fa mou

Chapter 61 Bold Ling Xianger

promised to complete the task, but also paid a huge price for this 'mission'. Every time he completes the task, he habitually comes to the place where he should come, and this time is no exception. Deep in the promise, he still hopes that he will not be betrayed by the organization. He hopes to see the woman he wants to see in the secret room.

The compound is still so quiet, but there is no one in the secret room. Although he promised not to look for it, he could feel it. The feeling of his coming here this time is different from before. Seeing such a 'desolate' scene here, Xu promised's heart was even colder. He felt that his whole body was soft, and the blood also flowed down his arms and his legs flowed down.

In order not to be found by others, there is another special thing about this night coat, that is, after tightening, even if you bleed, it will not flow out, so that others can track you. This promise was not forgotten, but when he came to the secret room, his head was blank. Although killing is a painful thing, for promise, this is also like a home, with places worthy of his nostalgia and her worthy of nostalgia.

People always have to face the reality, and promise to wake up quickly, but the injury on his body makes his consciousness more blurred. Promise suddenly noticed that there was a dazzling box in this secret room, which had never been seen before. He used to see a woman here, but now it has become a big box.

Promise walked over numbly and opened the box. The contents of the box are very simple and can be clear at a glance. There are actually some good wound medicine in it. Whether it is the porcelain bottle containing the medicine or the smell of the wound medicine, the promise is very familiar. In the past, when he was injured, the woman personally applied medicine to him. In addition to the wound medicine, there are some gauze used to bandage wounds.

These things are life-saving for the current promise. However, the promise was attracted by another thing, which was a note, a very different note, because the paper was pink. Over the years he has promised to live, he has only seen only one person writing letters on paper of this color, and that is the woman. This kind of paper is made of ordinary paper, which is dyed with the juice of pink rose petals. There is only one special thing about this paper, which is the fragrance of roses, like the smell of that woman.

Promise opened the note with a line of domineering words, which did not seem to be written by a weak woman, but the promise was convinced.

The note says: No. 1, I hope you can see this note. I can't help but do it and I can't explain it. I can't help it. I also have a 'second master' on it. He is in Kyoto. When you saw this note, I was already on my way to Kyoto. I hope you You can go to Kyoto to find me and avenge me, or

I still expect you to forgive me. I'm really a shameless woman. I will wait for you in Kyoto for two years.

After reading this note, the promised eyes, which were a little weak, suddenly became firm. He folded the note carefully, then took off his clothes, slowly drugged himself, and then wrapped it up. This is the first time I promised to do it myself, but it doesn't look clumsy at all. Maybe it's because of the familiarity. However, the promised amount of medicine is still large, but the amount of medicine in it is enough.

If a person doesn't have enough medicine, he will definitely bleed to death before and no longer need these drugs. The woman calculated this very accurately. Promise not only uses a lot of medicine, but also almost uses the gauze used for dressing. The only remaining strength has been used for medicine and dressing, so when he finished all this, he fell into the only ** in the secret room.

When you promise to wake up, you can know that it's going to be dawn. Although this secret room is secret, it does not hinder you from knowing the time outside and even what is happening outside. Knowing that time was running out, he quickly put on the night clothes stained with dry blood. The only place he can think of now is the guest building. Or, that's his only home.

The time turned to noon today. Our Miss Ling Xianger saw that she was in a bad mood this morning and seemed to be in good spirits. She seemed to be sick. So at noon, Ling Xianger was very considerate and personally served a night's delicious porridge to Promise. This is not Ling Xianger's cooking. Although Ling Xianger's management is a good hand and has a father with excellent cooking skills, her cooking skills are not flattering.

At this special moment, Ling Xianger also knew that it was better not to 'poison' his promise with his skills. I didn't see him miss him this morning. Well, in her spare time at noon, Ling Xianger let her father make porridge for one night and brought it to him.

However, when Ling Xianger came to the door of the promised room, she found that the promised door was pinned with a lock, just like this morning.

The promise is not in it. Hasn't he come back since this morning? Where has he been? Ling Xianger was puzzled. Ling Xianger opened the door, and there was no promise inside. Ling Xianger put the porridge on the table. She waited left and right infatuated, but she didn't see the promise to come back. There was nothing she could do. Ling Xianger was too busy during the day. Before she could wait for the promise, she went to the lobby to keep accounts.

However, Xiang'er didn't have any intention to keep accounts all afternoon, and she always thought about the expression she promised this morning. Finally, when it closed in the evening, Ling Xianger let her father cook porridge for one night and promised to bring it in person. It was not until today that Boss Ling found that his daughter liked to drink her own porridge so much that he was so happy that his face was full of smiles.

There is no doubt that when Ling Xianger came to the promised room again, it was still empty, and the bowl of porridge in the morning was still intact on the table. Ling Xianger put the bowl on the table again and waited left and right, but she still didn't promise to come back. At this time, she is like a little wife who is looking forward to the return of her husband in the distance.

Ling Xianger's mind is full of promises, and the more she waits, the more anxious she becomes. When she promised a holiday before, she disappeared for a day and a night. She didn't care much, but now she is like an ant on a hot pot.

Ling Xianger thought of the promise and thought of his morning note, which still made her a little embarrassed. Suddenly, Ling Xianger thought of the book she had promised last night, which also had the same words on it, but whether the handwriting would be too new, and whether the book would look a little old, and whether it would also be a promise to write randomly to deceive herself. If she read the book that seemed to be 'mysterious', will Do you know where the promise went? Ling Xianger thought of all kinds of possibilities, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt.

Promises have said that in this room, as long as Ling Xianger finds something, it's useless and she can't find it. Although the book is very secretive, Ling Xianger found it without much effort.

It's still the words that made Ling Xianger blush, but this time she no longer cares about these. Because she was too worried about the promise, Ling Xianger boldly opened the old 'Spring~Palace Picture Book'.