fa mou

Chapter 132

If there is a group of people, with a large army, driving warships and aircraft carriers, carrying planes and tanks, come to your territory, and then say to you, "Hey, boy, draw out a piece of your land, we need to station troops." What's the situation? Isn't this a disguised aggression? At this time, although the Ba people were not so serious, they were almost the same. You said a good martial arts festival, and then you brought a large number of warriors, and you have to live alone next to other tribes, and don't let others know the details of your warriors. Isn't this a provocation?

Promised that when he came in before, the Atan must have told the patriarch of the Ba'i clan, so he looked so bad. Even Ba Li, who has always been very bold, can't stand such conditions. But now that the old man came, he has a high prestige, so the patriarch Baal hoped that he could make up his mind, so he didn't say anything.

"What kind of place do you want to have a rest?" The old man's words were amazing. These words choked the Baal people for a long time, and even the honest Buck was a little anxious. Only the promise is very indifferent, and Ling Xianger... has only been paying attention to the indifferent promise.

Tler didn't expect the old man to be so talkative again, which was simply a little compromise. But can this old man represent the patriarch of the Ba people? With doubts, Telle looked at the patriarch Baal. At this time, although the patriarch Ba Li's face turned a little red and seemed to be full of questions, he still didn't say anything. The patriarch Ba Li did not speak, which means that he acquiesced to the old man's statement.

The old man's directity made Teller a little uncomfortable. He said, "We just need an empty place. It's better not to be inside your tribe, because I'm afraid that the warriors of our tribe will disturb your people when they practice, which will affect us. The friendship between the two ethnic groups, isn't it?" What Telle said is like taking care of the people of the Ba people, as well as the friendship between the two ethnic groups, which is the kind of friendly messenger who takes into account the overall situation.

"These are all the requirements. Is there nothing else?" The old man asked with great concern. The old man's behavior, the patriarch of Ba Li is about to collapse, but he still hasn't collapsed. I put up with it, the patriarch Baly thought so. It seems that it is not so easy to be the head of a family.

"Oh, by the way, it's better to find a place with water for us, which is also convenient. Moreover, we didn't bring much this time, so this food also needs to be provided by you." Since the old man didn't care, Tler asked rudely.

"Okay, there is no problem with these. I also think of a good place that suits your requirements." With that, the old man stood up and picked up the cup used by the patriarch Baal. Because the patriarch Baal was not in a good mood, he didn't drink the wine inside, which made the old man cheaper.

The old man raised his glass to Tler and said, "I hope you have a good time and get good results in the martial arts festival, but it seems that you are very confident, so no more nonsense, I will give you a toast."

Tlaire is still very polite. He also raised his glass and said to the old man, "Don't dare to be. You are an old hero. How can I let you toast? It should be that I should respect you. Although your martial arts have been lost, I still admire you very much. If not If you lose all your martial arts skills, maybe we haven't had this opportunity this time.

Although Tlaire's words seemed respectful on the surface, they had spikes and told the news that the old man was already a 'useless' person. The old man didn't care at all. He just smiled and said lightly, "A new generation replaces the old man. I, an old man, should have retired a long time ago. Now it's your young people's world."

With that, the old man was going to touch the cup with Tlaire, but the old man did not sit on the other side of Tlaire. There was a tall Ba Li between them, so the old man had to leave the chair and walk around. However, at this time, an accident happened. I don't know if the old man is really old. After losing his martial arts, he became useless. He was tripped by the chair legs of the chair seated by the patriarch Ba Li, and then the wine glass in his hand came out and flew out. Coincidentally, Trier saw the old man coming by, and he was embarrassed to stand still and want to go around. However, just as Truel took a step, the old man's wine glass hit him in the face.

In the emergency, several Atan warriors standing behind Trier were also good hands. They were also the closest to Trier and naturally saw the wine glass flying to the middle of Trier's face. Trier's own martial arts skills were extremely poor, and he was also stunned by the sudden incident, because he had been acting elegantly before, so he was not prepared at all. This glass is neither heavy nor light, and there is wine in it. If it really spills on Tler's face and his nose is smashed, the previous prestige of the Atan people will completely disappear.

Although they found the wine glass, the wine glass was too fast. They could only follow with their eyes, and their hands and feet could not make a difference.

Just as the glass was about to hit Tlaire's face, Tlaire had closed his eyes and accepted his fate. But at the last moment, when the wine glass was still a centimeter away from Trull's nose, it was caught by one hand. The hand that catches the wine glass is very slender and white. It should be a pair of hands that are good at holding swords. But not many people have really seen this with sword, because most of the people they have seen are already dead (hey, many book friends say that my style is like Gu Da, and now we have a short paragraph to review).

Yes, the person who received the glass promised. He used to stand behind the old man's chair, but he was indeed the fastest. When the promise was taken into the hands and not a drop of wine was leaked, the Atan warriors shouted one after another: Be careful, be careful... Of course, they can only shout.

When the Atan warriors saw that Tler was safe and sound, they were relieved. However, their mood soon disappeared, because they hardly saw how the people came to catch the cup, and they only saw a shadow. The person who was caught was so young that there was no superfluous expression on his face and his eyes were also indifferent, but it made those Atan warriors feel a little scared.

At this time, Tlaire also reflected, because he did not feel anything hit his face. When he opened his eyes, the hand holding the cup had left his face, and Tlaire just saw a proud back. Indeed, the back of Promise was very arrogant at this time, and after this arrogant back was handed to the old man, he stood back to its original position without saying a word. It was not until the promise was settled that Tler saw that the young man was as young as him and as arrogant as him, but their manifestations were very different. Therefore, Tler couldn't help frowning. He knew that even if there was no old man, this martial arts festival would not be so easy.

"Hahaha... When you are old, your legs and feet are a little inconvenient. Don't be surprised by temporary mistakes. Fortunately, I didn't hurt my friends of the Atan people." The old man behaved as if nothing had happened.

And Teller couldn't say anything, so he drank a glass of wine with the old man, and then was led out by Buck to find the place they asked for. The old man and the patriarch Baal kept sending the Atan people to the door of the hall before they turned back. The old man had already ordered Buck to place the Atan people on the edge of the river not far from the valley. I don't know whether the old man's arrangement was unintentional or deliberately.

When the Atan people left, there were only four people left in the huge hall. At this time, the atmosphere was very dull. The patriarch Bali's face is calm, and the old man smiles. The promise is still so indifferent, and Ling Xianger... She has been paying attention to the promise, but at this time, her eyes are full of worshipful little stars. Because of the promise's action just now, it is really too handsome and manly.


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