.

Chang Feihu immediately rushed up in anger. Nanli and Lei Ming smiled. Now there is a good opportunity to watch. Chang Feihu, who was already angry in his heart, was worried that he could not find someone to vent, so someone came to him to vent. It was really a help in the snow!

Chang Feihu flew over from the horse and kicked on the car.

The whole car was kicked up and fell straight to the door of the pub, becoming a pile of broken boards. The horses that fell to the ground were frightened, raised their front hoofs, and were about to run with a gray name.

Nanli was so fast that he floated close to the ground and grabbed the reins. He didn't let the horse move at all. The unlucky man was thrown down a lot. He struggled to stand up and scolded very rudely: "Is that grandson's way to be a grandfather?"

He said wildly, "Tell you, my father is Zhu Yu. You don't want to live anymore, do you?"

Nanli asked a passer-by, "Who is Zhu Yu?"

The passers-by seemed to be a little afraid of the man. They took a step back and hid behind the door frame of the pub and said, "His name is Zhu Xiao, the son of the mayor of the town. Zhu Yu is the mayor of our Yanshui Town. The father and son are used to bullying men and women, and the family also set up a private water prison. No one dares to provoke them. I don't think you are locals, so you should leave here quickly. Li, lest you lose your life!"

Nan Li smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. Look, who lost his life!"

Chang Feihu's face has no expression. His professional career has made him develop the habit of being happy and angry in front of small characters, which makes it difficult for people to see his tendency. Chang Feihu looked at the still domineering Zhu Xiao with contemptuous eyes.

The town is really small. This is a little moving. Soon the whole town knew that Zhu Lao and his two family thugs rushed into the crowd and asked, "Is it the ignorant thing that came here arrogantly?"

Zhu Wei stretched out his hand and pointed to Chang Feihu and said, "Dad! That's him."

When the two thugs saw that the young master had identified the person who dared to cause trouble, they immediately stretched out their hands fiercely and grabbed him aggressively without waiting for the master's order.

Chang Feihu raised his hand gently, and the boards scattered on the slate reached his hand. A wild horse divided its mane and bowed left and left and right, fanned the wooden boards to the faces of the two thrushes.

How can the two ordinary people restrain the power of Chang Feihu? They fell into the streets on both sides, and their faces seemed to be overturned bean paste in the grocery store.

Chang Feihu casually threw out the board and came to Zhu Wei in shock. He turned over his hand calmly and twisted Zhu Wei's head off.

The blood splashed a few feet of blood sprayed on Zhu Yu.