fa mou

Chapter 107 Buck's Challenge

When I was a child, my mother told us not to talk to strangers. When we become old, society tells us not to trust the words of strangers easily. Obviously, now the promise has made a very serious mistake, that is, he is not prepared for this little cunning old man.

"Challenge, is this a challenge?" Xu promised to look at the old man and asked unexpectedly.

"Yes, and you have accepted the challenge." Buck rushed to say. Since yesterday, he has felt that this person of his age is not simple. Looking at him sober today, he has the idea of fighting with him.

"Why didn't you tell me it was a challenge?" Promise still stared at the old man. The promise is not afraid, but unclear, a little confused and depressed.

"Because you didn't ask me," the old man said innocently, "Don't you want to compare with my disciples? Now is the opportunity. I think you will definitely not win him."

"Real?" The old man's self-confidence made the promise eager to try. Of course, he didn't care about the old man's yin. This can only make him remember more and not to trust the obscene old man easily.

"Young man, it seems that you are very confident in your tone." The old man said in a strange tone.

"If you don't have confidence in yourself, no one can help you." Promise said confidently.

"Oh, what are you waiting for? Let's compare." The old man began to urge.

"Do as you wish." After saying that, Promise ignored the little cunning old man.

In the morning, the fog in the valley has not completely dissipated. Two young people stood opposite each other. Although their expressions were relaxed, their sharp eyes did not leave each other's bodies at all times. This is a master's experience, staring at the opponent's whole body, because you don't know where the opponent will attack from, or which part is possible.

The old man stood next to the two people. He looked at the two focused young people, couldn't help smiling, and then whispered, "Then, let's start."

As soon as the old man gave the order, Buck took action. Because Buck is a martial artist from a foreign family, he doesn't pay attention to any momentum and doesn't care about any momentum. He just stared at the promise, like the eyes of a wolf, but his movements were as fierce as a tiger.

Buck rushed over to promise, raised his foot and kicked the promise's chest. In his cognition, when fighting, his legs are always much more brave than fists. This is also the style of the northern barbarians, which is fast and fierce, with the greatest strength to defeat the opponent in the shortest time.

When he promised to see Buck's fierce coming, he did not take it hard, but turned slightly and dodged Buck's foot. Promise that whether it is a murder or a test, it will not weaken its momentum. He just dodged Buck's foot, and then his backhand was a knife, cutting Buck's back neck.

The promised counterattack was quick, and Buck's reaction was not slow. Buck felt the strong wind behind his head. He stopped his body and bent down. Several movements were natural. But Buck was not willing to just dodge. Taking advantage of the inertia of leaning over, he swept his feet backwards towards the promise.

promised that he would not hit the blow. Seeing the swept foot, he also wanted to try the power of Buck, so he crossed his hands horizontally in front of him.

Only heard a 'bang', and the two of them spelled abruptly. However, Buck's strength was indeed not small, and he promised to slide his feet along the ground for several steps before he stopped.

Fee a little numbing arms, and promised, "Yes, you have a lot of strength."

Buck forced Xu Promise to fight hard. Seeing the indifferent expression on Xu Promise's face, he knew that he had not taken any advantage. Buck also said sincerely, "You are not strong. Not many people in our tribe can catch my foot."

"Ha ha, right? Now it's my turn to attack. You have to be careful." The promise reminded Buck that he was very confident in his speed.

"Come on, I'll continue." Buck put on a posture and dealt with the promise carefully. This is his instinct. No matter who his opponent is, he should concentrate on it. This may also be said to be the habit of the barbarians in the north, because there are often wild animals where they live.

I promised not to talk more nonsense, and jumped over. Promised that he didn't know the power type, the killer needed skills, so he chose to use his fist. Although the fist is not powerful enough, it is more flexible.

The promise that his favorite thing is to attack the opponent's face, which can be seen from his test of the old man's action, so he is no exception this time. Seeing the fast punch of the promise, Buck's eyes contracted violently. It's really fast, Buck couldn't help admiring.

Buck raised his palm and abruptly received the promised punch. Buck still underestimated the strength of the promise. Although he is technical, it does not mean that he has little strength. The promise is just used to using what he is best at.

Buck's palm was numb by the promised punch, but he didn't have time to think about it, because the second move of the promise came again.

A punch was blocked, and he promised to raise his foot and kicked Buck's lower abdomen. At this time, the distance between the two of them is about the distance between their arms, promising that this foot, coupled with a slight forward tilt, can use the greatest strength.

Buck was unwilling to show weakness. He raised his knee and took the promised foot. Not to mention that Buck's strength is really great, and he can catch it abruptly.

Buck took advantage of the promise to take a break, grabbed his calf at once, jumped up with the other foot, and returned a foot back to the promised lower abdomen. When Promise saw Buck coming fiercely, he suddenly made a big turn. This is also a move he promised likes to use. He couldn't help avoiding Buck's foot, and his foot was out of Buck's control. After all, Buck still can't grasp the promised foot with the strength of his hand.

As soon as the promise landed, it ushered in Buck's foot. This kick is straight, and the strength is much greater. He didn't accept the promise. It's not what he likes to do with his own shortcomings and his strengths.

promised to turn over in the air again, but this time it was not far away, but rolled over Buck's kick. Taking advantage of the inertia of rolling, he promised to keep hitting Buck's way.

Buck was forced to do so, he had to harden it with his arms. But because he did not stand in a good posture, he was promised a random punch and kept retreating.

promised to roll over and then fall to the ground. At this time, the situation was very polite to the promise, and he could not let go of this opportunity. As soon as the promise landed, he wanted to jump over to attack again.

But I don't know what's going on. Suddenly, a round stone rolled over from one side and rolled to the promised step. Promised to step on the stone, one stood unsteadily and slipped to the side.