fa mou

Chapter 35 You look so beautiful when you smile

Today's first update


Zhang San went to the casino tonight. Zhang San lost all. Zhang San was kindly helped by Wang Yulang. These promises are unknown. It's not that he doesn't pay attention, but because today is the end of a month. Tonight is 30th, and tomorrow is his day off. He has more important things to do tonight.

The hunter organization is very hidden, so their secret location has not changed. It's still the same compound, or the secret room, there are still only two people. A man, a woman, one is a promise, and the other is Ruolan.

It is said that everyone will have a name that matches themselves. Just like a promise, he has never promised anyone before, but his promise will definitely come true. Like Ling Xianger, as famous as she is, she is a beauty with a faint charming fragrance all over her body. And this Ruolan, whether she smiles as beautiful as an orchid, may not know this.

"Here you are." Ruolan said in a quiet tone, as if she was really a very weak woman, and she didn't know whether it was inside or appearance.

"Of course I will come, unless I'm no longer number one." The promise to return to this secret room seems to have changed back to the previous promise, and the promise of the guest building is not alone.

"You still speak so without emotion."

"That's what I always talk about."

"Really, maybe you're just here or talking to me?" Ruolan narrowed her eyes slightly and said with a smile.

Hearing Ruolan's words, Xu Yi looked at her and his eyes changed and said coldly, "Are you investigating me?" Promise to know that this woman is very powerful.

"Investigation, this can't be said to be an investigation, it can only be said to understand. You are my subordinate, and I must understand you." In the face of the cold eyes of promise, Ruolan didn't care at all.

This is a secret, cold-blooded organization, so promise to know that these things are inevitable. Promise's eyes darkened, will it be very tired?

"Do you think a woman like me will be very tired, or will it be better to marry someone, or do you feel tired?" Ruolan seemed to see through the promise.

This woman is indeed powerful, but if she is not powerful, how can she control this hunter organization that is all elite killers?

"I don't know." Promised such an uncertain answer in front of Ruolan for the first time.

"You have changed, you have really changed." Ruolan said with certainty.

"Have I changed? How do I feel that you have changed? Promise felt that there was nothing to hide in front of this woman, because even if it was hidden, it seemed to be seen through by her.

"Have I changed?" Ruolan said with a little surprise, "I may have really changed a little, but you have really changed. In the past, we were all the same person, and now I am still that kind of person, but you have become another kind of person, so you feel that I have changed.

"Really, is this change good or bad?" Promise felt confused for the first time.

"This is to ask your heart. Except for you, everyone else is an outsider. Have you forgotten the necessary conditions for the killer?" Ruolan looked a little sad when she said this sentence.

The secret room calmed down. After a long time, Xu promised and said, "I think I'm doing well now."

"Maybe, because I think you seem to have become stronger and weaker, which makes me figure it out." Ruolan seemed to have nothing to hide in front of the promise and spoke directly.

"Because I seem to have found a good way." Promise couldn't help thinking about his work in the kitchen.

"If it's true, then congratulations. I just hope your heart doesn't soften, because this task is not simple." Ruolan did not ask what method the promise was to change him, but talked about the task, because this was her main 'work'. As for the promise to become stronger and weaker, that is secondary.

Promise thought for a moment before saying, "I can't take the task now. I think I have reached a bottleneck, which will distract me when performing the task."

"Okay, but the duration of this task is quite long. I can leave it for you until next month. I hope you will have no bottleneck by then." Ruolan knew that he would not do anything that he was not sure about, so he still left this opportunity to promise.

"Thank you, I'm leaving." He promised to say these words when he was separated from Ruolan for the first time. He rarely said anything before, let alone thank you.

"Are you leaving like this?" Ruolan's resentful voice sounded when she promised to turn around.

Hearing Ruolan's words, he promised to look at her strangely.

"Don't you think of me as a woman? You have a lot of words in the guest building, and even the boss's daughter looks at you with new eyes. Ruolan's eyes are pitiful, which will make people can't help holding her in their arms, saying good words and gently saying love words.

"I really don't think of you as a woman." The promise came out bluntly.

If you promise to say this to other women, or that woman will lose her temper, lose her temper and cry, but Ruolan asked, "Why?"

"Because you are different from other women, other women are real, and you make me feel that you are very bald." A woman who can make promises feel illusory, either this woman is sacred or this woman is terrible.

Of course, Ruolan knew what promise meant, so she then asked, "What can I do to make you feel my existence?"

Xu promised for a moment and said, "Maybe it will be better for you to take off the veil when we meet."

As soon as the promise was finished, Ruolan had taken off the veil, and he couldn't help but be stunned. There are two main reasons why Xu promised to be stunned. One is that he didn't expect his leader to really take off the veil and took it off immediately. The second is naturally the very charming face behind the veil.

If Ling Xianger is a fresh and refined woman, Ruolan is a woman who is charming to the bone. Such a woman has irresistible charm for most men. Promise seemed to know why Ruolan always wore a veil, because the charm of her face was so great that even people like him who were determined couldn't help looking at it a few more.

So, he promised to say sincerely, "Maybe it's better for you to wear a veil."

"Do you mean I can only take off the veil in front of you?" Ruolan didn't listen to the promise this time, but said with a smile. Her charming smile and her weak voice stirred the heartstrings of promise all the time.

"You smile so beautifully, just like a fairy coming down to the earth, more delicate than that flower, which makes the moon dim tonight." Xu promised that he could no longer stay with this woman, because his heart was no longer so cold now, so he casually said what he said the most and turned away.

After Ruolan didn't see what he said, he smiled more charmingly.

I only heard Ruolan say to herself, "It seems that you have really changed. It's a little interesting. Can I really make the moon dim? The moon is indeed dim tonight, but there is no moon tonight," Ruolan looked up and seemed to see through the roof and see the existence of the sky, but There is no glorious moon, "What kind of person will you become?"