fa mou

Chapter 84 Wang Zhou's impulse

The promise was caught in his foot and suddenly pulled down. Even if you have good light skills, you have to pull it down. However, the promise is still lucky, because he holds Ling Xianger in his arms, otherwise there will be many sharp swords waiting for him. But even so, after the promise was pulled to the ground, a few swords stabbed him.

Those guards have some skills. Although they dare not attack Ling Xianger, they are not polite to promises at all. Although Promise has now vaguely guessed that they dare not hurt Ling Xianger, even if he dies, he can't take her to block the sword.

For promises, it is not the stabbed swords that he can block. What depressed him the most was the rope on his feet and Ling Xianger. Those who hold the rope keep pulling back, making the promise unsteady. Therefore, the promise was a little dangerous, and those swords almost stabbed him many times.

However, he promised not to be so stupid. He could cut the ropes under his feet with a sword. However, he did not cut it now, but was slowly pulled into the crowd. These scenes fell into the eyes of the spectators behind. Boss Ling was anxious, Yang Tianhe was proud, but Leng Hui, it was difficult to frown.

Sure enough, the promised approach is a bold plan. Just as he was pulled close to those who held the ropes, the promise suddenly broke out.

Originally, the guards thought that the promise was about to be exhausted, but they never thought that his speed would suddenly increase.

Promised that a sword would bounce off a few stabbed swords. His sword contained great power, which made several sword holders suddenly lean to one side. Even the sword in their hands almost came out.

Those guards with swords suddenly exposed the guards holding ropes behind them. In this short moment, the promise turned into a shadow, whether it was the figure or the sword in his hand. In an instant, several guards holding ropes immediately returned to the west, and there was a scarlet in the middle of their throats. Undoubtedly, the throat and blood vessels between their throats were shaken by the promised strength.

In such a short time, he suddenly used such a sword, and his face couldn't help blushing. But he did not stop at all, but stirred up a long rope with the hilt, and then hurled the sword in his hand. Only a 'squeak' was heard, and the roped sword was firmly nailed to the roadside house.

The promised light work, coupled with the power of ropes, jumped to the roof in an instant. All this happened in a blink of an eye. When the guards reacted and were about to pull a few falling ropes, they promised to have cut off the others with their swords, leaving only one, and then quickly put them in their arms.

Seeing a series of promised actions, Leng Hui couldn't help saying, "Good strategy."

"Well, it's a good plan, but I still have a second round." Yang Tianhe said with a good heart.

Sure enough, when he promised to jump over several roofs in a row and thought he was about to escape, he didn't expect a Wang Zhou to suddenly kill him halfway. Yes, the rope is the first-hand preparation, which is Yang Tianhe's second-hand preparation. Sure enough, the rope couldn't trap the promise and helped him instead. But at this time, on the roof, Wang Zhou didn't know when he brought dozens of soldiers and waited for him there. There are many people standing on both the ground and on the roof.

"Well, let's see how you escaped from Lord Yang's net. I advise you to surrender obediently." Wang Zhou, standing on the roof, said loudly. For Wang Zhou, why do you have to do something that can be solved with his mouth? After all, he is no longer young (a little crooked).

Promised no nonsense. Now time is very important to him, so he rushed up directly with his sword. And Wang Zhou also knew that the promise was powerful, so he didn't do it himself, but there were many people under him. Therefore, under his order, a group of hula came over. Wang Zhou did not mean to take the promise, but delayed the time, and the guards had to catch up.

Why doesn't Wang Zhou know what he promised to know, but there is nothing he can do now.

After a few moves, the promised eyes inadvertently brushed the wall. Although it is night, you can still see some ink on the wall. Yes, these promises and Wang Zhou's common masterpieces, although many days have passed, the ink is still there. Seeing those ink marks, the promise suddenly had a plan. This strategy was also learned from the guest building, which is a frustrating pain.

As promised, he said, "Wang Zhou, do you think you can erase the shame of your door by erasing the handwriting on the wall? You will always be an old turtle with a son's cuckold." In the past, promises certainly couldn't scold these words, but under the rendering of restaurant diners, they also learned a lot.

"What did you say? Did you write those words?" Wang Zhou was both anxious and angry at this time, and he roared out of his words.

"Hahaha... That's right, it's me. I wrote wonderfully." The promise continues to hit Wang Zhou.

"You bastard, look, I won't kill you today." Wang Zhou rushed up with red eyes and roared.

Wang Zhou's roar was loud, and Yang Tianhe also heard it, "Oh no!" These are the three words said by Yang Tianhe.

"Good strategy." This is what Leng Hui said.

Wang Zhou, as the head of a town, is not a false reputation. A big knife dances in his hand. However, his opponent is a promise. He chose the wrong opponent today, which is also his last choice.

Wang Zhou now can't care about Yang Tianhe's orders, whether it's promise or Ling Xianger, raise his knife to cut it randomly. Crazy people's knife skills are fierce, but in front of masters who are much higher than him, they are full of flaws.

Sure enough, after Wang Zhou cut a few knives, he raised the big knife again and cut the promise from top to bottom. This knife has an unprecedented momentum, but it is indeed 'unprevious', which is his last minute in the world.

Promised to dodge and stabbed him with a sword. At this time, Wang Zhou felt what it was to be cool. Promise pierced Wang Zhou with a sword, and then pulled it out ruthlessly.

Wang Zhou covered his chest and said something in his mouth, "I can't avenge you, I can't..." Wang Zhou fell down, then rolled down the eaves and fell to the ground with a 'bang'. In this way, the head of a town died like this and died on impulse, but he was worthy of being a man.


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