fa mou

Chapter 68 was found

The most difficult thing is trust, and now the most valuable thing for promises is trust. He is in a surging mood now, but he is still calm. Although Ling Xianger promised to calm down, she couldn't help it, because she heard that Yang Tianhe was going to take her father to Kyoto, which was tantamount to arrest. Will they still meet one day in the future?

However, he promised to hold Ling Xianger tightly and not let her go out. He promised that if they escaped this disaster, he would have a way to save Boss Ling. He promised that he used to be good at killing people and could do it without knowing ghosts. Now he is going to save people, and he is sure that he can do it to this extent. But if Ling Xianger is also arrested together, he can't save two people at the same time.

Yes, the promise is selfish at this time, but he still won't rush out to reason with Yang Tianhe and others, because he knows the world too well. Ling Xianger saw the firm eyes of the promise and stopped struggling. She knew that there must be something about the promise, because she had chosen to believe the promise before. There is a second factor that Ling Xianger didn't rush out, that is, Boss Ling's words. Boss Ling's words seemed to be what he said to them. He believed in his daughter and promises.

Yang Tianhe did not show too many strange expressions in Boss Ling's 'enthusiastic and generous' speech. He waved his hand and someone invited Boss Ling down. It seems that what Yang Tianhe said is true. He is going to take Boss Ling back to Kyoto to meet the so-called prime minister.

"Go back and don't stay here." Yang Tianhe didn't seem to care about the killer today.

The officers and soldiers have also left, and the boss has also been taken away. There are only a group of shop assistants and cooks left. Let me see you. Look at me, I don't know what to do.

"What should we do now?" Finally, a bolder shop assistant asked what most people wanted to ask.

"What else can we do now? The boss has been taken away, and the young lady is not here. We can't open a store today. Let's make a final decide when the young lady comes back." An older cook said that he seemed to have a good relationship with Boss Ling.

There was nothing they could do, so they had to break up separately. After a while, the backyard, which seemed to be very crowded, was immediately gone.

"Why did you let me go out and fight with them, and there was no wound on me?" Finally, Ling Xianger asked her what she had said for a long time.

"If I let you out, they will also take your father away, and even you will be taken away." The promise is true.

"No matter where I go, I will be with my father. Is he so old that he can stand prison?" Ling Xianger's eyes turned red. When she thought that her father would carry it in the dark cell, her nose immediately felt sour.

"I don't think so. You also heard the conversation between your father and Lord Yang just now. Before your father became the owner of a restaurant, he seemed to have been an official in Kyoto, and he was a senior official. He seems to be very familiar with that adult, and he should not embarrass your father. Promise to analyze Ling Xianger. It's not that Ling Xianger didn't hear this, but that she put her mind on her father just now, and she was not in the mood to care about anything else.

"Is it really like this?" Ling Xianger asked hopefully.

"Yes, Lord Yang should take your father back to Kyoto. It seems that the prime minister appreciates him very much. I will go to find out the news later. If those people are not good to your father, I can also save him. But if it's really as Lord Yang said, you can also visit your father and believe he won't embarrass you. Promise to continue to analyze.

"Well, that's it. Let's go out first. It's crowded." With that, Ling Xianger was about to go out. Suddenly, he promised to hold Ling Xianger and hold her in his arms.

"You...what are you doing..." Ling Xianger thought it was a promise and wanted to do something inappropriate for children, but in the current situation, she is not in the mood to do such a thing. However, before she finished her words, she was covered by the promise. In view of the promise's past style, it should be noted that the promise is covered by hand, not with the mouth, or somewhere else.

"Don't go out first. Someone is coming." It turned out that Xu Yue faintly heard footsteps, and it was not that he suddenly turned into a beast.

Sure enough, after Xu Nuo covered Ling Xianger's mouth, he walked to the backyard. To the surprise of the two, the man who came to the backyard turned out to be Li Heizi, who talked a lot. The big black man walked, and his voice was so soft that he was not promised to be found until he was about to come in.

What did he do in the backyard? This is the question of two people hiding in the rockery. Li Heizi has always been very diligent and willing to work, but he talks too much. He seems to have two tongues and can speak in turns so that he won't be tired.

Li Heizi walked to the backyard, looked around casually, and then went to the stone bench and sat down, as if thinking about something.

Ling Xianger was hugged by the promise, and her hand covered her mouth, which made her feel a little strange, and she breathed quickly. As soon as Ling Xianger was excited, the fragrance on her body became stronger, making Nuo almost intoxicated with it.

Suddenly, Li Heizi, sitting on the stone bench, spoke, but said to himself, "Where did this lady and promise go? Won't they really go out for a tryst? At this critical moment, they actually went to fall in love. Ha ha, there's nothing I can do about this boy. It seems that he is really flattering. Women like it."

Even if Li Heizi is talking to himself, he says a lot. Of course, both of them heard it. The promise was accustomed to Li Heizi's habits, but Ling Xianger didn't want to. The most important thing is that Li Heizi knows that he promises to please women, which is the last thing Ling Xianger wants to hear. Therefore, Ling Xianger was very instinctive and pinched the soft meat on the promised waist with her hand, and a pair of red phoenix eyes stared at him.

This makes the promise very helpless. He muttered in his heart that what Li Heizi said was not good, but he wanted to say these things.

Just when Xu promised was dissatisfied with Li Heizi, the long-tongued man opened his mouth and said, "I just thought my nose was broken. It turned out that there was no problem, but now I smelled this fragrance again. Ling Xianger, Xianger, Miss is really like her name."

When I heard this, I suddenly felt a chill in my heart. Thinking that Boss Ling said that just now was because he found that his daughter was hiding in the rockery. How could Boss Ling not be familiar with the fragrance of his daughter? Even if I have only worked here for more than a month, I am familiar with this fragrance. And Li Heizi has worked in the guest building for two years. Why can't he know the smell of Ling Xianger?

Thinking of this, he knew in his heart that they had been found.


Author's words: Today's second update, I dare not ask for tickets, and there are more in the evening