fa mou

Chapter 137 All Promotion

I would rather provoke gentlemen than villains; I would rather provoke all men in the world than women. The ancient hero said that there are three kinds of people in the world who are the most difficult to deal with, one of which is women. If you provoke women, especially beautiful women, their end is often very tragic. Today, it is the moment when the onlookers of the No. 4 martial arts competition witnessed this legendary story. From today on, or when they go back, they will be better for their wives.

As soon as Ling Xianger's opponent, the young man No. 2's voice fell, he felt the figure in front of him, and then he felt a pain in his lower body. However, before he could cover the key point, his people had already flown out, leaving only a string of bright red ** and a few teeth mixed in it.

The young man No. 2 on the stage didn't see it clearly, but the warriors under the stage saw it clearly. They came to a conclusion that this woman could not be provoked. They just saw a shadow, and then Ling Xianger hit the lower body of the young man No. 2 with one foot, then turned around and swept in reverse, suddenly hitting the young man No. 2's head before he could lie down. These two movements were crisp and very fast, and the young man No. 2 flew off the stage.

Ling Xianger, who finished all this, bowed in the direction of the young man's No. 2 flight out, then looked at the No. 6 martial arts platform, and then slowly walked down the stage. When Ling Xianger walked down, the referee reacted and hurriedly announced, "No. 155 female warrior won!"

When Ling Xianger came off the stage, the warriors who had been peeping at her for a long time consciously made way. Because when they saw Ling Xianger's movements just now, they knew that they were not as good as this woman, and there was even a big gap. Among the barbarians in the north, men are not as good as women, so this man has no courage to pursue women. Even if you have the courage, you will be laughed at. Of course, this can't be put in modern times. If you have love, you must have the courage to pursue it (except for a small white face with only one useful one).

Just now, Ling Xianger looked at the No. 6 competition platform, hoping to see the promise, but the sea of people was vast, and there was no place to find the promise at once. Although Ling Xianger couldn't see the promise, she saw Ling Xianger, because when Ling Xianger came to the stage, the movement of the No. 4 martial arts competition was too loud. What howls and whistles, but in the end it is quiet, which has to attract the attention of others.

And when he promised to see the part that Ling Xianger attacked, he couldn't help leaving a trace of cold sweat on his cheeks. Promise secretly shouted in his heart: Hey, a very pure girl, and she was ruined by the old man. Of course, he knew that Ling Xianger's action was the result of the old man**. In order to train Ling Xianger to be the most aggressive person, the old man must do everything. The weak parts of men and the unprepared attack methods all come from the inheritance of the old man.

"Hey, brother, stop looking at the beautiful woman. That beautiful woman is a thorn, and we can't afford it. Now it's your turn to go to the stage and call your number." A warrior who had just talked a few words from the promise kindly reminded him of the promise. Because the breath of promise is restrained, it shows a very approachable feeling. At this moment, a person talked to promise.

"Oh, okay, thank you for reminding me." Promise smiled at the warrior and then walked on the stage. Promise is now gone without the previous anger, just like a elegant scholar. Wearing barbarian clothes, some arms and legs are exposed. Although the promise looks quite strong, his skin is still relatively white, and he doesn't look like a hard-working martial artist. This is the warrior's opinion. He thought about it and shook his head. Obviously, he was not optimistic about the promise. Because until just now, he promised to stare at other beautiful women. What can such a person do? At most, it is a soft persimmon that eats on his face.

Similarly, the promising and rugged opponent did not see this opponent who is simply whiter than a woman. Of course, this refers to barbarian women, and the women here are also relatively black.

"Are you my opponent?" The rough man said to him condescendingly to his promised opponent. It seems that the big man is very confident in this game.

"Ha ha, it should be. I'm No. 155, and I was called up." The promise didn't care about the other party's tone at all, as if chatting with an acquaintance.

"Foreigners, it seems that you are not my opponent. It's better for people like you to please those female warriors who like beautiful faces." This is the rough man's evaluation of the promise.

"Didn't I hear that women like warriors, even female warriors are no exception?" Promise asked strangely.

"Who said that, I don't like those warriors, but I don't like you either. I like dark-skinned and obedient men." Rough man... Well, it should be said as promised.

"Ah, it turns out that you are a woman." Surprised by the promise, he said it. It turns out that this rough man, no, it should be said that the rough elder sister is a woman. I promised to know countless people, but I didn't expect to read it wrong this time. It seems that the promise still knows too little about women. Just thinking about it, I promised when to strengthen my friendship with Ling Xianger, so that I can have a deeper understanding of women.

"What, you said I was a man!" The rough sister was angry. She wanted to tear up this little white face and suspected that she was a man. Is there anything more humiliating than this? Therefore, the angry rough sister waved her two strong arms and rushed towards the promise without waiting for the referee to say that the game began.

It was okay if this was a man, but it was a woman, a 'exa' woman. Therefore, it was something that could be solved, and I don't know what to do now.

In the face of this rugged woman, just like what the people under the stage thought, the promise was forced by the woman to retreat constantly, and she was about to retreat to the edge of the competition venue. Seeing that the promise was forced to retreat step by step, the rough sister felt that Shengli was getting closer and closer to herself, and she couldn't help speeding up her pace.

When the promise was to retreat to the edge of the competition field and there was no way to retreat, the rough elder sister suddenly came to eat a hungry tiger and rushed to the promise. Seeing that the promise was about to be caught, the rough elder sister looked ecstatic. However, she suddenly felt that the figure in front of her was a flower. By the way, he promised to dodge and dodged the woman's arms, then hooked his toes on her ankle, and then a knife cut her back neck.

The rough sister's promised hand knife, mixed with her feet, took a few steps forward, and then fell down outside the field, and then lay on the ground and couldn't get up. It seemed that she fainted.

Promise looked at the referee helplessly and said, "Although the game didn't start, she attacked me first. I had to knock her out of the competition stage. How should I judge this?"

The promise, who has not been favored by the referee, has such a performance. The promised action is really too straightforward. He is good at hitting other people's key points or weaknesses. He was asked and quickly announced, "She attacked first before the game started, and then she was knocked unconscious by you. So, anyway, this game was won by No. 35."

Buck, who was in the third venue, easily won the first game with his outstanding physique and ability.

Next, Promise, Ling Xianger, Buck, and Tanshan, they passed the test all the way, but they did not encounter most of the obstacles and advanced one after another. The competition lasted until the evening. In the end, they promised that Ling Xianger, Buck, Tanshan, and a warrior of the Yuwang clan won the final victory of each venue. All six of them successfully advanced to tomorrow's finals.


Update the stuffy head, don't talk