fa mou

Chapter 48 Yang Tianhe's intention

"Hurry up, come on, hurry up and catch him, come on..." Our guard Wang Zhou kept roaring and ordered his men to do things. Now Wang Zhou is very anxious. He finally hopes that a nobleman who can give him a chance to be promoted has such a thing.

Assassin killers are the most taboo type of people for senior officials and rich businessmen. Now even assassins have appeared in the palace, and Yang Tian and his subordinates found them first. Now, let alone be promoted, when the household minister is angry, he will say a few bad things about him in front of the prime minister or directly in front of the old emperor, then he, the guard, will be the leader.

Wang Zhou didn't know that Yang Tianhe's trip was a secret operation, sent by the prime minister, and was not approved by the old emperor at all. Yang Tianhe's statement to the old emperor was that he was not in good health and recuperated at home, or Yang Tianhe would not have come to see this guard in the middle of the night.

However, it can be seen that the old emperor is also a little mediocre, and this prime minister is indeed extraordinary. No wonder even Ruolan, a hunter organization, is afraid of three points.

"Lord Yang, the subordinate's poor protection has frightened the adult. I hope you can look at the subordinate's loyalty to the prime minister and forgive the subordinate's mistakes." Wang Zhou actually knelt down in front of Yang Tianhe. For him, he doesn't care about face-saving, but now his official position is the most important.

"Let your people go down. Of course I believe you, or I won't come to you. Get up and sit down and talk." Yang Tianhe said lightly. When he spoke, he did not look at Wang Zhou at all, but looked at the man in gray thoughtfully.

Yang Tianhe knew that the man in gray was the secret guard around the prime minister. This time, he took special care of himself before shooting him to protect himself. Yang Tianhe knew that people in gray were thinking about things and were not in a hurry to interrupt.

After swinging his men, Wang Zhou looked at the man in gray thinking about things. The household minister did not ask, but calmly drank tea there. Instead, he was the only one who was anxious there, and even sat half of his buttocks stained the chair.

After a while, the man in gray walked behind Yang Tianhe and seemed to figure out something.

At this time, Yang Tianhe asked, "Is that person coming for us?"

"Not like that." There are few people in gray. Generally, people who have specialties in a certain aspect will always have some different habits from ordinary people.

"How about this person's martial arts and what is his origin?" Yang Tianhe asked his biggest concern.

"I can kill him, and he can run away." Only Yang Tianhe could understand what the man in gray said. Anyway, Wang Zhou was stunned when he heard it. "It's not the first time he came here. He is obviously familiar with it here. He should be the person who writes on the wall, and he is also likely to be from that organization."

"The fabric you just held in your hand is very unique." Yang Tianhe suddenly changed the topic.

"Yes, this cloth is the same as those people in Kyoto. He didn't come for us, but we have exposed it, so move quickly." The man in gray expressed his opinion.

Originally, Wang Zhou thought that the man in gray was Yang Tianhe's guard, but now from their dialogue, the status of the man in gray is not low. At least the tone of his voice with Yang Tianhe is not servile, as if it were two people of equal status.

Yang Tianhe did not disagree with the words of the man in gray, and he also knew that the art industry specialized in this truth.

"Your Excellency, now is a good time for you to get promoted." Yang Tianhe suddenly said to Wang Zhou.

Hearing this, Wang Zhou immediately stood up, bowed, held his fists and saluted, and said flatteringly, "Lord Yang, if you have something to tell me, I will definitely do my best to make things beautiful."

"I believe you also knew the news of the assassination of the prime minister before. These assassins are likely to be an organization, and they are likely to be in Heping Town." When Yang Tianhe talked about Pingzhen, his tone couldn't help but aggravate it.

Yang Tian and Wang Zhou couldn't say this. If he knew that there was such an organization in the town, wouldn't he be covering up the assassin? It was an assassin who tried to assassinate the prime minister. If you don't know, it's a crime of dereliction of duty that you don't even know that a group of assassins are swinging under your eyes.

Seeing Wang Zhou's embarrassed appearance, Yang Tianhe knew that his goal had been achieved, so he continued, "I'm not here to ask you to blame you, but those assassins are too cunning. I didn't know this news until after the prime minister was assassinated. Thank you for this."

Now Wang Zhouxue has been obedient. Now he just bows his head and listens to the instructions and doesn't say a word.

Yang Tianhe continued: "This time, Ali is to encircle and suppress these assassins. To take a pot of their headquarters, I still need the help of the guard."

When Wang Zhou heard this, he finally understood that Yang Tianhe was going to encircle and suppress these assassins with his own forces. That's why he replied, "The subordinate is willing to listen to your orders."

"Okay, I can't stay here for too long, but we have to wait for an opportunity. As long as you try your best to help, you may go to Kyoto to be an official in the future." Yang Tianhe is both pressure and interests.

"Thank you for your promotion." After listening to this, Wang Zhou said that he was happy.

"Remember, don't spread what happened tonight, or I will be ruined this time. Of course, your official position will also be a little dangerous." Yang Tian and didn't forget to order.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, the subordinate will definitely keep his mouth shut." Wang Zhou responded quickly.

"Well, this is the best. It's night. You can arrange a quiet place for me to rest."

"Okay, I'll do it now." With that, Wang Zhou was going to prepare the room.

"Wait," Yang Tianhe stopped Wang Zhou, "and you, the guard in the mansion, should also be strengthened. Don't let anyone get in and out here."

Wang Zhoulian said yes, but he couldn't help muttering that these assassins even wanted to assassinate the prime minister. How could my little guard stop them? It was the same thing to mutter, and Wang Zhou was also afraid, so he hurried down to do Yang Tianhe's explanation.

"Don't you believe in my ability?" The man in gray waited for Wang Zhou to go down before he asked Yang Tianhe. Questioning the protection ability of a guard is an insult to the arrogant man in gray.

"Ha ha, Leng Hui, don't say that. I believe in your ability very much, but be careful to sail a ship for ten thousand years. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, it's always right to pay attention everywhere." Yang Tianhe said the name of the man in gray for the first time.

"Humph," Leng Hui didn't seem to buy Yang Tianhe's words. "If there is another time, I won't protect you."

Yang Tianhe was not angry with Leng Hui's words and said with a smile, "I don't want this kind of errand next time. I'm just a weak scholar. Why did the prime minister send me to such a dangerous place?"

"Well, you are a weak scholar, so most people are a baby." Leng Hui is obviously not interested in Yang Tianhe.

"Isn't I just a baby for you?" Yang Tianhe sighed rarely.