fa mou

Chapter 125 Changes in Promise and Ling Xianger

It has been almost two years, and the beautiful woman in front of her has completely grown up, whether it is age, figure, or where a woman should have. Ling Xianger's slight smile has inadvertently showed a charming feeling. I don't know how many times this feeling has made the promise stunned.

"Brother Xu, what are you looking at?" Although two years later, Ling Xianger still looked very shy in front of the promise, especially the aggressive eyes of the promise.

"Oh, nothing, I think you have really grown up." With that, Promise subconsciously glanced at Ling Xianger's chest. Well, the pure promise was broken by the old man. Even if the old man is not bad, he will gradually become bad. Who let him promise to have a charming beauty around him?

"Is my performance very good today?" Ling Xianger asked quickly. Even if she knows her strength now, she can't help asking for a promise that getting his praise is to give her the greatest praise.

"Very good, the old man said that if you want to become a master, you have to think more about yourself. It's not convenient for me to tell you anything else." Promise now admires the old man's ability.

"Can we go to the roof to see the moon?" Ling Xianger held the arm that promised to be stronger, but still **, and then asked with a smile.

"Of course." Promise answered quickly. Although the promise is calm, it is dark and turbulent in my heart. After all, Ling Xianger doesn't have to be two years ago. She is more mature and heroic than two years ago, and even has a charming feeling between her hands and feet.

And her body has also changed a lot, especially the two soft balls squeezed on the promised arm, which are more magnificent than two years ago, and the promise is more and more irresistible. This feeling is really so good... Who promised that he is still a baby?

"What are you thinking, Brother Xu, why don't you hold me up?" Ling Xianger shook her promised arm and said coquettishly.

In fact, Ling Xianger herself could easily jump to the roof, but since she jumped several times, she was unwilling to jump again and always let the promise to hold her up. Originally, she didn't want to promise, but Ling Xianger always found thousands of excuses to make the promise have to give in. Therefore, now Ling Xianger is aboveboard and let the promise be held up.

There is nothing we can do. Under Ling Xianger's soft and hard foam, the promise is only reluctant on the surface. In fact, the blood in his heart is boiling. Then he hugged Ling Xianger and deliberately said, "I'm going to go up. You should be careful and hold on."

This is Lang Youqing, my concubine's intention, and what else does she use to promise? Isn't this a cover-up? With Ling Xianger's current skills, she can still fall down. Even if she falls head down, she can stand firmly on the ground. However, Ling Xianger couldn't break it. She hugged the promised neck happily, then put her cheek against his chest and said softly, "You have to hold it tight and go up slowly. Don't let me fall down."

Now Ling Xianger is not too shy, as if she didn't do it before. It's just something that happened after she lost her memory. Now she bravely pursues what she loves, and some things need to be boldly tried, so Ling Xianger feels that she is very happy now.

The roof of that house has been lying on for nearly two years, so it has been imprinted. At this time, the moon stars were rare again, and the two lay on the roof again. It's just two years ago, the two were lying side by side, but now they are hugging each other tightly. They don't know when they started hugging each other, because it doesn't matter anymore. Now the important thing is that they feel very warm with each other. Although Ling Xianger's memory has not recovered, she promised to feel that it is now very good. Sometimes, contentment is not a kind of happiness.

Promised to talk with Ling Xianger on it and compete after the conversation. This competition was thought of by Ling Xianger. And what excites the promise is that if the promise wins the game, you can kiss Ling Xianger and promise Ling Xianger a condition if you lose. Is there anything more wonderful than this in the world, so I promised to agree with Ling Xianger's statement. Ling Xianger counted the moon and promised to count the stars. Every time Ling Xianger won, and every game ended in a happy and harmonious atmosphere.

Tonight, the promise lost again. He didn't know how many conditions he owed Ling Xianger.

"Brother Xu, you lost again." Ling Xianger said happily and couldn't help drilling into the promised arms.

"Yes, but I will definitely beat you next time." The promise said solemnly.

Why do you promise to lose every time and still promise Ling Xianger's game? The promise is not a fool. Of course, there is also an element in it that he spoils Ling Xianger, but there is still a factor in it that makes the promise more excited.

The promise has not smelled the fragrance of Ling Xianger for several days. Of course, this is when it is on the roof, not their usual comparison. Therefore, the promise is to repeat the old story again tonight.

"Xiang'er, I have something to discuss with you." The promise has been said no more than a hundred times.

"Ah, what's the matter?" Ling Xianger felt shy because she heard this sentence. Because at the first time, Ling Xianger didn't think of what the promise was at all. The first time it was a raid. Therefore, Ling Xianger is very shy in the future 'discussion'.

"That's what happened." Although the promise was not directly clear, he had smelled the fragrance from Ling Xianger's body.

"What, I don't know?" Ling Xianger always uses this excuse to prevaricate her promises.

When the time came, how could he easily let go of the beautiful woman in front of him? So, he promised to kiss Ling Xianger's delicate red lips skillfully. The crazy kiss, the promise is familiar with the road, and even Ling Xianger can cooperate skillfully. Dry kisses, wet kisses, crazy kisses, pecking kisses, or tasting soft fragrance, double dragons going to sea, panting, dragons and water, they have all cooperated well with each other.

Of course, Promise and Ling Xianger are just kissing, which makes countless lonely book friends crazy, hehe. However, it was not a gentleman who promised to be too decent, but when Ling Xianger was attacked for the first time, he put forward the conditions for winning the previous competition, which was also the only condition Ling Xianger put forward to promise.

Ling Xianger's condition is very simple, that is, she promised to win the victory of the martial arts festival, win the first place, and win the title of brave, and then let her promise the next move. There is no way. Who let the promise love Ling Xianger deeply? Her promise is very confident to complete this condition. Therefore, the promise is not in a hurry. Now let's feel the joy of this time.

The long kiss was finally over, and the two looked at each other affectionately. Under the moon, Ling Xianger's delicate cheeks turned red and her eyes were full of spring. If it hadn't been for an agreement, she would have made a promise or couldn't help it.

"You are so beautiful." Promised that many men would say and often say, but what he said was different. His difference was that the effect was very good. Ling Xianger loves to listen to this sentence, and she never gets tired of listening to it, but women should always be a little reserved.

"Brother Xu, is that what you said?" Ling Xianger is not reserved today.

"Of course it's true. I can swear to the moon that I haven't counted. If I have a lie, let other moon fall and kill me." The promise said solemnly.

"Brother Xu, I didn't expect you to be a smooth-tongued man. How can there be a second moon in the sky?" Ling Xianger gently pounded the promised chest and said coquettishly.

"Although there is no now, but if you count it, you may have it." Promise said very seriously.

Only then did Ling Xianger know that the promise was joking about her. The IQ of the woman in love was really low. Ling Xianger beat the promise helplessly, then buried her head in his chest and said, "You will cancel me. You're making fun of me. I won't let you do that next time." Well, river crab, that's the thing, not that thing, don't think about it anymore)

"Oh," Xu promised sighed inexplicably and then said, "Old man, when are you going to peek there?"


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